Topic: What would be your ideal life ? | |
your thoughts on what would be your ideal life ?
Oh jeez...
I suppose if I could just design a life for myself and then order it from, it might look something like this: I'd be a writer full-time, a novelist successful enough that I'd be able to draw an income from it sufficient to live a comfortable middle-class lifestyle and with enough extra to provide for a reasonable retirement should I ever reach a point where my writing was no longer going to bring home the bacon (whether due to changes in publishing or the number of people who read, or just in my own ability to write well as I age). I'd be married to a man who was very happy in his own career and we'd have a very loving relationship built upon passion, compassion and shared interests. We'd travel from time to time and visit places that we'd enjoy seeing. I'd likely still be doing some community theatre on the side, and/or be involved in musical performance. I'd still be doing historical re-creation, too (it's one of my hobbies). My husband and I would have a loyal and creative circle of friends. With luck, all of this would also come with reasonably good health even into old age... well, I suppose some of that's down to luck and some is down to personal effort. But if it were something one could order at Amazon, I'd definitely add it to the order. |
Deep in the woods with all the right toys. Chopping wood, fishing,campfires, cooking out on the grill, enjoying nature and a sweet, kind woman to share it with.
First I would overthrow Russia, continuing south I would then overtake the Asia's starting with Korea, Japan, leading to a final assault on China. Within about 10-15 years the entire European and Asian continents would be mine, I would have the Navy hold the open waters and close off trading to only continental routes. After time I would probably go for Africa closing off this entire portion of the world from the U.S.
20-25 years I would overthrow the United States and dominate the world. 45-50 years after that I will go on to conquer space in my project codenamed Star Trek. |
Sounds more like a live-action game of Risk to me.
There are too many scenarios that would work equally well for me, but they all include health and happiness and a companion who could live their own ideal life alongside mine.the latter is really the most challenging to come by.
I would have to have a woman, married and loyal to do things with. Having a spouse makes any life ideal with the right person.
Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance.
Most of us have two lives. The life we live and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance. OMG, that's deeply beautiful. |
I have my moments.