Topic: Two more states allow same sex marriage.
msharmony's photo
Thu 05/16/13 06:59 PM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

so you want adults to be free to do what they want, but at the same time want it to be ok to effectively ostracize them if they go against YOUR personal can't have it both ways here. Pick a side.

I havent suggested they be ostracized either

ostracizing would be making their behavior illegal,,,which I also oppose

I just dont agree with making their behavior legally sanctioned,,,,

my side is for the government to leave marriage alone,,,,and if there are civil equality issues, come up with a solution based in civil law,,

not family law

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 07:03 PM
Edited by techknowlove on Thu 05/16/13 07:04 PM

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 07:05 PM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What is the opposite of homophobia? You have that too.

A fear of, strong dislike of or aversion to straight people? No, not at all. I am straight and have no issue with other straight people.

Straight people aren't pushing their sexuality on others either.

I'll have some of what he's smoking!

no photo
Thu 05/16/13 07:25 PM
I'll have some of what he's smoking!


willowdraga's photo
Thu 05/16/13 07:57 PM
Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/16/13 10:56 PM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 05:19 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 05/17/13 05:54 AM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What a ludicrous statement! For someone to dislike an abnormal behavior does not make them phobic.

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/17/13 06:12 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 05/17/13 06:14 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

when the government is involved, where licensing is involved, where being sanctioned is involved

liberty has nothing to do with it

liberty doesnt mean we are able to be a licensed doctor just because we are a citizen

it doesnt mean we can be a licensed teacher just because we are a citizen

it still means we can give treatment to people WITHOUT the license so long as both are consenting

it still means we can teach people without a license as long as both are consenting

similarly, it doesnt mean our relationship has to be licensed by government

although it means we are still free to have relationship as long as both are consenting

...marriage is not a guaranteed privilege anymore than any other process involving licensing is,,,

at least it wasnt before the LGBT agenda went into effect and gaines such political and financial power,,,,

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 06:59 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

when the government is involved, where licensing is involved, where being sanctioned is involved

liberty has nothing to do with it

liberty doesnt mean we are able to be a licensed doctor just because we are a citizen

it doesnt mean we can be a licensed teacher just because we are a citizen

it still means we can give treatment to people WITHOUT the license so long as both are consenting

it still means we can teach people without a license as long as both are consenting

similarly, it doesnt mean our relationship has to be licensed by government

although it means we are still free to have relationship as long as both are consenting

...marriage is not a guaranteed privilege anymore than any other process involving licensing is,,,

at least it wasnt before the LGBT agenda went into effect and gaines such political and financial power,,,,

Flipping the facts won't change the meaning....The fact is states do have laws and those laws must apply equally under the U.S. Constitution...What applies to some must apply to all...If you want government out of it then marriage for EVERYONE SHOULD BE BANNED...I hate to think what we, as a nation, might be facing without some of those laws though...

In the United States, until the mid-19th century, common-law marriages were recognized as valid, but thereafter some states began to invalidate common-law marriages. Common-law marriages, if recognized, are valid, notwithstanding the absence of a marriage license. The requirement for a marriage license was used as a mechanism to prohibit whites from marrying blacks, mulattos, Japanese, Chinese, Native Americans, Mongolians, Malays or Filipinos. By the 1920s, 38 states used the mechanism.
The specifications for obtaining a marriage license vary between states. In general, however, both parties must appear in person at the time the license is obtained; be of marriageable age (i.e. over 18 years; lower in some states with the consent of a parent); present proper identification (typically a driver's license, state ID card, birth certificate or passport; more documentation may be required for those born outside of the United States); and neither must be married to anyone else (proof of spouse's death or divorce may be required, by someone who had been previously married in some states).
The US states of Connecticut, Wisconsin, Indiana, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Mississippi[4][5]and the District of Columbia in the past did have a requirement to have a blood test before obtaining a marriage licence, but have since been abolished.
Many states require 1 to 6 days to pass between the granting of the license and the marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, both spouses and the officiant sign the marriage license (some states also require a witness). The officiant or couple then files for a certified copy of the marriage license and a marriage certificate with the appropriate authority. Some states also have a requirement that a license be filed within a certain time after its issuance, typically 30 or 60 days, following which a new license must be obtained.
Marriage licenses in the United States fall under the jurisdiction of the state in which the ceremony is performed; however, the marriage is generally recognized across the country through the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution. In some instances, as is the case with same-sex marriages, other states may not recognize a marriage license from another state.[6] The state in which they are married holds the record of that marriage. Traditionally, working with law enforcement was the only means of searching and accessing marriage license information across state lines.[7]

