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Topic: in a rush to get married?
msharmony's photo
Sun 05/19/13 11:08 AM

In addition to MH's comments, the world has changed with families wanting more and more. In the 50's, a man could provide for a family by having a small house and plenty of fresh food to cook. It didn't cost that much to live.

Nowadays, each family member needs a cell phone, the house must have cable TV, energy costs many times what it cost then (gas was 20 cents a gallon), everything is air conditioned, medical care costs a ton ... all of this combined is much more likely to need two incomes and all the stress that goes with it.

Relationships have changed. It's a different world.

true, economy and the gluttonous culture (MORE Technology, less human contact, MORE access to MORE junk, less need for someone at home making meals,,,)have contributed too,....

agreed.. having said this.. just looking for opinions what do u think is necessary for a successful marriage.. i think apart from honesty love trust and financial conditions, emotional compatibility is also an imprtant thing. wat do u think

Ive always found it interesting how people can be 'best friends' for a lifetime, but spouses only until they think there is something better out there

I think a foundation of friendship, as opposed to ownership and pride, is the first part of successful marriage, along with a support system that encourages a successful marriage, honest communication, empathy, consideration, and forgiveness,,,

emotional compatibility is a part of all that

TawtStrat's photo
Sun 05/19/13 12:16 PM
My dad used to talk about this a lot. Apparently in his day you could go to the cinema, watch a double bill, buy a gag of sweets for thruppennce and still have change for a poke of chips and your bus fare home.

no photo
Sun 05/19/13 12:38 PM
From my limited personal experience,

I would have to say "mutual respect" is the single most important ingredient for a long lasting and successful marriage.

When either partner loses respect for each other, that's when all the issues start creeping in.

As long as respect is maintained, people dont do or say the things that lead to infidelity, emotional abuse or negligence.

Even if Love, or lust or whatever else fades, waxes or wanes, respect allows a marriage to survive, and flourish.

no photo
Sun 05/19/13 03:41 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sun 05/19/13 03:42 PM

why are so manypeople in a rush for this major step it seems thay want to skip straight to ut without getting to know the person first

I met two men inperson that wanted me to marry, both had been divorced for years. I don't like to be rushed by any man, so I ran away...scared I like to be the one, who rushs to get married when I am Ready.laugh

no photo
Sun 05/19/13 03:48 PM

I dated my first wife 6 months prior to marriage.
I dated my second wife 1 week prior to marriage.

First marriage: 1 year
Second marriage: 12 years

Apparently to get one that lasts I need to just date her for 1 day.


sybariticguy's photo
Sun 05/19/13 05:32 PM
I suspect its not necessarily how long but rather what the two people are doing while they are courting as ineptness no matter how long or short has disasterous consequences... It would be quite helpful if each person had a better understanding of him/her self before trying to get involved in a marriage but fools rush in....

ridewytepony's photo
Sun 05/19/13 05:53 PM

what's odd is up until what,the 1950's or so,a guy could ask a woman to marry him maybe a week after meeting her and that was the norm and the marriages normally lasted til one of them passed away.now days,a man might know a woman a year and people think it's still way too soon to propose

what the heck changed?

I'll tell you what changed

Ike left the White House , woman left the kitchen and

He left the closet.

Thats what changed dam it!!!slaphead slaphead

ridewytepony's photo
Sun 05/19/13 05:59 PM

From my limited personal experience,

I would have to say "mutual respect" is the single most important ingredient for a long lasting and successful marriage.

When either partner loses respect for each other, that's when all the issues start creeping in.

As long as respect is maintained, people dont do or say the things that lead to infidelity, emotional abuse or negligence.

Even if Love, or lust or whatever else fades, waxes or wanes, respect allows a marriage to survive, and flourish.

Thats definitely key , on the monyey!spock

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