Topic: On your knees for Bush here!!
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Mon 08/20/07 02:45 PM
lol yeah, they chased my family all the way up here. lol

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:21 PM
Hmmmm when I lived in San Francisco, I was involved in many war protests!!!! My husband at the time was very involved with Anti Bush protests, and I even met a woman who ....the name I can't remember but she was very upset with GWB for the death of her son in Iraq...she just wanted an apology, and of course didnt get it..I think her name was Sandy...anyways she was all over the news. I don't think the protesting did much though because the USA doesnt have many rights due to the Bush Dictatorship!!!

adj4u's photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:32 PM
well he is trying to stop that to

sec 5 of patriot act outlaws protesting

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 04:38 PM
Sounds like Russia.....maybe even the old Czech republic:wink: You guys may have to move to Canada and learn to fight the polar bears!!!:wink: laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:39 PM
I Love Bush:heart: I Want to Sleep with Bush Day and Night! Kiss and Stroke Bush all the Time!! Ohhhh????
Sorry I misunderstood the thread...Yea the presidents ok toolaugh laugh

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:54 PM
and what exactly do you think Bush is/has been good for???huh

anoasis's photo
Mon 08/20/07 05:58 PM
Oppps... did I wander into the sex chat room by mistake??!

Maybe I better head back to religion....blushing

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 06:02 PM
lol don't worry....its just an outfit!!!!laugh laugh laugh

anoasis's photo
Mon 08/20/07 06:30 PM
Actually Gypsy I was referring to Searchin's comments but now that you mention it...

maybe I am underdressed? laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 06:43 PM
Well.....we definately could go shopping!!!:wink: laugh laugh

anoasis's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:11 PM
laugh laugh laugh ROTFLlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

OMG Gypsy- I would *cherish* any fashion advice you could give me... and to go shopping with an obvious fashion icon such as yourself would, I'm sure, be a once in a lifetime experience!!!!!!!

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:13 PM
Ya ya.......everyone wants to go shopping with moi!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh In fact, philospher requested this pic because he liked the dress so much!!!!laugh laugh

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:17 PM
I think
you were
of Cindy Sheehan
there, Gypsy.

anoasis's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:18 PM
As I said I'm sure you could really "jazz" up my style.... I'm more of a tank top and jean skirt kind of girl but if I'm not mistaken those are fishnets???!!!?

I haven't seen fishnets in quite a while... I think they'd be too hot for me to wear in Miami though....

Philosopher?? did you pick out Gypsy's dress?? Perhaps you should come shopping with us... pleanty of shopping down here...

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:18 PM
Do the indoctrination
manuals come with
green koolaid? laugh

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:20 PM
You are right Mnhiker!!! It was Cindy Sheehan I met and what a nice lady....was so sad that she couldnt get an apology for the death of her son.grumble

anoasis's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:24 PM
No, M, I'm pretty sure that now that Gypsy is Queen, the indoctrination manuals come with Chocolate Martinis and "stamps"... very special stamps that help you see things in a "different" way....

no photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:28 PM
tell me about these "stamps".......huh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 08/20/07 07:30 PM
Sounds like LSD, don't lick them. laugh

anoasis's photo
Tue 08/21/07 02:31 PM
Kids right- it's to help with the indoctrination... you need the LSD to be able to open your mind up to the possibility that someone else should make your decisions for you...