Topic: Those darn Genies
PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/19/06 09:45 PM
This guy walks into a bar, and as he walks in, everyone in the joint is
looking at him. He has an obvioulsy very small head for his body.
As he tells the bartender what he wants, the bartender is trying to
decide to ask the dude what happened but figures he'll just leave it
After about 5 or 6 drinks, the bartender figured maybe the guy would be
loosened up enough to ask, so he says, " Hey buddy, I uh, don't mean to
pry but, what happened to yer head?"
The guy says," Well ya see, I was stranded alone on some island for
about 5 years. I had plenty of food and fresh water there but DAMN! was
I lonely. Anyway, I was at a part of the island I hadn't really been to
very much and was diggin fer clams, when I saw this old oil lamp. I
remembered all those stories about genies when I was a kid so I
thot,'what the hell' and started rubbing the lamp. All of a sudden it
starts shakin and bouncing around so I dropped it and this beautiful
genie pops out. She tells me that for freeing her I'd be granted ANY 2
wishes I wanted(they usually only give 1 but she was in there for a
while).Welllll it had been a while since I'd had any pleasure, if you
know what I mean, so the 1st thing I said to her was,'How about a little

nascar8fan_31's photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:09 AM
lmao .. that was good..

no photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:30 AM

hippie's photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:31 AM
good one animal