Topic: take a look and i dont care if i loose friends over this | |
I have not yet used "that thing in my pants." I feel that sex should be
between two consenting adults who are bonded by love...but I may be an idealist on this point. What I was specifically referring to are the physical aspects of being pregnant...I am a male and physiologically CANNOT bear a child. |
Hey I was just was out side the other day protesting against an abortion
clinic. Then I realized I locked myself out of my car so I went in side there to see if anyone had a coat hanger. |
Coat Hanger?An actual one or are you talking about what i think you
meant. |
i love this!!! this is awsum i'm totaly agaist abortions!!! unless like
paterafan said!.. but even then there is adoption! but if the mother cant keep the baby healthy inside of her then yes it would probly be the best.. i got preg at 15 and had my son at 16 and he is now 3 1/2 and i'm 19... this is a deep poem and thanks for posting!!! |
It's easy to take a stand when you're standing outside the situation.
I think that the decision to or not to have an abortion needs to be on a case by case basis and should be no one else's business except those involved with that particular pregnancy. Every situation is different...and so is each pregnant woman. I can't stomach the people who stand outside clinics and scream obscenities at the girls and women who walk in for MEDICAL ASSISTACE. How horrible it must be to have to make that choice...and how much more horrible is must become when you're called a murderer and a whore as you walk in. I must laugh at those who protest in the name of "God"...I'm not sure that God or Jesus would be doing anything even resembling such acts. For those of you that say, "just put the baby up for adoption"...that's a great option. Look up how many kids out there are still waiting for parents. It's an astronomical number. Adoption isn't easy...there's so much red tape that most people just give up. Abortion isn't a cure all, on this I agree. You can't just be irresponsible...if you're grown up enough to have sex, then you're grown up enough to use protection and deal with the consequences that arrise. However, leaving abortion as an option for only extreme cases (like rape, incest, etc) is ludicrious. How can you assume the decision for me? BTW: the guilt trip is just about enough to make me gag...the last little blurb: One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak. let's go back to dirty, back alley illegal men who are NOT doctors, in places that are NOT sterile, using practices that are NOT safe so your poem can end like this: Two more hearts that were stopped. Four more eyes that will never see. Four more hands that will never touch. Four more legs that will never run. Two more mouths that will never speak. There are things in life that will never be matter how you try. Why make it more dangerous and risk more lives??? |
Well said Peachie...frankly I am in the same mind frame as Peachie
I were truly touch by what you posted I'm strongly against abortion
myself I gave up my life almost for my son who came 3months early and now his a health 5 years old going to be 6 years old in Nov. :) |
hi every1 just thought i would say THANK GOD for caring, lovong people
out there much love evvery1 |
thats deep.
thats deep.
wow that was pretty deep man keep it up
wow that was pretty deep man keep it up
Eveyones staring to repeat themselves. LOL
Eveyones staring to repeat themselves. LOL
giving up your child is the best choice that any mother or father could
make if they arent willing to be the loving adult they should be.the decision to first lay in that bed with someone you've made your choice of getting pregnant or not either you have yourself pertected against ending up that way or you may end up with a baby or more! killing a baby is sooooo wrong unless you havent a choice because of health reason's. |
i didnt write this but my g/f posted it on myspace and i cried like a
baby when i read it and just had to share it |