Topic: I Challenge any Man! | |
i think the t-shirt should be tight and pink and say "diva" in glitter or sequins. LOL
lol how bout juicy? lmao
kingbreeze, i think you are waaaaay too into this dressing up like a girl thing. lol
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lmao now, don't get me wrong here winnie. not into dressing like a girl but if i gotta do it i can at least make it funny.
i wanna see the salesgirl's face......take a pic of it!
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lol i don't think i'll lose but i will if i do just for you.
i have a lil bit of a deep voice and right now i have a beard so it should be good.
i dont know, last i heard, jail time is part of the plea agreement, but do famous ppl really go to jail? (except for paris hilton and they let her go early) especially a football player. think about it.
i remember watching vick when he played at tech and i am just disgusted with this whole thing.
he won't get much of any but you're right about the celebrity aspect. have you ever heard of jason williams? he shot his driver point blank in the face with a 12 guage in front of a couple people and he eventually got off on the charges.
a lot of people are sick about it.
heres my take i dont want him in jail then that means we (U.S.A) hads to pay for him to be in jail with are tax money. he should have to give his only money to animal rescue shelters across the U.S. and not wright it off as a tax wright off..and the thing with playin football who cares. people say they anit goin to watch football again if he is still aloud to play. whatever you know you are goin to watch football or any other sport.. me i could care less ill watch it
ok the Nichole Richie,Paris Hilton,Britney Spears,Lindsay Lohan, thing WHO FUC*ING CARES they are a waste. talk about something else on the NEWS like have they found a cure for cancer , aids or any of the other virus that they can not fight.. thats my take like it or not i dont care HAVE A GOOD DAY ! |
BLAH BLAH BLAH..Everybody knows he is guilty.It's gonna cost him to get out of this. When he tells on those other guys while hooked up to the lie detector...we may not have to do a thing. Redmond you know those characters play for keeps...They hate to lose!!
Okay tough guy put skirt wher your mouth is.
Bring it on. |
You are so on Red.
I,m in so go iron your skirt. |
Who ever thought that Marcus Vick would be the white sheep of the Vick family?
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The Vick brothers may be clowns, but they are talented and it will help in this case.
A little bow in the hair will make the outfit work!! Now just finding his size will be the trick!!!
![]() ![]() Redmond is SOOOO going to lose this one. Vick is going behind bars. They are predicting now that it could be anywhere from 1 to 5 years. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yea Marcus was made out to be the bad guy when he stomped that guys arm. Now he looks like the better of the 2. Michele was soooworried about Marcus tainting the family name!! Now look who is the taint master!! I worked in VA Beach for a while and I didnt believe the bad stuff that they were saying about the Vicks at the time. I believe them now!! I had one guy tell me that Marcus got his dope from Michele!!