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Topic: Blaze You Out
MisLopez's photo
Mon 05/13/13 09:42 AM
Blaze You Out is a new movie coming out directed by my brother Diego Joaquin Lopez and Mateo Frazier.
It is coming out in select theatres and coming to DVD June 10th. Bought by Lionsgate/Grindstone productions! !!!!! Also starring Elizabeth Pena, from La Bamba!!!
This movie is Epic. Great acting, characters,and in depth storyline that is mystical, exciting and a expierience that you are sure to enjoy! So be sure to rent and buy your copy A.S.A.P and support your new awesome directors and a fresh new badass movie!!!! Blaze You Out!!!!

MisLopez's photo
Mon 05/13/13 09:48 AM
Look for the trailer on You Tube. And rent and buy June 1Oth!!!!!!! :banana: :thumbsup: smokin

no photo
Mon 05/13/13 10:41 AM
Edited by KiK2me on Mon 05/13/13 10:42 AM

Look for the trailer on You Tube. And rent and buy June 1Oth!!!!!!! :banana: :thumbsup: smokin

I will be watching it...

Blaze you out trailer

MisLopez's photo
Mon 05/13/13 07:45 PM
Yes, its very intense and awesome! Its very unique and fresh, with amazing talent! Thanks for your support! ☆:banana: smokin

MisLopez's photo
Mon 05/13/13 10:17 PM
Thank You to KiK2me for posting the trailer! I appreciate that. :thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 05/20/13 11:01 PM
Edited by KiK2me on Mon 05/20/13 11:03 PM
Just a reminder folks !
THIS is going to be INTENSE !

Blaze you out trailer


JUNE 10th !

no photo
Tue 05/21/13 09:54 PM

no photo
Tue 05/28/13 12:21 PM


Hi Ms Lopez !

MisLopez's photo
Tue 05/28/13 06:24 PM
Hey there! Blaze You Out first premiered in Miami at Hispanisize! And we are having the second New Mexico premiere June 5th!!! $o excited! If the DVD releases sooner, I will keep you all informed!
Be sure to watch and buy Blaze You Out coming soon to DVD!

no photo
Tue 05/28/13 07:08 PM

Hey there! Blaze You Out first premiered in Miami at Hispanisize! And we are having the second New Mexico premiere June 5th!!! $o excited! If the DVD releases sooner, I will keep you all informed!
Be sure to watch and buy Blaze You Out coming soon to DVD!


no photo
Wed 05/29/13 10:55 AM

This is going to be INTENSE !

Don't miss it !

no photo
Sat 06/01/13 01:27 PM

Blaze You Out is a new movie coming out directed by my brother Diego Joaquin Lopez and Mateo Frazier.
It is coming out in select theatres and coming to DVD June 10th. Bought by Lionsgate/Grindstone productions! !!!!! Also starring Elizabeth Pena, from La Bamba!!!
This movie is Epic. Great acting, characters,and in depth storyline that is mystical, exciting and a expierience that you are sure to enjoy! So be sure to rent and buy your copy A.S.A.P and support your new awesome directors and a fresh new badass movie!!!! Blaze You Out!!!!

Hi Ms Lopez
Only a few more days and i bet fans can't wait !
Hope you are having a great weekend !


MisLopez's photo
Sat 06/01/13 07:50 PM
Yes! Only a few more days until the premiere of Blaze You Out at the KiMo theatre in Albuquerque!
This giant theatre is going to be packed! We can't wait to Blaze You Out when it comes out on DVD, very soon!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Mon 06/03/13 02:56 PM

Yes! Only a few more days until the premiere of Blaze You Out at the KiMo theatre in Albuquerque!
This giant theatre is going to be packed! We can't wait to Blaze You Out when it comes out on DVD, very soon!!!!!!!!!


MisLopez's photo
Mon 06/10/13 09:20 PM
So the Blaze You Out premiere in NM was a huge success! Sold out theatre, and we made sure that everyone who was left without a ticket still was able to get in and watch the movie.
And the after partys were slammin, believe that! Lol
Anyway, I have a correction to make about the release date, apparently now it is set to be released on DVD
On July 30th!!! So, its a bit longer of a wait then I had initially thought.
Another thing is the people who were hired by Lionsgate to do the DVD cover totally made the BlazeYou Out DVD cover look stupid and put some thug on the cover who is not even in the movie on the cover!!
Also some chick who was not in the movie! Only one guy who was in the movie came out all small on the corner of the cover!! Although we were very upset by this portrayal of the movie, since Lionsgate approved
It, they unfortunately have the last say. So the original cover was supposed to be the one shown on this thread, with the womans back, with the tattoo, holding the gun..So, I just wanted to say, please don't judge this movie by the dvd cover, which we wish we could have changed.
Just remember the name of it is Blaze You Out and it is a great, mystical, intense, thrill ride! Coming everywhere on DVD July 30th
Thanks for your support! ☆

MisLopez's photo
Sat 07/06/13 11:17 AM
Reminder, Blaze You Out comes out on DVD on July 30th! This movie has been getting excellent ratings and reviews from everyone! It is enticing, exciting, enchanting, and very entertaining!
Pre order your copy Now at!!!! Thank You :banana: smokin

MisLopez's photo
Sat 07/06/13 11:18 AM
Reminder, Blaze You Out comes out on DVD on July 30th! This movie has been getting excellent ratings and reviews from everyone! It is enticing, exciting, enchanting, and very entertaining!
Pre order your copy Now at!!!! Thank You :banana: smokin

MisLopez's photo
Tue 07/30/13 09:04 AM
Its a great day!! Blaze You Out releases Nationwide on DVD Today!!!
Show your support!!! Be on the look out for Blaze You Out and be sure to add this fresh new classic to your collection!!! smokin
Thank You ♡♡♡

MisLopez's photo
Tue 07/30/13 09:06 AM
Its a great day!! Blaze You Out releases Nationwide on DVD Today!!!
Show your support!!! Be on the look out for Blaze You Out and be sure to add this fresh new classic to your collection!!! smokin
Thank You ♡♡♡

no photo
Tue 07/30/13 11:44 AM
I'm buying me a copy Ms Lopez !
Glad to hear it is a big success...
Can't wait to see it !


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