Topic: Up All Nite Agian
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Thu 10/19/06 04:30 AM
These nights are getting very long and my days short lmao.What do some
of have in mind to help me relax? Ok going to bed now and try and sleep
for a few hours then back up again I'm sure.

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Thu 10/19/06 04:37 AM
what kinds of things normally help you relax?

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:37 AM
LOL well tried warm milk? hot bath with candels as light? i been
up ALLLLLLL night long....just like everynight...LOL... but if that dont
work do u take meds? if so try tyelnol PMs they work but if u dont take
meds and meds hit u hard...LOL dont take them...LOL passed out for 2
days...didn't wake up once i never take pills i hate takin

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Thu 10/19/06 04:38 AM

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:39 AM

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Thu 10/19/06 04:41 AM
when i read that in your comment i was rollin lol...have you ever seen
one flew over the cuckoos nest?

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:42 AM
HAHAHAAA...toooooooooo noticed i asked first...ROTFLMAO

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:45 AM
i think we scared everyone off lol

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:46 AM
i think so too..LMAO maybe they read my life story on the other
thread...ROTFLMAO...hahahahahaha crazy fuckin sherrie

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Thu 10/19/06 04:52 AM
trust me, i've seen way worse on these things and if any one knows me
they won't think twice about what was said. lol i have a tendency to
come up with some pretty odd(but funny)stuff which gets strange
reactions outta people.

sherrie0527's photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:53 AM
lol thats the hole point of being on heres right?

no photo
Thu 10/19/06 04:54 AM
You can't scare everybody off? Some time you have to really work at