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Topic: What are the things in life that really matter to you?
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Sun 05/26/13 08:05 PM

What's important to me?

Spirit, purpose, the Divine by whatever name one cares to use. Love. People. Justice. Mercy. Trying to live in such a way that when I leave this earth, I will leave it better for my having been in it, or at least no worse off.

Also, creativity. Inner and outer peace, when and if at all attainable... and when difficult to attain, then at least to be striven toward.

I don't really give a rodent's posterior for material things beyond the essentials of reasonable living. Doesn't mean I don't like having nice things or that I'm not willing to work to get them, but on the whole, I can generally take or leave them. If I had to choose between having some material item I didn't really need and having some non-material but meaningful thing (say, a good conversation or a great memory of some event, or even just the warm fuzzy feeling from having made someone else's day brighter), I often opt for the latter.

I've been thinking a LOT lately about what I really value... and what those values say about what I really want to do with my life. Some people might regard that as an existential crisis. I regard it as an awakening... a realization... a discernment of purpose...

those types of evaluations and re-evaluations I find essential for happiness. I don;t always make changes, tho' at times I do. but if a change is to be made it begins with a thought...so I find it's good to have thoselaugh

I know what I value. I have been thinking a lot lately about how to value myself & trust myself so that I can do those things for others. And evaluating what part(s) of who I used to be that I would like to incorporate into who I am now...and into who I am becoming

been thru a lot of heavy duty changesflowerforyou

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 05/26/13 08:12 PM

What's important to me?

Spirit, purpose, the Divine by whatever name one cares to use. Love. People. Justice. Mercy. Trying to live in such a way that when I leave this earth, I will leave it better for my having been in it, or at least no worse off.

Also, creativity. Inner and outer peace, when and if at all attainable... and when difficult to attain, then at least to be striven toward.

I don't really give a rodent's posterior for material things beyond the essentials of reasonable living. Doesn't mean I don't like having nice things or that I'm not willing to work to get them, but on the whole, I can generally take or leave them. If I had to choose between having some material item I didn't really need and having some non-material but meaningful thing (say, a good conversation or a great memory of some event, or even just the warm fuzzy feeling from having made someone else's day brighter), I often opt for the latter.

I've been thinking a LOT lately about what I really value... and what those values say about what I really want to do with my life. Some people might regard that as an existential crisis. I regard it as an awakening... a realization... a discernment of purpose...

those types of evaluations and re-evaluations I find essential for happiness. I don;t always make changes, tho' at times I do. but if a change is to be made it begins with a thought...so I find it's good to have thoselaugh

I know what I value. I have been thinking a lot lately about how to value myself & trust myself so that I can do those things for others. And evaluating what part(s) of who I used to be that I would like to incorporate into who I am now...and into who I am becoming

been thru a lot of heavy duty changesflowerforyou

Yep, same here. I've always been on the introspective side, given to lots of deep thinking... but I'm finding myself even more given to it now. Deciding who I am now, in relation to who I've been in the past or want to be in the future -- not that I'm not always me, of course, but which version? (Sometimes I think I'm still in beta! LOL)

Lately my thoughts and experiences, and the way in which I find myself reacting to those experiences has had me questioning the direction I'd thought my life was taking or which direction I want it to take. And so help me, there's an element of having come full circle in that it's leading me to consider something I've thought about off and on throughout my adult life, at least in random moments, but never truly seriously since my teens.

So it's safe to say that I'm exploring some options now that kind of surprise even me, but in a good way. Interestingly enough, the few friends with whom I've discussed them mostly seem to think it's the most natural idea in the world.

no photo
Sun 05/26/13 08:22 PM

What's important to me?

Spirit, purpose, the Divine by whatever name one cares to use. Love. People. Justice. Mercy. Trying to live in such a way that when I leave this earth, I will leave it better for my having been in it, or at least no worse off.

Also, creativity. Inner and outer peace, when and if at all attainable... and when difficult to attain, then at least to be striven toward.

