Topic: Bloomburg Gun Ads Violate 3 Basic Gun Safety Rules | |
(The Washington Times) The first rule is to always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
In this case, the children are playing in the yard. Although the viewers can’t see what is to the side of the truck, the man should be pointing the muzzle in the air or at the ground. The second NRA rule is always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. In the ad “Responsibility,” the man has his finger on the trigger, as if ready to shoot. While doing this, he says, “I believe in the Second Amendment, and I’ll fight to protect it. But with rights come responsibilities.” To make an ad demonstrating actual gun responsibility, the man would put a straight forefinger above the trigger guard to make sure he doesn’t accidentally touch the trigger. The third NRA safety rule is always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use. This means a situation in which the gun is available for immediate use — such as when hunting and a deer could step out at any time or when the firearm is safely stored but ready for quick self-defense as needed. [...] While saying this, he holds the pump-action shotgun with the action (bolt) closed, so it is impossible to know if it is loaded. To make this a demonstration of safety, the bolt would be wide open to demonstrate that it is unloaded. If Bloomberg really wants to save lives from guns, he should use some of the $12 million he is spending on anti-gun ads to ensure those ads are promoting basic gun safety. Figures that Nanny Bloomberg Can't Get a Safety Video Right; he's too busy Micro-Managing the Lives of the Little People. |