Topic: coffees on | |
coffees on everyone , and boy do i need one
I need a cup of good wake me up coffee this morning...Got any???
good morning all, I finally have a day off...and boy do i need is cooking here too.
bring me my breakfast in bed, woman....sheez
Enjoy your day off Lori....
Bob, I wish there was someone here to make breakfeast in bed for, and thank you sandy...I will because its back to the grind tomorrow.
ok bob coming right up wot would ya like
Good morning all. Hi coco. Don't you make Bob breakfast Bob looks good cooking all of us WOMEN breakfast this morning, and I usually don't eat breakfast, but I would today. I'm putting a pot of coffee on myself, Haven't had any yet, and really need it. Hey Bob, Let's have Biscuits 'n' Gravy, eggs O/E, OJ, bacon, hash browns, Hell, might as well make some pancakes, too, just make a little of everything, We'll sure enjoy it.
Where's my coffee Coco????????????????????????? And Bob, where's breakfast????????????????? Did you guys forget????????????
" shakes his head" good morning everyone!!!!
sweet, i have really good is a cup for you, but i'm not cooking today..its my day off
good morning stevil |
good morning loriz... and i dont eat breakfast... just coffee and cigerttes...lmao
same here calories....
Good morning all, i don't drink coffee either but wanted to say hi.
hugs for pkh.. good morning
Howdy ho everybody!
hugs right back at you,and howdy ho to you.
hi phk
Hi coco, thanks for the coffee.
Good morning Coco