I don't really give a rodent's posterior for material things beyond the essentials of reasonable living. Doesn't mean I don't like having nice things or that I'm not willing to work to get them, but on the whole, I can generally take or leave them. If I had to choose between having some material item I didn't really need and having some non-material but meaningful thing (say, a good conversation or a great memory of some event, or even just the warm fuzzy feeling from having made someone else's day brighter), I often opt for the latter.

I've been thinking a LOT lately about what I really value... and what those values say about what I really want to do with my life. Some people might regard that as an existential crisis. I regard it as an awakening... a realization... a discernment of purpose...

those types of evaluations and re-evaluations I find essential for happiness. I don;t always make changes, tho' at times I do. but if a change is to be made it begins with a thought...so I find it's good to have thoselaugh

I know what I value. I have been thinking a lot lately about how to value myself & trust myself so that I can do those things for others. And evaluating what part(s) of who I used to be that I would like to incorporate into who I am now...and into who I am becoming

been thru a lot of heavy duty changesflowerforyou

Yep, same here. I've always been on the introspective side, given to lots of deep thinking... but I'm finding myself even more given to it now. Deciding who I am now, in relation to who I've been in the past or want to be in the future -- not that I'm not always me, of course, but which version? (Sometimes I think I'm still in beta! LOL)

Lately my thoughts and experiences, and the way in which I find myself reacting to those experiences has had me questioning the direction I'd thought my life was taking or which direction I want it to take. And so help me, there's an element of having come full circle in that it's leading me to consider something I've thought about off and on throughout my adult life, at least in random moments, but never truly seriously since my teens.

So it's safe to say that I'm exploring some options now that kind of surprise even me, but in a good way. Interestingly enough, the few friends with whom I've discussed them mostly seem to think it's the most natural idea in the world.

good wishes for you with those choices.flowerforyou

I think we do stay basically the same but changes and experiences become a part of who we are....I find a need to figure out how I have been affected before I can become overly concerned with romantic relationships. that's the short version of why just friendships at this point. that may never change. I may no longer be capable of loving a new person. not sure about that, I guess.

it is wonderful that you do have some choices!!

Momoiro_Usagi_7's photo
Sun 05/26/13 11:25 PM
Love can't live without it!

mikegilroy30's photo
Sun 05/26/13 11:49 PM
family, music and friends and pot and my dog and cat and my laptop and my beer and my irish heritage

no photo
Mon 05/27/13 05:19 AM

I engage in serendipitous musings

as the occasional muse

at times reflecting on times past, I imagine that I could have handled some things better

not huge earth shattering big life events like graduation and flying to europe. I've always handled those types of events fairly well.

little day to day things that I could have done better.

why does it take so long for us - us humans- to learn that it is the little things that count?

why don't people (often younger people) listen - why don't they listen when someone tries to explain that - images, wardrobes, jobs, prestige, cars, doing what "society" expects, playing it safe, coloring ONLY inside the lines...making decisions based on what others "might think" rather than following your heart...

these are not the things that count?

Whatever society thinks/wants/like/don't like, at the end of the day, we have to face any consequence that may come only after we make a terrible decision. I learnt a long time ago, that me having sex at the same time my friends were (teenage age), wasn't going to work in my favour, because I didn't feel physically ready to. You need to be both mentally prepared and physically prepared, but what my body felt like, far outweighed the mental aspects of it. Let's face it, when most teenage girls have seven days of bleeding from their female parts, then they're hardly gonna feel like it, hence the hernia-like cramps that come with it.

