Topic: Unequally yoked while dating | |
We can discuss this subject forever and you will come up with different reasons why it is or isn't okay. The Biblical perspective for anyone who really wants to do what the Bible says is that there is NEVER a reason for us to yoke ourselves with unbelievers. Not only that the Bible states that we are even to stop associating with anyone CALLED A BROTHER who is a fornicator, idolater, adulterer, etc. NOT EVEN EATING WITH SUCH A ONE. I don't think there is any reasoning beyond that.
Yes a person can save a non-believer. You didn't take the comment in context however, Paul spoke that if one was married before becoming a Christian, they should not seek a divorce for there was the possibility that they might convert their spouse. He was not saying that in hopes of converting someone that we go out and marry and unbeliever.
I believe that this topic has been discussed in another thread, but I can't locate that thread. So, here is a restart of the topic. What justification, if any, would a professed "Christian" have for dating someone who isn't a Christian? How does one reconcile such a dating scenario with the Apostle Paul's warning that Christians aren't to be unequally yoked with unbelievers? Hello I don't believe and I speak from experience that a believer can have a loving, honest relationship with a non-believer. It's like oil and water , the 2 have very different ideas and goals ( one relies on themselves and the other relies on the Lord )It just doesn't work in the end unless the non-believe is willing to accept Jesus as his savior and live a christian life and if that is the case, then let it happen before you get involved. There is a huge difference between 'saving' and 'marrying'.Don't confuse the two. |