Topic: Seperation
outrageous6's photo
Fri 05/17/13 04:03 PM
Would you let your wife still stay in your house after she cheated on you and she sms her boyfriend continously. We have 2 children and the leasr on the house only finishes in 3months time and she also contributes finacially. Its killing me. Newly seperated

Movie07's photo
Fri 05/17/13 04:11 PM
noway sounds like you have big problem on your hands n Good Luck to you...frustrated

BettyB's photo
Fri 05/17/13 05:06 PM
I don't think the stress and tension would be good for the kids either.

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 05:34 PM
Simply put, He11 NO! She would be finding herself a new home if it were me. She has already dishonored and disrespected you and your kids. NO way would she lay her head down in my house. I know what I would do, I would tell her that if she liked his pecker more than mine,Take her money, Go get on it. I would make it one way or the other without her help. Go live with him. I would take the kids away from her to.I would tell her, I hope that pecker was worth it! Good lord man, I know I am nothing but a stranger to you. I just hate to see another human being run over. She must think you have no balls at all. She has already shyt on you. Don't let her rub your nose in it.

Affectionisme's photo
Fri 05/17/13 10:00 PM
OMG!!!!!......I know exactly how you feel.....My husband and i were married for 17 long years...........some good &some bad....The Bastard.!!!!!!....has done the very same thing to me.....just in last!!!!!!....I KICKED HIM OUT!!!!.......If she is still seeing the other man....just kick her out!!! & the kids do not need the stress!!!!!.....Then you and your ex need to speek calm & be civil....for the kids sake......i am going through it too......I feel for you......You will feel all sorts of feellings....from anger,sadness,shock,dis believement,hurt,loniness...etc....etc.....You need to think about the kids because they are the ones...caught in the middle....

ashryn's photo
Fri 05/17/13 11:15 PM
lol we are kind of in the same boat...i am separated but he still lives with me until the end of the year. i know it sounds bad but we do have a good fact the reason is our kids..our daughter who is eight god bless her is smart i sat down and explained to her in kid terms what was going on and why it was happening...however my son has autism and just making his dad leave didn't work very we are doing it slowly...we moved into separate parts of the house. We already agreed how custody would work...and so he is getting used to not seeing his dad as much as he used to...their dad stays with a relative a couple of days a week..every two to three weeks we will increase it by a day until it is seven days...its seems odd but it is working for us...but my situation is a bit different seeing as their father and i are friends and our separation isn't a hostile one...we did agree that if we date we could never bring the other person to the house until he is completely moved out. Financially it works for us considering it gives me enough time to save a little extra money especially since i pay so much for different therapies.

pkh's photo
Sat 05/18/13 04:32 AM
No way she already broke your heart. It's not fair to you or your kids. Yes it will be hard on the kids but its going to happen sooner or later I say now

no photo
Sat 05/18/13 10:05 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Sat 05/18/13 10:06 AM
A married couple, who is "separated" should not be living in the same house. Imo A person can contribute to the financial parts, without living under the same roof.

metalwing's photo
Sat 05/18/13 10:51 AM
Killing her is a bad idea.

jacktrades's photo
Sat 05/18/13 11:05 PM

Killing her is a bad idea.

rofl rofl rofl

sparkey01's photo
Sun 05/19/13 09:28 AM
I think she would have to go.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 05/19/13 06:30 PM
I would have tossed all her crap out to the curb a long time ago.

no photo
Mon 05/20/13 12:02 AM

Killing her is a bad idea.

Could be ruled under fatigue and traumatic stress........

Its doable!

no photo
Mon 05/20/13 12:07 AM
On a more serious note though,
No,you shouldnt be putting your self through this!!

Not good kids seeing mommy gallivanting around and daddy being mommy/daddy!! Not healthy!!

Show her the exit,money or not,you'll be better fending for the kids,but with a healthy mind and lifestyle!

bornmixed's photo
Thu 05/23/13 10:30 PM
It all depends what the kids want, if she is loving and supportive towards them and you think you can get over it and still live a life yes its fine. If you can't handle it and don't think you can get over it then its time to say goodbye. If shes infront of you texting a guy or in her own home doesn't really change anything besides you having to see it.
I'd stay for children but thats me. If my kids were upset about mommy then I'd make sure she cleans up her act and at least hides it from the kids. Children are impressionable being raised in a broken home is tough. I wouldn't want my kids to go through it. Kids need parents. Marriage is one thing but sharing life is another. Sometimes things happen and unfortunately marriage doesn't always work out but in the end you have no choice but to do whats best for your children.

outrageous6's photo
Sun 01/19/14 05:16 AM
Hi to all who contrIbuted their opinions. Just to give you all an update. I mOved out Leaving her everything lock stock and barrel. I. Flew to another part of south africa 1600km. Away as I was Broken and on the. Verge of suicide or loosing my head. I started to work for myself dtaYed with my brother and hisfamily. In four months I had made enough money to Buy myself a new wardrobe of clothes. Got myseLf a one bedroomed apartment right by the beach in a very wealthy area. Bought myself a brand new Car and I had my ex girlfriend which I hadn't seen in 28 years visit me and. Help me out and rekindle our friendship.

outrageous6's photo
Sun 01/19/14 05:25 AM
Update came to me. On holiday christmas for over a month. They. Were sPoilt by me the now ex to be sees my progress and how I have moved on and hOw happy I'm tells me that the married. Boyfreind and her have broken up and he has the odacity to text. Me telling me she is with another guy and that he would like to be friends With. Me as he. Is back with his wife. Well you can. Imagine the cenSored text I sent him. My ex. Also says she wants to come back. Ha ha ha sorry my. Life. Is sO mwah awesum now. I'm having a ball. Being single. I. Am now looking for my true soul. Mate and she will know. When we meet.