Controversy in the US
Some groups believe that the requirement to obtain a marriage license is unnecessary and/or immoral. The Libertarian Party, for instance, believes that all marriages should be civil, not requiring sanction from the state.[8][9] Libertarians argue that marriage is a right, and that by allowing the state to exercise control over marriage, it is implied that we merely have privilege, not the right, to marry. As an example, those born in the US receive a birth certificate, not a birth license.[10] Some Christian groups also argue that a marriage is a contract between a man and a woman presided over by the Christian God, so no authorization from the state is required. In some US states, the state is cited as a party in the marriage contract[11] which is seen by some as an infringement.[12]
Marriage licenses have also been the subject of controversy for affected minority groups. Perhaps most notably, California's Proposition 8 has been the subject of heavy criticism by advocates of same-sex marriage.[13] including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community whose ability to marry is often limited by state regulations.

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:01 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

when the government is involved, where licensing is involved, where being sanctioned is involved

liberty has nothing to do with it

liberty doesnt mean we are able to be a licensed doctor just because we are a citizen

it doesnt mean we can be a licensed teacher just because we are a citizen

it still means we can give treatment to people WITHOUT the license so long as both are consenting

it still means we can teach people without a license as long as both are consenting

similarly, it doesnt mean our relationship has to be licensed by government

although it means we are still free to have relationship as long as both are consenting

...marriage is not a guaranteed privilege anymore than any other process involving licensing is,,,

at least it wasnt before the LGBT agenda went into effect and gaines such political and financial power,,,,

Flipping the facts won't change the meaning....The fact is states do have laws and those laws must apply equally under the U.S. Constitution...What applies to some must apply to all...If you want government out of it then marriage for EVERYONE SHOULD BE BANNED...I hate to think what we, as a nation, might be facing without some of those laws though...

In the United States, until the mid-19th century, common-law marriages were recognized as valid, but thereafter some states began to invalidate common-law marriages. Common-law marriages, if recognized, are valid, notwithstanding the absence of a marriage license. The requirement for a marriage license was used as a mechanism to prohibit whites from marrying blacks, mulattos, Japanese, Chinese, Native Americans, Mongolians, Malays or Filipinos. By the 1920s, 38 states used the mechanism.
The specifications for obtaining a marriage license vary between states. In general, however, both parties must appear in person at the time the license is obtained; be of marriageable age (i.e. over 18 years; lower in some states with the consent of a parent); present proper identification (typically a driver's license, state ID card, birth certificate or passport; more documentation may be required for those born outside of the United States); and neither must be married to anyone else (proof of spouse's death or divorce may be required, by someone who had been previously married in some states).
The US states of Connecticut, Wisconsin, Indiana, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Mississippi[4][5]and the District of Columbia in the past did have a requirement to have a blood test before obtaining a marriage licence, but have since been abolished.
Many states require 1 to 6 days to pass between the granting of the license and the marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, both spouses and the officiant sign the marriage license (some states also require a witness). The officiant or couple then files for a certified copy of the marriage license and a marriage certificate with the appropriate authority. Some states also have a requirement that a license be filed within a certain time after its issuance, typically 30 or 60 days, following which a new license must be obtained.
Marriage licenses in the United States fall under the jurisdiction of the state in which the ceremony is performed; however, the marriage is generally recognized across the country through the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution. In some instances, as is the case with same-sex marriages, other states may not recognize a marriage license from another state.[6] The state in which they are married holds the record of that marriage. Traditionally, working with law enforcement was the only means of searching and accessing marriage license information across state lines.[7]

Controversy in the US
Some groups believe that the requirement to obtain a marriage license is unnecessary and/or immoral. The Libertarian Party, for instance, believes that all marriages should be civil, not requiring sanction from the state.[8][9] Libertarians argue that marriage is a right, and that by allowing the state to exercise control over marriage, it is implied that we merely have privilege, not the right, to marry. As an example, those born in the US receive a birth certificate, not a birth license.[10] Some Christian groups also argue that a marriage is a contract between a man and a woman presided over by the Christian God, so no authorization from the state is required. In some US states, the state is cited as a party in the marriage contract[11] which is seen by some as an infringement.[12]
Marriage licenses have also been the subject of controversy for affected minority groups. Perhaps most notably, California's Proposition 8 has been the subject of heavy criticism by advocates of same-sex marriage.[13] including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community whose ability to marry is often limited by state regulations.
morning sweety flowers

