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Topic: Name the first three things u would spend the money on if u
Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/30/13 06:59 PM

Perhaps on women and wine and like a fool, I'd squander the rest.

Now that is an answer that I believe. laugh

TawtStrat's photo
Thu 05/30/13 07:08 PM
I think that I would invest most of it in setting up my own log cabin building firm. Screw giving any of it to charity. Most of it goes on administration. If you want to help the needy then just cut out the middle man and send your money directly to me.

no photo
Thu 05/30/13 07:17 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Thu 05/30/13 07:21 PM
pay off my car
pay my sons' college tuition
start a small tuition trust fund as a charity for students who perform outstanding community service
purchase a small geothermal home into the moountainside with a clear running stream so I could have plenty of clean water
generate my own solar and wind power (sell any surplus) and farm truck and maybe a few sheep, pigs , chickens if they can stay quiet

and bring with me a few who could enjoy that life :)

waaay at the tippity top, near heaven :)

in Pa, Ky, or Tenn...and I don;t rule Ohio out, but it would have to be way southeast in the state. I like Pa because it's also close to the coast. Tenn because it's close to Nashville, and Ky because I love Eastern Ky's Rockies of the east it's called :)

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/30/13 07:45 PM
Screw giving any of it to charity. Most of it goes on administration.

FWIW, such a generalization about charities is grossly inaccurate.
Plenty of charities don't fit the above-quoted claim.

tigerman741's photo
Thu 05/30/13 08:32 PM
Why cant people just answer the dam question

pkh's photo
Thu 05/30/13 11:54 PM

Pay my family's bills
Charities like veterans abused children and woman etc
Buy myself a small house in the woods

Copycat! Ha Ha just kidding! Seems like we would do just about the same, putting other first, very nice :smile:
lol we sure did and Txsgal was close too

I see that, maybe we should all hook up & have a kumbaya together!
lol nice to know we all have a good heart and put others first

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/31/13 01:37 AM
paying off my moms debts
paying off my own debts

4evababy's photo
Fri 05/31/13 02:16 AM
Edited by 4evababy on Fri 05/31/13 02:22 AM
i would end up broke helping others cause thats just me.

no photo
Fri 05/31/13 02:18 AM
travelling, travelling and travelling

no photo
Fri 05/31/13 02:18 AM
First, get some fresh oranges and other fruit. Has to be super fresh or back it goes till I get the stuff I want.

A really good computer with big screen, and service to hook it up anywhere. Mine's good and it has a 32" screen but something bigger would be better.

A room at the Cozmo.

Then once comfy and very prayed up, I would take my time and figure out what to do with all the rest.

TawtStrat's photo
Fri 05/31/13 08:12 AM

Screw giving any of it to charity. Most of it goes on administration.

FWIW, such a generalization about charities is grossly inaccurate.
Plenty of charities don't fit the above-quoted claim.

Well, if people want to vollenteer to do charity work that's fine and that is genuine charity but most of the big "charities" are just businesses and that's just the way it is these days.

tigerman741's photo
Sat 06/01/13 11:58 AM
charity. my gorgeous girl and my family

Truncated's photo
Sun 06/02/13 03:01 PM
A small comfortable home with soundroom and walking convenient goodies
Education to quench curiosity
Help immediate family

sparkey01's photo
Sun 06/02/13 03:32 PM
Pay off kids house loans
Finish remodeling my house

josie68's photo
Sun 06/02/13 06:33 PM
Have no idea.

mssilverfox's photo
Sun 06/02/13 06:59 PM
Pay off grandkids college loans, donate to charity and then take a trip to Tahiti...always wanted to go there..

Jaye182's photo
Sun 06/02/13 07:03 PM
If I what??

Momoiro_Usagi_7's photo
Sun 06/02/13 07:07 PM
Don't know if I'd buy?! I give it away to some or some people who really need a break!

no photo
Sun 06/02/13 10:49 PM
buy myself a nice house near the ocean or off the coast!

Set my sisters up for life!

Pay my nephews school dues/set up his University fund!

Invest the rest!

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