Topic: Georgia town approves mandatory gun ownership law | |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, ![]() Look at the fine Senator from California! Where do you think she is headed? Or Dirty Harry Reid? Here is Brainy himself! and then we have SuperBrain! Back in 1994, when Congress first passed an “Assault Weapon” ban, the internet was in its infancy. That meant that there was no way for Second Amendment, gun rights supporters to expose to the world the appalling ignorance that underlay this sweeping legislation. Perhaps that was all for the good, as it enabled both gun owners and manufacturers to circumvent (with increased costs and inconvenience) the Bill’s more stupid cosmetic provisions. Following Sandy Hook, gun grabbers are again showing their complete willingness to use whatever power they have to deprive Americans of a core Constitutional right. Barack Obama has made it clear that he thinks a legislative majority trumps the Second Amendment (note to constitutional scholar/president: that’s not how it works) and he’s done everything possible to weaken gun rights. All over America, gun grabbers are speaking up. But here’s the thing: Even as they rush to grab our guns, the internet allows us to expose their ignorance. Thanks to the internet, we know that a United States Representative from Colorado, Rep. Diana DeGette, actually thinks that gun magazines are disposed after use, not simply reloaded. The NRA’s Colion Noir schools her on that one: We also learned yesterday that Barack Obama, who is leading the gun control charge, doesn’t understand the difference between automatic guns (one pull of the trigger = lots of bullets) and semi-automatic guns (one pull of the trigger = one bullet, with the next in line automatically chambered). In a speech the President gave in San Francisco, to a fundraising audience who almost certainly doesn’t know anything about guns either, Obama said: Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly. (Emphasis added.) Obama’s not alone. As noted above, Rep. DeGette dreams of single use magazines, while Sen. Dianne Feinstein lives in a magical world where bullets “implode.” It’s bad enough that they’re going after our guns. What’s worse is that they’re total ignoramuses going after our guns. We can only hope that, should Democrats manage to pass gun grabbing legislation, whatever they put into law is so stupidly drafted it’s either ineffective or cannot stand up to even minimal judicial scrutiny. Great you are trusting them with your Life,I ain't! |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually but some things seem less probable or likely than others money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually but some things seem less probable or likely than others money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try. |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually but some things seem less probable or likely than others money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try. power without money is like peanut butter with no peanuts just not likely,, they are mutually inclusive interests |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, ![]() Democrat Leader: We’re Going to Ban Handguns Next People who defend their tyrannical leaders have to engage in mental aerobics — namely denial and delusions. Every day, dozens of leftists post on our Facebook page claiming “nobody wants to ban your guns”… even though Obama is literally having press conferences about banning guns I own. Either way, this should be proof that yes, a comprehensive gun ban is their goal. A Democrat leader in the House of Representatives, Rep. Jan Schakowsky from Illinois, is promising that an assault weapons ban is “just the beginning”. Handguns are next, just like they are in Illinois. In other words, the gun control laws that are failing in Chicago are soon going to be the goal for the entire country. There’s a reason that the political divide in America is so strong and is growing stronger. Some people want tyranny regardless of how many people it kills, how many lives it ruins, and regardless of what studies show. They aren’t motivated by facts — they want the state to grow in power, and it’s only about that. The conversation and admission is below. reports: “We want everything on the table,” Schakowsky told Mattera. “This is a moment of opportunity. There’s no question about it.” One poignant exchange was as follows: Schakowsky: We’re on a roll now, and I think we’ve got to take the–you know, we’re gonna push as hard as we can and as far as we can. Mattera: So the assault weapons ban is just the beginning? Schakowsky: Oh absolutely. I mean, I’m against handguns. We have, in Illinois, the Council Against Handgun… something [Violence]. Yeah, I’m a member of that. So, absolutely. Get ready, because it’s going to be a rough ride over the next few years. They want to ban assault weapons, and they want to repeat the mistakes of Chicago, the UK, and DC — they want to ban handguns as well. Remember, handgun crime doubled in the UK after the handgun ban. Not just crime — handgun crime specifically. The ban was a complete and total failure. They’ve lied about the statistics. They’ve ignored the facts. They’ve used sexism to justify disarming women. Don’t make a mistake — your well being was never their goal. Of course, the original intent of the Second Amendment is clear, but that won’t slow them. Their goal isn’t the law, it isn’t liberty, it isn’t safety — their goal is power. And that’s it. Keep on defending that Vermin! |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually but some things seem less probable or likely than others money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try. power without money is like peanut butter with no peanuts just not likely,, they are mutually inclusive interests Oh they have plenty of money, don't you worry about that, the legal system serves that interest quite is not an issue for them whatsoever. |
alot of assumptions clouds the issues and any chance at actual honest resolution,,,, So now they are trying it with Under-The-Radar Actions,Executive Orders and the like! an honest Resolution which leaves the regular Citizen defenseless? that would be a complete gun ban, which I have heard noone in any position of power propose,,,, Not YET, but don't think for one moment it can't happen. The biggest reason the elite stay in power is because people assume they won't do something. Then when they do, we act all shocked but reality is our own apathy allowed it to happen. Time we be proactive..... there is nothing I think CANT Happen actually but some things seem less probable or likely than others money still rules, guns means profits, they are not in threat of being banned,,,,where one is removed a half dozen more are created Yes but power rules even more than money does......and if the government can take more control of its' populace, you can be damn sure they are gonna try. power without money is like peanut butter with no peanuts just not likely,, they are mutually inclusive interests Oh they have plenty of money, don't you worry about that, the legal system serves that interest quite is not an issue for them whatsoever. Money is really a drug, like heroine. It's primary use is to control the populace the same way a drug pusher controls his clients....First you practically give it away to get people hooked...Then all you have to do to have people curled up in the fetal position sweating or committing suicide is make the supply scarce for awhile. The central banksters are far worse than the heroine pushers. a regular drug pusher only abuses his individual clients...The banks' clients are whole countries. |