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:06 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress

when the government is involved, where licensing is involved, where being sanctioned is involved

liberty has nothing to do with it

liberty doesnt mean we are able to be a licensed doctor just because we are a citizen

it doesnt mean we can be a licensed teacher just because we are a citizen

it still means we can give treatment to people WITHOUT the license so long as both are consenting

it still means we can teach people without a license as long as both are consenting

similarly, it doesnt mean our relationship has to be licensed by government

although it means we are still free to have relationship as long as both are consenting

...marriage is not a guaranteed privilege anymore than any other process involving licensing is,,,

at least it wasnt before the LGBT agenda went into effect and gaines such political and financial power,,,,

Flipping the facts won't change the meaning....The fact is states do have laws and those laws must apply equally under the U.S. Constitution...What applies to some must apply to all...If you want government out of it then marriage for EVERYONE SHOULD BE BANNED...I hate to think what we, as a nation, might be facing without some of those laws though...

In the United States, until the mid-19th century, common-law marriages were recognized as valid, but thereafter some states began to invalidate common-law marriages. Common-law marriages, if recognized, are valid, notwithstanding the absence of a marriage license. The requirement for a marriage license was used as a mechanism to prohibit whites from marrying blacks, mulattos, Japanese, Chinese, Native Americans, Mongolians, Malays or Filipinos. By the 1920s, 38 states used the mechanism.
The specifications for obtaining a marriage license vary between states. In general, however, both parties must appear in person at the time the license is obtained; be of marriageable age (i.e. over 18 years; lower in some states with the consent of a parent); present proper identification (typically a driver's license, state ID card, birth certificate or passport; more documentation may be required for those born outside of the United States); and neither must be married to anyone else (proof of spouse's death or divorce may be required, by someone who had been previously married in some states).
The US states of Connecticut, Wisconsin, Indiana, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Mississippi[4][5]and the District of Columbia in the past did have a requirement to have a blood test before obtaining a marriage licence, but have since been abolished.
Many states require 1 to 6 days to pass between the granting of the license and the marriage ceremony. After the marriage ceremony, both spouses and the officiant sign the marriage license (some states also require a witness). The officiant or couple then files for a certified copy of the marriage license and a marriage certificate with the appropriate authority. Some states also have a requirement that a license be filed within a certain time after its issuance, typically 30 or 60 days, following which a new license must be obtained.
Marriage licenses in the United States fall under the jurisdiction of the state in which the ceremony is performed; however, the marriage is generally recognized across the country through the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution. In some instances, as is the case with same-sex marriages, other states may not recognize a marriage license from another state.[6] The state in which they are married holds the record of that marriage. Traditionally, working with law enforcement was the only means of searching and accessing marriage license information across state lines.[7]

Controversy in the US
Some groups believe that the requirement to obtain a marriage license is unnecessary and/or immoral. The Libertarian Party, for instance, believes that all marriages should be civil, not requiring sanction from the state.[8][9] Libertarians argue that marriage is a right, and that by allowing the state to exercise control over marriage, it is implied that we merely have privilege, not the right, to marry. As an example, those born in the US receive a birth certificate, not a birth license.[10] Some Christian groups also argue that a marriage is a contract between a man and a woman presided over by the Christian God, so no authorization from the state is required. In some US states, the state is cited as a party in the marriage contract[11] which is seen by some as an infringement.[12]
Marriage licenses have also been the subject of controversy for affected minority groups. Perhaps most notably, California's Proposition 8 has been the subject of heavy criticism by advocates of same-sex marriage.[13] including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community whose ability to marry is often limited by state regulations.
morning sweety flowers

Morning sugarsmooched

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:51 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

You keep comparing two very different things. Homosexuality and incest are not the same. slaphead

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:52 AM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

most already realize they cant 'mandate' who anyone 'loves'

nor do most want to

the issue is who one beds

and IM sure 'everyone' wont condone homosexual behavior anymore thaneveryone will condone incest

but most will buy into the 'all that matters is consent' nonsense,,,

I am pro same same-sex marriage between two consenting adults because I buy into the following definitions of equality, liberty, due process, and civil rights...

