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Topic: I want a nerd
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Sun 05/12/13 08:08 PM

Christinacospgs's photo
Sun 05/12/13 08:14 PM

laugh laugh laugh
Welcome to Mingle! Please excuse my warped sense of humor as this is your first post :tongue:

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Sun 05/12/13 08:31 PM
Meeeee tooooo! :banana:

no photo
Sun 05/12/13 08:48 PM

leevice's photo
Wed 05/15/13 06:42 AM
say again? lol

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Wed 05/15/13 07:28 AM

say again? lol
guess you can be our Nerd. Lol. :banana:

lwturkjr's photo
Wed 05/15/13 08:13 AM
Lets see a nerd what type of nerd there are a few different

there is the type of nerd who hangs out at the local card/hobby shops where he plays games such as MTG, Warhammer, Warmachine, Legend of the Five rings etc.

Now there is the computer nerd type of nerd this type of nerd knows a lot about computers is prolly an aspiring hacker and knows at least the basics of atleast one programming language.

Now there is are the Scifi nerds who are really into Startreck Starwars shows like Dr. Who Warehouse 13 etc.

There are the math nerds, well educational nerds where they excel in on or several different things such as history, math, physics etc.

Now there are many many more and they are not exclusive obviosly for example I play MTG L5R I like scifi and watch Dr who every weekend, and i work with computers

Most nerds are like this some mixture of "nerdy" things they do but they are unique each individual slightly different than any other, so what type of nerd are you looking for?

leevice's photo
Wed 05/15/13 09:16 AM

say again? lol
guess you can be our Nerd. Lol. :banana:

and what do i expect? lol

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 05/15/13 09:58 AM
You folks, have it all wrong.
This is what Cristine222 wants:

HUST91's photo
Wed 05/15/13 10:58 AM
Edited by HUST91 on Wed 05/15/13 10:58 AM
Hello there, ladies. flowerforyou

Like iwturkjr asks, what kind of nerd would you be looking for?

no photo
Wed 05/15/13 11:26 AM
I'm a nerd in the badass sense. Does that count? I'm good at hurting people.:angel:

_Adler_'s photo
Sun 07/21/13 07:15 PM
Edited by _Adler_ on Sun 07/21/13 07:16 PM

Amen to that! I prefer "Intellectual Bad-***" too!

PS. Sorry about the hyphen between "Bad" and "***," it's a nerd thing! ;-)

no photo
Mon 07/22/13 09:12 AM
Why a nerd ?
Why not a really hot and sexy guy

izzyphoto1977's photo
Mon 07/22/13 09:52 AM
I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 07/22/13 10:35 AM
He knows!



mightymoe's photo
Mon 07/22/13 12:41 PM

I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

a nerd is a nerd is a nerd.... not sure why there has to be a distinction between them... is the nerd that looks through a telescope all night different from a nerd that plays video games all night?

not really...

dang... need a nerd smiley...

izzyphoto1977's photo
Mon 07/22/13 07:21 PM

I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

a nerd is a nerd is a nerd.... not sure why there has to be a distinction between them... is the nerd that looks through a telescope all night different from a nerd that plays video games all night?

not really...

dang... need a nerd smiley...

Case in point. My sis posted a thing on facebook of this girl who was playing a game and said the words, "I'm such a nerd." When a guy who actually was a nerd asked her if she was going to E3 I think it was. She asked him what it was. After he explained what it was she told him to shut up.

Obviously her definition of a "nerd" was different from the guy's definition that she was talking to. So yes stating what you think a nerd is especially based on some of the newer movies vs older movies such as Revenge of the nerds and it's stereotypical nerd look of the time and say Take me home tonight where I'm pretty sure the main guy was a nerd depicts a pretty good difference in nerds. At least in the way they look.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 07/23/13 07:44 AM

I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

a nerd is a nerd is a nerd.... not sure why there has to be a distinction between them... is the nerd that looks through a telescope all night different from a nerd that plays video games all night?

not really...

dang... need a nerd smiley...

Case in point. My sis posted a thing on facebook of this girl who was playing a game and said the words, "I'm such a nerd." When a guy who actually was a nerd asked her if she was going to E3 I think it was. She asked him what it was. After he explained what it was she told him to shut up.

Obviously her definition of a "nerd" was different from the guy's definition that she was talking to. So yes stating what you think a nerd is especially based on some of the newer movies vs older movies such as Revenge of the nerds and it's stereotypical nerd look of the time and say Take me home tonight where I'm pretty sure the main guy was a nerd depicts a pretty good difference in nerds. At least in the way they look.

yea, well... me personally, I'm not going to waste any thought classifying different types of nerds... if they are smart nerds, they can hang around... dumb nerds need not apply...

izzyphoto1977's photo
Tue 07/23/13 08:26 AM

I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

a nerd is a nerd is a nerd.... not sure why there has to be a distinction between them... is the nerd that looks through a telescope all night different from a nerd that plays video games all night?

not really...

dang... need a nerd smiley...

Case in point. My sis posted a thing on facebook of this girl who was playing a game and said the words, "I'm such a nerd." When a guy who actually was a nerd asked her if she was going to E3 I think it was. She asked him what it was. After he explained what it was she told him to shut up.

Obviously her definition of a "nerd" was different from the guy's definition that she was talking to. So yes stating what you think a nerd is especially based on some of the newer movies vs older movies such as Revenge of the nerds and it's stereotypical nerd look of the time and say Take me home tonight where I'm pretty sure the main guy was a nerd depicts a pretty good difference in nerds. At least in the way they look.

yea, well... me personally, I'm not going to waste any thought classifying different types of nerds... if they are smart nerds, they can hang around... dumb nerds need not apply...

Kind of like productive potheads and lazy potheads? hahaha

mightymoe's photo
Tue 07/23/13 08:29 AM

I myself was wondering about the definition of nerd that was intended or as others have put it what type of nerd?

a nerd is a nerd is a nerd.... not sure why there has to be a distinction between them... is the nerd that looks through a telescope all night different from a nerd that plays video games all night?

not really...

dang... need a nerd smiley...

Case in point. My sis posted a thing on facebook of this girl who was playing a game and said the words, "I'm such a nerd." When a guy who actually was a nerd asked her if she was going to E3 I think it was. She asked him what it was. After he explained what it was she told him to shut up.

Obviously her definition of a "nerd" was different from the guy's definition that she was talking to. So yes stating what you think a nerd is especially based on some of the newer movies vs older movies such as Revenge of the nerds and it's stereotypical nerd look of the time and say Take me home tonight where I'm pretty sure the main guy was a nerd depicts a pretty good difference in nerds. At least in the way they look.

yea, well... me personally, I'm not going to waste any thought classifying different types of nerds... if they are smart nerds, they can hang around... dumb nerds need not apply...

Kind of like productive potheads and lazy potheads? hahaha

productive pothead??? is that a real thing?
laugh laugh

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