really...dont watch this... |
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That was so heart breaking.
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Thank god I didnt watch it.......that reverse psychology won't work for me!!!
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my great neice crys like that when her mother drops her off at day-care for a few hours!!!
![]() ![]() Where is the rest of this propoganda film? And what up with you devinci?? Whats your point? ![]() |
Why do people have to bring children into a very adult topic!
Stop the damn war and you wont see this ****! Either way to use children like this is just immoral!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think we should use our children for doing the dishes and yardwork...
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Fanta my point ...after people have seen this is to point out that there are many children that will never see their moms or dads again thanks to this illegal and immoral war... and why shouldnt children be part of the topic of war...we are killing them everyday & changing their lives forever....almost everything we do in this world is for the children or generations to come... |
And the point to the video was, Hmmmmmmmmmm i dont know,
What I do know is this Damn war has caused children to live in there dreams of what was and what could be,,, I do not support this war or our so called beloved President,,, I do however support our troops and pray for thier safe return.. So please enlighten me on why you choose this video |
In my eyes enough people have been killed. Will it ever end. Too many people's lives have been lost and destroyed because of it. That is just a sad, horrible fact...
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Been happening since the dawn of time.
What about drunk drivers & car accidents, those kill also. SENSATIONALISM, Some of this crap, really irratates me. Sorry opinion. |
What is really sad is that there is a division amongst america .....everyone should be for peace but saddenly they are not
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That video is very sad, it's given me a lot to think about. I have been thinking about joining the Army or at least attempting to, so this has forced me to think about the effect that decision would have on my children. Of course, the effect that a decision should have on children should be taken into consideration. But in the case of our war on terrorism, the choice is make children sad or allow them to die, so the decision for war is an easy one. There is no question that Islamofacists want the US destroyed, they have been chanting for just that for 20+ years.
Gypsy41, Just because someone supports the war in Iraq, that doesn't mean they aren't for peace. That's the kind of thing that creates the division you are talking about. "Agree with me or you are anti-peace". I have friends in Iraq, of course I'm for peace. I have three sons, two of whom want to join the army, of course I'm for peace. Show me someone who has said that they would rather have war than peace. Just because I don't believe that peace is possible in this situation, that doesn't mean I don't believe in or desire peace. |
Spider you said:
"But in the case of our war on terrorism, the choice is make children sad or allow them to die, so the decision for war is an easy one. There is no question that Islamofacists want the US destroyed, they have been chanting for just that for 20+ years. " So you believe that the war in Iraq has decreased threats from terrorists? Because the majority of Americans no longer believe that to be so (and I never did- killing almost always begats killing and extremism creates more fanaticism). (shows 51% of people believe that the war in Iraq is creating more terrorists. (shows that the world public says that the Iraq War has Increased Global Terrorist Threats) And of course the AP has any number of stories about how the war in Iraq is spurring terrorism world wide and here in the US as well.. Specifically, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's July 2007 report on the Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland: "We assess that the spread of radical—especially Salafi—Internet sites, increasingly aggressive anti-US rhetoric and actions, and the growing number of radical, self-generating cells in Western countries indicate that the radical and violent segment of the West’s Muslim population is expanding, including in the United States." So even the current administration knows and admits that we are actually "less safe" from terrorist threats... |
Makes me think of all those innocent young children dying from suicide bombers and car bombs (Not aimed at Americans but innocent men, woman and children) from terrorists that want to subject the Iraqi people to another Taliban like government.It's the same methodology they used in Afghanistan.
As for your taste in using such propaganda....Shameful! |
anoasis said: So you believe that the war in Iraq has decreased threats from terrorists?
============================================================= The only people who know the truth are the terrorists and it's in their best interest to lie. Everyone else can offer their opinions, but I'm not concerned with public opinion. Everyone has an opinion, that doesn't mean their opinion actually carries any weight. I have watched videos made before 9/11 with Imams calling for the destruction of the USA. Their views didn't change after we invaded Iraq. They haven't managed to hit here again, but I do believe another attack is inevitible, because politicians (left and right) act like border security is a joke. They claim we must hate Mexicans, but the reality is that they have found news papers and food wrappers on the US-Mexico border with Arabic writing. If a truck full of illegals can cross the border, then a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon can cross the border. We will be hit again and we will all remember fondly when it was only 3,000 that was killed in a terrorist attack. |
"Everyone has an opinion, that doesn't mean their opinion actually carries any weight".
"Everyone else can offer their opinions, but I'm not concerned with public opinion". ________________________________________________________________ Then why do you feel the need to counterpoint everyone here? if you truly didn't care, you wouldn't do this. About opinions not carrying any weight, maybe so, but that includes yours, too. |
He's trying to win a prize in a contest nobody else is competing in. What is the prize anyway?
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Wow, - spidercam sounds terrified - serchin, they weren't blowing
each other up like this BEFORE we came. If there were an illegal military occupation here, and strapping on a bomb was your only means of fighting back against occupiers and collaborators, you might do it, too (if had the courage of your convictions) - Besides - a good deal of bombings and torture executions there are U.S. engineered. Don't forget, Negroponte was known as "Mr. Death Squad" in central America - He implemented the "El Salvadore Option" in Iraq. |
He's just trying to justify his protesting the war over going to the recruiter!
I think he's afraid God wont save him!!! ![]() ![]() |