Definition of LIBERTY

1: the quality or state of being free:
a : the power to do as one pleases
b : freedom from physical restraint
c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
e : the power of choice

Definition of EQUALITY

1: the quality or state of being equal

Definition of DUE PROCESS
An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Definition of CIVIL RIGHTS

The nonpolitical rights of a citizen; especially the rights of personal liberty guaranteed to United States citizens by the 13th and 14th amendments to the Constitution and by acts of Congress


no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:53 AM
Edited by singmesweet on Fri 05/17/13 07:55 AM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What a ludicrous statement! For someone to dislike an abnormal behavior does not make them phobic.

It's not ludicrous. You don't have to be afraid of homosexuals to be a homophobe. Here's the definition from merriam-webster:

Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

It also includes hatred toward them, which many here seem to display.

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 08:36 AM
Edited by alleoops on Fri 05/17/13 08:40 AM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What a ludicrous statement! For someone to dislike an abnormal behavior does not make them phobic.

I don't hate them or anyone. I just don't think deviate
sexual behavior should be promoted .

mightymoe's photo
Fri 05/17/13 11:12 AM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What a ludicrous statement! For someone to dislike an abnormal behavior does not make them phobic.

It's not ludicrous. You don't have to be afraid of homosexuals to be a homophobe. Here's the definition from merriam-webster:

Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

It also includes hatred toward them, which many here seem to display.

who defines that? now i'm irrational and "homophobic"?
lol, it just pisses you off when someone can't agree with you...

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 01:57 PM

Eventually all will realize that it isn't their concern to mandate who loves who as long as age and mental consent is considered. If they want to marry or have a civil union they should be able to do either or both if they want.

Civil Union was legalized last Year in Illinois and there was a huge celebration down town called "Pride Fest". This celebration is going to be going on this Saturday May 19 again this year. Activist groups are protesting against legalizing same-sex marriage in this state. If couples of same sex already have Civil Union legalized, then they don't need a marriage license. IMO

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:19 PM

I'd call it heterophobia.

A strong distaste for normalcy.

Hears a great quote the heterophobes could use.

Eat chit.
100% of the homosexers can't all be wrong

Sorry, man, but just because people disagree with your intolerance of homosexuals, it does not mean they're afraid of, dislike, or have an aversion to straight people. Many of us are straight and are disgusted by your attitude toward gay people. That's not me disliking straight people, though, that's me being disgusted with your attitude.

it involves irrational fear, aversion , or discrimination

I dont have any irrational fear, irrational aversion, or irrational discrimination, personally

I think people are PEOPLE , I dont treat ehem as their sexual preference, but I Can still find certain sexual behaviors deviant,,,,

You actually want gay people not to have sex because it bothers you so much. That's irrational.

no photo
Fri 05/17/13 07:21 PM
Edited by singmesweet on Fri 05/17/13 07:23 PM

omg how is the united states so far behind?? us brits have had same sex legalised marriages for years now.nothing wrong with them.why the big hoohaa?i don't get it.good people are allowed love and marriage just like anyone is.its no sin!!!

As you can see from this thread, some in the us are still very homophobic, so they don't even want gay people to have sex, much less marry.

I am personally not scared of anything, thus no phobia

but just as I dont 'want' brothers and sisters lying down together, I dont 'want' men lying with men and women lying with women


that is irrelevant due to people having control over their own bodies and decisions, including who they bed,, I HAVE NO SAY IN THAT AND IT IS HAPPENING AND WILL HAPPEN

what I dont want is government to step in and , in effect, sanction the behaviors

anymore than I would want them to make it a crime

I accept fully that people can sleep with whomever they choose

I dont accept a culture where children will be raised to see heterosexuality as just an 'option', and homosexuality and incest as equally healthy and natural options,,,,

adults do what they want, but dont implement it into the culture as a 'protected' and therefore promoted behavior,,,

As we all know, homophobia can also mean having a strong dislike or aversion to homosexuality. You have that.

What a ludicrous statement! For someone to dislike an abnormal behavior does not make them phobic.

It's not ludicrous. You don't have to be afraid of homosexuals to be a homophobe. Here's the definition from merriam-webster:

Definition of HOMOPHOBIA
: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

It also includes hatred toward them, which many here seem to display.

who defines that? now i'm irrational and "homophobic"?
lol, it just pisses you off when someone can't agree with you...

You can disagree with me all you want. That's not what I'm talking about.

You have an irrational fear or aversion of anal sex. You seem obsessed with not wanting gay people to have it. That's absolutely irrational.