Topic: 9/11 truthers...
no photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:16 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/10/13 06:17 PM
I don't know why you have such an attitude. I provided a link that has some information about how the BBC responded to the news that they reported the collapse of building 7 before it happened. I don't require your approval or your agreement with it. I just posted the link. You believe what ever the hell you want.

And you have been bringing up Bush several times in this thread and this thread has not even mentioned George Bush. Leave your baggage out of the topic please.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:27 PM

I don't know why you have such an attitude. I provided a link that has some information about how the BBC responded to the news that they reported the collapse of building 7 before it happened. I don't require your approval or your agreement with it. I just posted the link. You believe what ever the hell you want.

And you have been bringing up Bush several times in this thread and this thread has not even mentioned George Bush. Leave your baggage out of the topic please.

of course i'm gunna believe what i want... your permission was unneeded and unwanted... The CT'ers bring up bush every chance they get, he's the pillar that holds the CT'ers feeble attempts to explain something they know nothing about... very few CT'ers have the ability to see things from different angles, all they see is the conspiracy...

no photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:41 PM

I don't know why you have such an attitude. I provided a link that has some information about how the BBC responded to the news that they reported the collapse of building 7 before it happened. I don't require your approval or your agreement with it. I just posted the link. You believe what ever the hell you want.

And you have been bringing up Bush several times in this thread and this thread has not even mentioned George Bush. Leave your baggage out of the topic please.

of course i'm gunna believe what i want... your permission was unneeded and unwanted... The CT'ers bring up bush every chance they get, he's the pillar that holds the CT'ers feeble attempts to explain something they know nothing about... very few CT'ers have the ability to see things from different angles, all they see is the conspiracy...

Apparently you do need my permission because you asked this:

"so, according to you, i'm just supposed to believe anything that you post on here? "

So, I am answering your question. You can believe whatever the hell you want.

Also there were no CT'ers on this thread bringing up Bush at all. Only YOU did. That is why I ask you not to bring your old baggage into this thread. That is old baggage.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:50 PM

I don't know why you have such an attitude. I provided a link that has some information about how the BBC responded to the news that they reported the collapse of building 7 before it happened. I don't require your approval or your agreement with it. I just posted the link. You believe what ever the hell you want.

And you have been bringing up Bush several times in this thread and this thread has not even mentioned George Bush. Leave your baggage out of the topic please.

of course i'm gunna believe what i want... your permission was unneeded and unwanted... The CT'ers bring up bush every chance they get, he's the pillar that holds the CT'ers feeble attempts to explain something they know nothing about... very few CT'ers have the ability to see things from different angles, all they see is the conspiracy...

Apparently you do need my permission because you asked this:

"so, according to you, i'm just supposed to believe anything that you post on here? "

So, I am answering your question. You can believe whatever the hell you want.

Also there were no CT'ers on this thread bringing up Bush at all. Only YOU did. That is why I ask you not to bring your old baggage into this thread. That is old baggage.

standard CT diversion tactics...laugh laugh laugh laugh
maybe one day, a CT'er will get a clue... wait, one did.. thats what this thread is about...that makes 2 of your main guys jumping ship... yawn nobody really cares tho...

no photo
Mon 06/10/13 06:59 PM
When you imagine a conversation going on that is not actually going on in a thread just because you remember vaguely that some people blamed Bush for 9-11, then YOU are bringing baggage from another thread into this one. I hope you can get over your obsession with Bush.

Of course people blamed him... he was supposed to be the commander and Chief when it happened. That is where the Buck stops.

And if "nobody" cares (mainly you) then why are you even in this thread at all? And I have no clue who or what you are talking about "jumping ship."

HappyBun's photo
Tue 06/11/13 04:28 AM

Enough evidence exists to raise questions without the shameless charge of "conspiracy theorists"

Some people just love using BUZZ WORDS . And others consider laughing heads to be a contribution. They are harmless really. They would be better suited to the games section.

yea, along with this whole topic...better waste of time to count blades of grass in my front yard then to beleive these CT'er fantasies...

You should seek the truth, not put down those that are genuinely searching for the truth. We know enough now that those who rule us are keeping us in the Dark. Deriding those that challenge the rulers only prolongs your own discontent.

no photo
Tue 06/11/13 10:22 PM
The bricks in the wall never question the authorities. They just give them permission to do what ever they think is best.

The people who question the authorities are derailed as nuts or conspiracy theorists.

