Topic: my prayers for you my homegirl | |
i just don't want anyone to think that the immigration issue is about not wanting them or denying them the right to a better living. most of it is simply about the numbers and whether those numbers can support more people.
They want to make it a felony!!
Next time she might find she'll be in prison for 10 years!!! |
Only it will be an internment camp. In the desert near the border!!
She has already been caught with forged documents working at an airport. One of the busiests. Shes lucky they didnt charge her as an enemy combatant or a terrorist!!!
Think about that! |
i dont have any sympathy for any illegal alien.... that having been said, someone must want them here or they would shut the borders down tight. youll never convince me that we couldent close down the border if we really wanted to, so from that perspective, we cant blame the aliens but rather the enforcement practices , or lack therof...
i suppose if it were not for the cheap mexican labor, a head of lettuce would cost us about 5.00 each.... so i guess im conflicted. it seems though that they could enter the country legally and solve this problem themselves. when you enter a country, (or do anything) illegally, expect ramifications. |
My only point once again is the fact that no matter how much people cry, the ones who has the power are not doing anything.
that just tells me that immigrants are a convenient fact for either republicans and democrats. that also serves the purpose to win votes from those who eat the lie that the next president will get rid of the illegals. |
Elvira Arellano was first arrested in 1997 and deported. Her 8 year old son was 3 years from being conceived. She returned again, and again was arrested. A crime that is a felony punishable by 20 years in prison! She was deported instead only to be arrested shortly after 9/11. She was working at Ohare Airport where she was employed washing airplanes under a fake ID! Then she ran and sought refuge in a church for 1 year, until last week she was arrested and deported again! Once again avoiding a felony charge and 20 years, and also avoiding a threat to homeland security and a stint in guantanamo! The next day her son joined her in Mexico and then returned to live with the family of the people that sheltered her for the past year. The people who sheltered a wanted felon from arrest! Even though this too is a crime, these people are also free!
Elvira Arellano and people who want to change our laws claim it is inhumane to separate her and her 8 year old son! They claim, even though she was not sentenced as the crime warrants, that America is inhumane! I dont know about y'all, but I think she should be tried with child abandonment as well, not if but when she comes back again! The Mexican government as bad as the illegals want you to believe they are have decided to fund a full scholarship for this abandoned child to attend a US college! I'm a veteran, my government will not fund me to go to college for two years. I was thinking, what if I went to Mexico, illegally, got a woman pregnant, got arrested, abandoned the child, then came home and went to Washington and made a speech about how unfair the Mexican government treated me. I could make this claim on the grounds that I was grieving over being separated from my child even though I could have brought him/her home with me. My question, do you think the US senate would pay for my child to attend 4 years of college in Mexico? Next time this woman comes here, (and she will), we should enforce the 20 year sentence and give her child to his father to raise, (if it can be determined) or if it cant place the child in a foster home! Then when her and hers are treated with the same authority as an American citizen who commits a felon, she can ***** about how inhumane we are! |
When you watch this video notice three things:
1) She is reading a script that someone evidently wrote for her before talking to the Mex senate! 2) All the illegal aliens sneaking across the border. They arent allowed, thats why they are sneaking! 3) The woman near the end says two things (your government), contradicts herself a bit later saying (our government). She also says the gov. is wrong for seperateing this woman and her child. NOTE;(not once did I read or hear the US gov tell her she couldnt take him with her! Maybe its the Mexican gov's laws against immigration that wont allow her to bring her son, an American citizen, into Mex with her! |
she did get off easy.
if we just opened the borders(not advocating)would anyone actually stay in mexico? |
fanta u r saying too many things which are true, I absolutely agree with you, and therefore, this enforce my point of view. The US government does not want to do anything. As long this status quo does not change illegal immigration will grow at the same rate or even higher.
Asserting this point i'm not supporting my homeboys, I'm just saying that sadly the government does not care a bit what North American people want. And for college you tell me about that. I pay what I have to pay plus I pay for 2 other kids which i don't even know. My tuition is 3 times higher than the rest of the regular students. As far as I'm concern I'm paying my due to the north american people. |
that doesn't sound right LW, sorry to hear that. are you planning on returning home when you graduate LW or are you going to stay? if you decide to stay being a college graduate may increase your chances. or you can just never leave since they aren't in the habit of kicking out anyone that isn't disabled or a protester.
i'll stay.
i'll graduate in december. I already have a job offer for january next year. Legally just for those who like to suffer. |
that's good
That sounds like an out Non-State resident rate Miquel. Its the same if for instance you are a Florida Resident going to school here in NC.
We have a boy at school his tuition is 3 times as high as mine, but it because the school receives a lot of State Tax money to operate, Therefore, since state residents already pay state taxes, their tuition is cheaper. Back to elvira, very few illegals pay taxes at all, and the draw on tax payed programs are far higher than the penitence the ones paying actually pay. I had a friend who payed a total last year of 2500 dollars in Fed taxes, but since she had children when she filed her return she received more than 5000 back! She claims she pays taxes, but simple math will show she doesnt. Her job barely pays over the poverty level and the tax credits for her kids enables her to get back more than she pays in! She however, is an American, but if the illegals are using fake ID and paying taxes I'll just about bet they are filing returns too. Drawing more than they pay, plus food stamps,and medicaid! So no, they still arent benefiting the Fed or the States revenues! They are an added draw, and I wouldnt be surprised if they arent caught, many will fiqure a way to draw a Social Security check! |
using false documents?
what about those who use a false social security to get a loan to buy a house or to refinance. florida number one state in mortgage fraud, and that is the number one way to do it. faking documents. It is a felony, but it's not enforced the way it should be, at least here in florida. i don't think a mexican illegal is going to do that. Lately, most of the companies who hire people check social security numbers before hiring somebody. Before 9/11 it did not matter. Therefore, nowadays hardly an illegal is hired with a fake or stolen social security number. People who hire illegals are well aware of whom they are hiring. Therefore, once again your own peers and not just the government are pro illegals. It's not just me, it'sa vast number of north americans. |
doesn't matter if you are an illegal or not. breaking the law is breaking the law.
Miquel, Im worn out on this issue. I beleive Ive answered that question in the intolerance thread already today!
I could only add this: MILWAUKEE -- Fellow Milwaukee police officers knew him as Jose Morales. But after an anonymous phone tip this winter, an investigation revealed that the Morales in question is actually dead, and the officer is a cousin, Oscar Ayala-Cornejo, 24. He is an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had assumed Morales's identity as a high school student in 1999. and then, dont forget your girl elvira. Remember she was arrested with false ID at Ohare airport! How are you today? Good I hope! |
i'm fine thank you
I hope u r ok as well. I have not read the intolerance thread. Illegality is not the issue. I understand illegal is illegal no matter what. My only point, and what bothers me, is the fact they have used her as show, and anyway there is not an integral solution. Whatever it is deporting them, amnesty, arresting and sending them to guantanamo. Anything |