I did not mean to pick on young people. I am acquainted with many young people who make good decisions all the time. I was thinking more on my own youth, the mistakes I made, and how DAMNED long it took me to learn...what is really important. I did not have sex as a teen, myself. But in the beginnig it was more to please my boyfriend than anything else. not the best reason....really

It didn't look like you were picking on young people :) I was just rambling. I just keep questioning if anything I do, should really matter to society. Most times my answer is no. E.g, If I did something to harm or improve the environment, then it should matter. Other people's opinions of who we are should be null and void, but human's have not learned to never judge and just live their own lives. What's important to me: Pets, my family, my friends, protecting, hygiene, making a good impression, knowing I tried my best.

no photo
Mon 05/27/13 08:28 AM

I engage in serendipitous musings

as the occasional muse

at times reflecting on times past, I imagine that I could have handled some things better

not huge earth shattering big life events like graduation and flying to europe. I've always handled those types of events fairly well.

little day to day things that I could have done better.

why does it take so long for us - us humans- to learn that it is the little things that count?

why don't people (often younger people) listen - why don't they listen when someone tries to explain that - images, wardrobes, jobs, prestige, cars, doing what "society" expects, playing it safe, coloring ONLY inside the lines...making decisions based on what others "might think" rather than following your heart...

these are not the things that count?

Whatever society thinks/wants/like/don't like, at the end of the day, we have to face any consequence that may come only after we make a terrible decision. I learnt a long time ago, that me having sex at the same time my friends were (teenage age), wasn't going to work in my favour, because I didn't feel physically ready to. You need to be both mentally prepared and physically prepared, but what my body felt like, far outweighed the mental aspects of it. Let's face it, when most teenage girls have seven days of bleeding from their female parts, then they're hardly gonna feel like it, hence the hernia-like cramps that come with it.

I did not mean to pick on young people. I am acquainted with many young people who make good decisions all the time. I was thinking more on my own youth, the mistakes I made, and how DAMNED long it took me to learn...what is really important. I did not have sex as a teen, myself. But in the beginnig it was more to please my boyfriend than anything else. not the best reason....really

It didn't look like you were picking on young people :) I was just rambling. I just keep questioning if anything I do, should really matter to society. Most times my answer is no. E.g, If I did something to harm or improve the environment, then it should matter. Other people's opinions of who we are should be null and void, but human's have not learned to never judge and just live their own lives. What's important to me: Pets, my family, my friends, protecting, hygiene, making a good impression, knowing I tried my best.

I like that list Rawr and agree that our ability to reflect on ourselves, the superego, so to speak, is critical ability that separates us from animals. so why don;t more of us USE that abilty? ...lol

(j/k - I am sure most do)

no photo
Mon 05/27/13 08:29 AM

Love can't live without it!

great choice!waving

no photo
Mon 05/27/13 08:30 AM

family, music and friends and pot and my dog and cat and my laptop and my beer and my irish heritage

OMG an Irish with a laptop!! what's this world comming to????surprised


no photo
Mon 05/27/13 09:27 AM

I engage in serendipitous musings

as the occasional muse

at times reflecting on times past, I imagine that I could have handled some things better

not huge earth shattering big life events like graduation and flying to europe. I've always handled those types of events fairly well.

little day to day things that I could have done better.

why does it take so long for us - us humans- to learn that it is the little things that count?

why don't people (often younger people) listen - why don't they listen when someone tries to explain that - images, wardrobes, jobs, prestige, cars, doing what "society" expects, playing it safe, coloring ONLY inside the lines...making decisions based on what others "might think" rather than following your heart...

these are not the things that count?

Whatever society thinks/wants/like/don't like, at the end of the day, we have to face any consequence that may come only after we make a terrible decision. I learnt a long time ago, that me having sex at the same time my friends were (teenage age), wasn't going to work in my favour, because I didn't feel physically ready to. You need to be both mentally prepared and physically prepared, but what my body felt like, far outweighed the mental aspects of it. Let's face it, when most teenage girls have seven days of bleeding from their female parts, then they're hardly gonna feel like it, hence the hernia-like cramps that come with it.

I did not mean to pick on young people. I am acquainted with many young people who make good decisions all the time. I was thinking more on my own youth, the mistakes I made, and how DAMNED long it took me to learn...what is really important. I did not have sex as a teen, myself. But in the beginnig it was more to please my boyfriend than anything else. not the best reason....really

It didn't look like you were picking on young people :) I was just rambling. I just keep questioning if anything I do, should really matter to society. Most times my answer is no. E.g, If I did something to harm or improve the environment, then it should matter. Other people's opinions of who we are should be null and void, but human's have not learned to never judge and just live their own lives. What's important to me: Pets, my family, my friends, protecting, hygiene, making a good impression, knowing I tried my best.