I would much rather be a CT than another brick in the wall, or sheep waiting for slaughter.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 06/12/13 12:36 AM

The bricks in the wall never question the authorities. They just give them permission to do what ever they think is best.

The people who question the authorities are derailed as nuts or conspiracy theorists.

I would much rather be a CT than another brick in the wall, or sheep waiting for slaughter.

HappyBun's photo
Wed 06/12/13 02:22 AM

The bricks in the wall never question the authorities. They just give them permission to do what ever they think is best.

The people who question the authorities are derailed as nuts or conspiracy theorists.

I would much rather be a CT than another brick in the wall, or sheep waiting for slaughter.

Would you care to elaborate on that statement?

no photo
Wed 06/12/13 03:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 06/12/13 03:06 PM
Sheep don't carry weapons. The government is not worried about the sheep. They are worried about "Patriots" and the "tea party" and people who think for themselves.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

mightymoe's photo
Thu 06/13/13 07:39 AM

Enough evidence exists to raise questions without the shameless charge of "conspiracy theorists"

Some people just love using BUZZ WORDS . And others consider laughing heads to be a contribution. They are harmless really. They would be better suited to the games section.

yea, along with this whole topic...better waste of time to count blades of grass in my front yard then to beleive these CT'er fantasies...

You should seek the truth, not put down those that are genuinely searching for the truth. We know enough now that those who rule us are keeping us in the Dark. Deriding those that challenge the rulers only prolongs your own discontent.

ok, 12 years later, what truths have you learned from your seeking?
how long are you guys gunna ride this dead horse?
i have no problem with truth seekers, the sane ones anyway, but this 9-11 ignorance is just getting more and more a fantasy, like a holy grail for CT'ers...

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 08:00 AM

Sheep don't carry weapons. The government is not worried about the sheep. They are worried about "Patriots" and the "tea party" and people who think for themselves.laugh laugh

do you own any?

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 08:06 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 06/13/13 08:13 AM

Enough evidence exists to raise questions without the shameless charge of "conspiracy theorists"

Some people just love using BUZZ WORDS . And others consider laughing heads to be a contribution. They are harmless really. They would be better suited to the games section.

yea, along with this whole topic...better waste of time to count blades of grass in my front yard then to beleive these CT'er fantasies...

You should seek the truth, not put down those that are genuinely searching for the truth. We know enough now that those who rule us are keeping us in the Dark. Deriding those that challenge the rulers only prolongs your own discontent.
rofl You really believe that?
And that,of course makes all those insane 9/11-Conspiracies valid,because they challenge the Rulers?whoa

So,what do you know about 9/11 that is Fact in your Eyes? ZILCH! 12 years,yet you Guys haven't made your Case!
Still on a Trail of Fancy!

Jumping from Hypothesis to Hypothesis,and haven't proven one yet!


Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 08:14 AM

Sheep don't carry weapons. The government is not worried about the sheep. They are worried about "Patriots" and the "tea party" and people who think for themselves.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Let them think that the *Sheep" are unarmed!laugh

HappyBun's photo
Thu 06/13/13 11:17 AM
All we need now is for someone to blow the lid on 911 and all hell will break loose

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 11:23 AM

All we need now is for someone to blow the lid on 911 and all hell will break loose
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 11:29 AM

HappyBun's photo
Thu 06/13/13 11:35 AM
There will bo nowhere to hide for all the experts if that happen.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 06/13/13 11:47 AM

There will bo nowhere to hide for all the experts if that happen.
you can bet if anything were there,the present Administration would have made good use of it in 2010,and 2012!
They definitely wouldn't have sat and take the trouncing they have received in those Congressional Elections!
Not a Peep!
You CTs are really grasping at Straws that aren't even there!

That's another one like the one that Obama would come out and announce that the Moonlandings were fake!
Haven't heard him on that either!
You all need to stop to be so credulous and start to do some rational thinking based on Science instead of Whim and Phantasmagoria!
Things you Thunk you saw!

HappyBun's photo
Thu 06/13/13 12:33 PM

There will bo nowhere to hide for all the experts if that happen.
you can bet if anything were there,the present Administration would have made good use of it in 2010,and 2012!
They definitely wouldn't have sat and take the trouncing they have received in those Congressional Elections!
Not a Peep!

That doesn't make sense, Obama is carrying out the same plan as Bush.

Obama is the last person to shed light.