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Topic: How the Tea Party is to Blame for Bombing
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Fri 04/19/13 03:48 PM
Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:03 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Im a little confused, Your avatar says "Don't tread on my gun rights" Yet you're blaming the tea party? Same group of conservatives that are for your gun rights?

TBRich's photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:08 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Perhaps you should read the book Tea-O-Conned, by Jake Shannon

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:13 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Perhaps you should read the book Tea-O-Conned, by Jake Shannon

If im correct here the tea party stands for, "Taxed enough already" a group of pro gun conservatives that got tired of Obama's overtaxing

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:15 PM
So either theres something I don't know, or something is out of place

motowndowntown's photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:20 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Makes as much sense to me as some of the other crap I've heard.

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:24 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Makes as much sense to me as some of the other crap I've heard.

Even if you wanted to try to blame the tea party, In this ridiculous way. What would the tea party have to gain from this? Two dudes bomb a place in boston. They get caught Obama makes a speech and the usual group of followers think he's a hero.

TBRich's photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:28 PM
By David Horsey
April 19, 2013, 5:00 a.m.
Usually, it would be best to ignore conspiracy-mongers such as Alex Jones and not reward him and his angry gaggle of paranoiac followers with any sort of attention. But, in a week when thoughts of the dead and maimed victims of the Boston Marathon bombings weigh heavy on the hearts and minds of most Americans, it is worth pointing out what a worthless waste of skin and bones Jones and his minions happen to be.

Nearly as soon as I heard about the bombings on Monday, I was certain that somewhere in the nutty right-wing blogosphere someone was already concocting a storyline that would blame the crime on President Obama and the federal government. Alex Jones came through with impressive rapidity.

Jones runs a radio show from Austin, Texas. He describes himself as a libertarian and an “aggressive constitutionalist.” The Southern Poverty Law Center says he has stirred up racial animus “to appeal to the fears of the antigovernment Patriot movement.” He certainly appeals to fear. Jones asserts that both the Oklahoma City bombing and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by the U.S. government as part of a scheme to promote a New World Order through “exploitable hysteria.”

So it is no surprise that he is now pushing the idea that the Boston bombings were the nefarious handiwork of federal agents. At Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s press briefing just a few hours after the explosions, one of Jones’ minions, Dan Biondi, was on hand to ask the governor if this was a "staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?"

"No," Patrick replied tersely. "Next question."

Meanwhile, Jones was on the air, on Twitter and on the Internet pushing his claim that the FBI engineered the bombings under the “false flag” of a terrorist group as a pretense for expanding the power of the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration. He warned of TSA groping teams at sporting events “coming soon.”

Jones is asking Americans to believe that their own government is responsible for all of the worst terrorist attacks in the country’s history and that the motivation for the latest one is a desire to grope sports fans. All of this is, of course, total ping-pong-balls-for-brains nonsense. It would be laughable if it were not for the fact that this conspiracy kook claims 2 million radio listeners and more online followers than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh combined.

Jones is a purveyor of the neo-Confederate brand of “patriotism” that has gained currency on the far starboard side of American politics. I do not think he should shut up or be shut down; he has the same 1st Amendment rights as I do. But he deserves to be exposed for what he is: a delusional, self-promoting bully who is slandering the very people who are right now doing the truly patriotic work of bringing the Boston bombers to justice.

Original source: Alex Jones has a sick theory about the Boston Marathon bombings on Los Angeles Times Exclusive

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:51 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Makes as much sense to me as some of the other crap I've heard.

Even if you wanted to try to blame the tea party, In this ridiculous way. What would the tea party have to gain from this? Two dudes bomb a place in boston. They get caught Obama makes a speech and the usual group of followers think he's a hero.

Who cares? As Long as the Media can Blame the Tea Party; that is what Matters, Right?

TJN's photo
Fri 04/19/13 04:53 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Im a little confused, Your avatar says "Don't tread on my gun rights" Yet you're blaming the tea party? Same group of conservatives that are for your gun rights?

She's not blaming the TEA party. Is sarcasm because the MSM was quick to say that the suspects were members of the right wing TEA party.