I like that list Rawr and agree that our ability to reflect on ourselves, the superego, so to speak, is critical ability that separates us from animals. so why don;t more of us USE that abilty? ...lol

(j/k - I am sure most do)

Err......Are you trying to be difficult? :O Kidding :) Cool that you liked my list. Those things would be at the very top of the list. It's just soooooooooo ironic that I'm a neutering person, and yet can't concieve. Any wonder I keep pets? lol

jacktrades's photo
Mon 05/27/13 09:39 AM
Family, friends, my dog. Listening to a ball game or coast to coast am on my radio, bbqing on my deck,living healthy and truly enjoying the small things in life.

no photo
Mon 05/27/13 09:46 AM
whats important to me:

My Faith, Family, Health, just enjoying Life everyday!

whattheheywastaken's photo
Mon 05/27/13 01:28 PM
Edited by whattheheywastaken on Mon 05/27/13 01:37 PM

no photo
Tue 05/28/13 09:05 PM

I engage in serendipitous musings

as the occasional muse

at times reflecting on times past, I imagine that I could have handled some things better

not huge earth shattering big life events like graduation and flying to europe. I've always handled those types of events fairly well.

little day to day things that I could have done better.

why does it take so long for us - us humans- to learn that it is the little things that count?

why don't people (often younger people) listen - why don't they listen when someone tries to explain that - images, wardrobes, jobs, prestige, cars, doing what "society" expects, playing it safe, coloring ONLY inside the lines...making decisions based on what others "might think" rather than following your heart...

these are not the things that count?

Whatever society thinks/wants/like/don't like, at the end of the day, we have to face any consequence that may come only after we make a terrible decision. I learnt a long time ago, that me having sex at the same time my friends were (teenage age), wasn't going to work in my favour, because I didn't feel physically ready to. You need to be both mentally prepared and physically prepared, but what my body felt like, far outweighed the mental aspects of it. Let's face it, when most teenage girls have seven days of bleeding from their female parts, then they're hardly gonna feel like it, hence the hernia-like cramps that come with it.

I did not mean to pick on young people. I am acquainted with many young people who make good decisions all the time. I was thinking more on my own youth, the mistakes I made, and how DAMNED long it took me to learn...what is really important. I did not have sex as a teen, myself. But in the beginnig it was more to please my boyfriend than anything else. not the best reason....really

It didn't look like you were picking on young people :) I was just rambling. I just keep questioning if anything I do, should really matter to society. Most times my answer is no. E.g, If I did something to harm or improve the environment, then it should matter. Other people's opinions of who we are should be null and void, but human's have not learned to never judge and just live their own lives. What's important to me: Pets, my family, my friends, protecting, hygiene, making a good impression, knowing I tried my best.

I like that list Rawr and agree that our ability to reflect on ourselves, the superego, so to speak, is critical ability that separates us from animals. so why don;t more of us USE that abilty? ...lol

(j/k - I am sure most do)

Err......Are you trying to be difficult? :O Kidding :) Cool that you liked my list. Those things would be at the very top of the list. It's just soooooooooo ironic that I'm a neutering person, and yet can't concieve. Any wonder I keep pets? lol

difficult me??? why I oughta...lol

well if you see your pets reflecting on their choices and life decisions....you may need a psychiatrist in addition to a Vet...lollaugh :wink:

just get a cute one:angel:

no photo
Sun 06/02/13 08:07 PM
The things in life that really matter to me are honesty,truthfulness and not someone that is fake. I'm a tall lovely redhead just looking for a good friend and if it goes somewhere that is great. I enjoy family get-to-gathers such as camping, bar-be-ques and on the holidays.
I'm widowed and hate being alone again. But I love life to the fullest.

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