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Topic: If you can have a power ??
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Mon 06/10/13 02:02 AM
Edited by KiK2me on Mon 06/10/13 02:29 AM

' yeah lets savd the earth ! Plant m0re trees ! ! . .ehe . .i do like to have p0wer of telep0rtati0n . .it would be a c0nvinient .

That could be a nice power !

I'd take some of that positive thinking MG ?
very nice young lady right here too !

1Cynderella's photo
Tue 06/11/13 08:31 PM
They say that love conquers all...so I'll take the power of LOVE please. tongue2

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 06/11/13 09:03 PM
I'd settle for the power to understand women.

jaded72's photo
Wed 06/12/13 09:39 PM

My favorite Super Power was that of Rouge, she had the ability to absorb any other mutants power by simply touching them!
,i kn0w that shes a villain in x-men series ryt ,but pity she l0st her power after saving her master .

no. i think u r talking about Mystique. Rouge was in good side. she can absorb power of any mutant by touching them. sometimes kissing them(i saw in series).

I believe you are referring to 'Rogue'. 'Rouge' is makeup you put on your cheeks to make them red bigsmile

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