Topic: CAN'T WE FIND A WAY?......
Affectionisme's photo
Sun 05/12/13 05:42 AM
Why do we argue? - and blame each others hearts - it's just so hard - being so far apart - you are there - and i am here - all we both want - is to be near - to be in each others arms - to feel the love we share - to show one another - just how much we care - we've become so close - things have been said - now you're always - in my head - life is short - and time passes by - i don't want to argue - i don't want to cry - can't we figure this out - and work it through? - i never want - to ever lose you.....

pkh's photo
Sun 05/12/13 07:00 AM
Very nice

Affectionisme's photo
Sun 05/12/13 07:46 AM
Thank you very...much..
I have a collection of others i have written as well.

Affectionisme's photo
Sun 05/12/13 07:47 AM
Thank you very...much..
I have a collection of others i have written as well.

no photo
Sun 05/12/13 08:00 AM
Edited by KiK2me on Sun 05/12/13 08:44 AM
Good stuff !

Affectionisme's photo
Sun 05/12/13 03:51 PM
Thank you for the compliment...kik2me....your poems.....are exellent!.....really good....i enjoyed them....

no photo
Sun 05/12/13 05:07 PM
Well thank you Ms Affection
You should share a few more in here
And Happy Mothers day to you !

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 05/12/13 05:08 PM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Affectionisme's photo
Wed 05/15/13 02:45 PM
Thank you old hippie....

Affectionisme's photo
Tue 05/21/13 06:53 PM

no photo
Tue 05/21/13 07:38 PM
flowers :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Affectionisme's photo
Wed 05/22/13 04:47 PM
Thank you TAZZOPS.. ........