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 05:10 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Im a little confused, Your avatar says "Don't tread on my gun rights" Yet you're blaming the tea party? Same group of conservatives that are for your gun rights?

She's not blaming the TEA party. Is sarcasm because the MSM was quick to say that the suspects were members of the right wing TEA party.

Ah that's what I missed. makes sense now.

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 05:29 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Im a little confused, Your avatar says "Don't tread on my gun rights" Yet you're blaming the tea party? Same group of conservatives that are for your gun rights?

She's not blaming the TEA party. Is sarcasm because the MSM was quick to say that the suspects were members of the right wing TEA party.

Ah that's what I missed. makes sense now.

That's Okay; sometimes I'm a bit slow myself with sarcasm.

no photo
Fri 04/19/13 05:32 PM

Vulcan Mind Meld Control.

The Tea Party Recruited a Vulcan to do a Mind Meld on two young Muslim Immigrants to cause the Bombing.

Or Maybe they used Borg Nano-Probes to turn them into Drones to do the Evil Deed.

Im a little confused, Your avatar says "Don't tread on my gun rights" Yet you're blaming the tea party? Same group of conservatives that are for your gun rights?

She's not blaming the TEA party. Is sarcasm because the MSM was quick to say that the suspects were members of the right wing TEA party.

Ah that's what I missed. makes sense now.

That's Okay; sometimes I'm a bit slow myself with sarcasm.

Actually I took a break from watching the news for a bit. So much bad news lately.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/19/13 08:35 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Fri 04/19/13 08:36 PM
If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

no photo
Sat 04/20/13 01:41 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

Sheeple, I like that term. Perfect description for the liar in chief's followers

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/20/13 01:46 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,

no photo
Sat 04/20/13 03:30 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,

He means after the bombers bombed the city. They were armed and at large. One was found in someone's boat. It wasn't a question of guns vs bombs. He's referring to these armed psychos, Running around peoples backyards and boats hiding from police. Then these civilians unable to defend themselves from them. Simply because some liberal morons think its a better idea to take your guns away and leave you defenseless. It amazes me how hell bent liberals are to push a communist agenda. That they have such little regard for human American lives. Were under threat of nuclear war from North Korea. Every Al Qaida Jihadist A-hole wants to bomb and kill all americans. Followed by cyber attacks by China. Yet Libs want to disarm the American people. No matter how many americans may die should one of these attacks or several at a time may even occur. Which we'd be powerless to defend ourselves in the American mainland. Cause people like Feinstein want us to turn in our guns. Though the hypocrite herself has a concealed weapons permit. tsk tsk

metalwing's photo
Sat 04/20/13 03:53 PM
Yes! Legal immigrants have the right to murder just as many people as anyone else!whoa

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/20/13 05:29 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,

He means after the bombers bombed the city. They were armed and at large. One was found in someone's boat. It wasn't a question of guns vs bombs. He's referring to these armed psychos, Running around peoples backyards and boats hiding from police. Then these civilians unable to defend themselves from them. Simply because some liberal morons think its a better idea to take your guns away and leave you defenseless. It amazes me how hell bent liberals are to push a communist agenda. That they have such little regard for human American lives. Were under threat of nuclear war from North Korea. Every Al Qaida Jihadist A-hole wants to bomb and kill all americans. Followed by cyber attacks by China. Yet Libs want to disarm the American people. No matter how many americans may die should one of these attacks or several at a time may even occur. Which we'd be powerless to defend ourselves in the American mainland. Cause people like Feinstein want us to turn in our guns. Though the hypocrite herself has a concealed weapons permit. tsk tsk

as I recall, no civilians were harmed with GUNS, the only death from guns were those who HAD GUNS THEMSELF

so I still dont see the relevance to gun control,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/20/13 05:30 PM

Yes! Legal immigrants have the right to murder just as many people as anyone else!whoa

of course they dont, but the relevance of their LEGAL status , so long as it is legal, is as questionable as the relevance of natural born citizens who go on rampages,,,,,,,irrelevant

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