Topic: love
dreamkym's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:16 PM
Does love still exist?

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:22 PM

Does love still exist?

What kind of love are you talking about?
I have the love of my God and the love of my children.
I had my late-wife's love while she was still alive.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:23 PM
The challenge with the word is that if you ask 1,000 people what love means you will get 1,000 different answers.

Does love exist ... sure

dreamkym's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:30 PM
relationship wise.. i live in the Caribbean and all i see is people dating for all the wrong reason e.g visa, money,sex etc

LaBellaSoul's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:30 PM

The challenge with the word is that if you ask 1,000 people what love means you will get 1,000 different answers.

Does love exist ... sure

I agree. Love will always exist. Finding someone who has the same definition of it as you, is the hard part.

dreamkym's photo
Wed 07/10/13 03:32 PM
that's good to know

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 07/10/13 06:37 PM
As if it ever has?

No, shush...You'll scare 'em again, Fear, back away...Goddamnit, come on!smokin

no photo
Wed 07/10/13 06:44 PM
Edited by plastic_pancakes on Wed 07/10/13 06:44 PM
Love is abstract. Love exists in the same sense that art exists; people don't agree that something is art or love but it really only matters to person experiencing it, right?

But, no, it doesn't.

Tulareman's photo
Wed 07/10/13 09:56 PM

Does love still exist?
I hope it still does. Even at 59, I still hope to fall inlove again before I leave this world.:heart:

benjaminrodas's photo
Thu 07/11/13 08:31 AM

Does love still exist?

Yes, you are a product of love, of your parents

no photo
Fri 07/12/13 10:58 PM

no photo
Sat 07/13/13 04:12 AM

Does love still exist?
I hope it still does. Even at 59, I still hope to fall inlove again before I leave this world.:heart:

With hope,nothing is beyond you!

Am sure you will find it again,if and when you let it!

no photo
Sat 07/13/13 04:13 AM
Yes,love does exist-and in so may forms!

no photo
Sat 07/13/13 12:12 PM
Its rhe same thing everywhere..some look for love but not many as from what I experienced. We live im a very superficial world at the moment. The ones who find real love are truely blessed.

no photo
Sat 07/13/13 02:00 PM
Love still exits. It is when you put the other person's welfare above your own, that shows real love. Love is an Action Word.

icjking's photo
Sun 07/14/13 02:21 PM
Love exist, everyone have to seek it, to find it.

1Cynderella's photo
Sun 07/14/13 02:52 PM
Does love exist? It's all around you. Love is a Mother nurturing her child. Love is a child cuddling her kitten. Love is a elderly man helping his wife with her sweater in the movie theater. Love is everywhere. :heart:

Goofball73's photo
Sun 07/14/13 06:16 PM

relationship wise.. i live in the Caribbean and all i see is people dating for all the wrong reason e.g visa, money,sex etc

Prostitution is tough these days. :tongue: laugh