Topic: Jesus no more a MYTH than Davy Crockett | |
Although what was said about Davy Crockett and Jesus Christ
may have been myth or stretching the truth, to some, both men however were real, and their lives no less heroic. PEOPLE NEED JESUS. If not Jesus, they immortalize someone else to attempt to fill that need. But as you'll see below, even Davy Crockett's life didn't quite stack up to that of Jesus' Davy Crockett - King of the Wild Frontier. Jesus Christ - King of Kings. Davy Crockett - The Lion of the West. Jesus Christ - The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Davy Crockett preferred the name David. Jesus Christ descended from King David. Davy Crockett bled the 5000 (Mexican troops at the Alamo). Jesus Christ fed the 5000. Davy Crockett could tote a steamboat on his back. Jesus Christ toted the sins of the world upon his back. Davy Crockett could whip his weight in wildcats. Jesus Christ could whip his weight in demons. Davy Crockett could jump the Mississippi River in a single bound. Jesus Christ walked on water. Davy Crockett killed over 100 bear in a single season. Jesus Christ killed 2000 swine in minutes. Davy Crockett could out grin a panther. Jesus Christ could out grin an adulteress (John 8:10,11). Davy Crockett could ride on a lightning bolt. Jesus Christ will come riding on the clouds of heaven. Davy Crockett opposed "Santana" (Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna). Jesus Christ opposed Satan. Davy Crockett spent a lot of time in the wilderness. Jesus Christ prayed and fasted in the wilderness. Davy Crockett died at a mission (The Alamo). Jesus Christ died to complete his earthly/divine mission. Davy Crockett could shoot the fly off a burro's swishing tail at 180 meters. Jesus Christ road a young donkey into Jerusalem amongst a crowd swishing palm branches in his honor. Davy Crockett, after an Indian battle, once ate potatoes fried in burnt Indian grease 'til he nearly burst. Jesus Christ taught the people that if they didn't eat his flesh and drink his blood, that they would not have life within them. Davy Crockett died at the place of the skull (St Francis statue prominently held a skull and cross at the Alamo at the time of the historic battle). Jesus Christ died on a cross at the place of the skull (Golgatha). Davy Crockett nailed Mexican soldiers from behind a bunch of sticks (i.e. a palisade). Jesus Christ was nailed to some sticks by Roman soldiers. Davy Crockett had his clothes divided up amongst the Mexican soldiers. Jesus Christ had his clothes divided up amongst the Roman soldiers. Davy Crockett was ordered to defend the seemingly indefensible palisade by Lt. Colonel William Travis: Crockett "You mean that little bunch of sticks over there?" Travis "You looking for a different assignment?" Crockett "No (short pause). That's the one I was gonna put in for." Jesus Christ was told by God to allow himself to be handed over to the Jewish authorities for execution. Jesus prayed, "Abba, Father, take this cup from me. Yet, not what I will, but what you will." Davy Crockett plucked his fiddle with his thumb to stay awake through the night until the early morn when the Alamo was attacked, while the other defenders slept. Jesus Christ stayed awake praying through the night before he was handed over, while his disciples slept. Davy Crockett was seen only pierced at his execution (at the Alamo by bayonet after the battle had ended). Jesus Christ was seen only pierced at his execution (hands, feet, and side. Jesus said, "It is finished"). Davy Crockett existed before Abraham Lincoln was born. Davy Crockett died in March of 1836 at age 49. Jesus Christ claimed that before Abraham was born, "I am". They scoffed, "You're not even 50 years old!" Davy Crockett was numbered with the transgressors (William Travis was a debtor, James Bowie a land swindler). Jesus Christ (a "lamb without spot") was numbered with the transgressors (one crucified on either side of Jesus). Davy Crockett, William Travis, and James Bowie are considered the Holy Trinity of the Alamo. Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the Holy Trinity of Heaven. Davy Crockett told the folks back home in Tennessee, "You all can go to Hell! I'm going to Texas!" Jesus Christ told the Pharisees, "I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come." (John 8:21) Davy Crockett was made sport of by the members of Congress because of his backwoods talk and dress. Jesus Christ was mocked by the Pharisees because of what he said and was made to wear: "He says that we cannot go where he is going. Does this mean he will kill himself?" The Roman soldiers mocked Jesus by placing a crown of thorns upon his head. Davy Crockett played his fiddle atop the Alamo stunning the Mexican army, stopping cannon fire for a night. Jesus Christ held back his arrest for a night by verbally stunning the Temple guards saying, "I shall be with you a little while longer. You will look for me, but you cannot go where I will be." Davy Crockett said to Jim Bowie while pent up at the Alamo: "If it were just me, simple David from Tennessee, I might drop over these walls one night and take my chances. But that 'Davy Crockett' feller, they're all watching him. He's been on these walls every day of his life." Jesus Christ may have thought to himself at his crucifixion: "If it were just me, simple Jesus the carpenter from Galilee, I might drop down from this cross and take my chances. But that 'Son of God' feller, they're all watching him. He's been on this cross every day of his life." AMEN |