Topic: What is your favorite feature on me? | |
Rate please! And feel free to add me ^_^
Hello kayla. I suggest the 3rd pic for you. Your eyes is beautiful. Add your type of man. Goodluck
You're welcome kay. Welcome
Rate please! And feel free to add me ^_^ Kayla, you remind me too much of my daughter Radiance. So, I am inclined to rate you highly. Oh, this is what Radiance looks like: |
Wow. I imagine my hair to be like that. Hehe. Shes beautiful.
Wow. I imagine my hair to be like that. Hehe. Shes beautiful. Every woman on this thread (thus far) is beautiful, even if she doesn't know it. |
Oh my! She's stunning!
hey y'all luk gorgeous pls add me am new here lookin for a partner
Rate please! And feel free to add me ^_^ You have such gorgeous i wait to see the smile too-with teeth out! And that innocent,cool,calm,collected look in pic 3...... Welcome to mingle,Kayla! Goodluck to you! |
I think you have pretty eyes Ms...
Your a very beautiful young woman no worries!
nothing really comes to mind.