Topic: HEY
no photo
Sun 05/05/13 02:13 PM
Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sun 05/05/13 02:40 PM

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 05/05/13 02:41 PM
You too!

no photo
Sun 05/05/13 07:26 PM

Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou


Right back atcha MIKEY!!!drinker
Too bad some good people
have deactivated from here
because of too much
BS & drama!:angry: I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2

no photo
Mon 05/06/13 05:18 AM

Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou


Right back atcha MIKEY!!!drinker
Too bad some good people
have deactivated from here
because of too much
BS & drama!:angry: I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2
Yes Its become such a Drama Pit anymore!! NOT like the good old days when it was a tight family!!!!grumble sad

no photo
Mon 05/06/13 06:29 AM

Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou

hi mikey - yes lovely weekend, thanks

Saturday shopping with the kid
Sunday all day in the woods!

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 05/06/13 06:54 AM
Hi Mikey! Hope you had a great weekend! I haven't been here much as I'm helping my granddaughter get ready for her wedding (June 15)..and spending some time outside enjoying the nice weather..flowerforyou

pkh's photo
Mon 05/06/13 07:39 AM
Hi cutie hope your feeling ok big hugs

no photo
Mon 05/06/13 09:04 AM

Hi cutie hope your feeling ok big hugs
My god honey U just made my week!!! love :banana:

no photo
Mon 05/06/13 01:41 PM
And how are YOU today, mr? :P

no photo
Tue 05/07/13 04:47 AM

And how are YOU today, mr? :P
Just getting ready to go to the Hospital for more tests!!! Fun, fun!!! NOT!!!!grumble

ArtGurl's photo
Tue 05/07/13 04:48 AM

no photo
Tue 05/07/13 06:16 AM

Hey Sweetie!!! I hope U are having a GREAT day!!!! flowers

no photo
Tue 05/07/13 06:32 AM

Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou


Right back atcha MIKEY!!!drinker
Too bad some good people
have deactivated from here
because of too much
BS & drama!:angry: I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2

Mingle is what you make it, just like any other social site.

Isn't saying "I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2 " making drama as well?

I've gotten to know some of these people who have left (from person messages and their own BS) and think that maybe they left to make drama other places more freely than here.

There are good folks who leave and drama freaks who leave, same as the newer folks coming into mingle. Personally, it really has nothing to do with mingle itself from what I have seen.

jemare's photo
Tue 05/07/13 01:36 PM
Hey Mikey.... Hope your weather has been as good as mine AND that you can get out and enjoy it as much as I have . Thanks for stopping by flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 05/08/13 12:43 PM

Just popped in to Say Hi to the Few friends I have left on here!!! I hope everyone is having a Great weekend!!!flowerforyou


Right back atcha MIKEY!!!drinker
Too bad some good people
have deactivated from here
because of too much
BS & drama!:angry: I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2

Mingle is what you make it, just like any other social site.

Isn't saying "I bet you know who
I'm talkin' about too!sad2 " making drama as well?

I've gotten to know some of these people who have left (from person messages and their own BS) and think that maybe they left to make drama other places more freely than here.

There are good folks who leave and drama freaks who leave, same as the newer folks coming into mingle. Personally, it really has nothing to do with mingle itself from what I have seen.

Could not have said it any better...bigsmile