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Topic: Money or Happiness
msharmony's photo
Fri 04/05/13 12:29 AM

Hey guys, I was having an arguement with the lads at work today.

Whats more important? A job you hate but it pays well... OR ... A job you love but you scrape by each month??

I say a job you love. I don't earn alot. I do have enough money to pay my bills and go out every now and then, but I live on each pay cheque as it comes. i do however LOVE my job.

Your views....

for someone with kids, Id say the job that pays well, because loving your job doesnt put food in their tummy or shelter over their heads,, and money does buy freedom and resources for other things you love,,,,,

no photo
Fri 04/05/13 01:52 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 04/05/13 01:54 PM
I have been fortunate to like the jobs I had which also paid me well. Huge percent of "working people" do not like their jobs. Money is what Most people go for. I would rather have a higher paying job I didn't like. Maybe in time I could move to something that I liked and paid less. Imo

gettinback2good's photo
Sat 04/06/13 07:08 AM
Happiness beats wealth every time, except when you are dying for something you can't afford. Lol. Seriously,I've been on both ends of the spectrum and can live without much money, but what could be worse than a life without happiness.

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/06/13 09:17 AM
money may not buy happiness,, but it helps pay the toll on the road to happiness

otherwise one is required to climb many more valleys, rough many more potholes and rough terrains, and struggle across many more unfinished bridges,,,

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 12:48 PM
I'd like to see how the GOVERNMENT would answer this. laugh. As for my own views on it, I put happiness first. You could be the richest person in the world, but be so saddened by a break up. I've read quite a few news stories of how people won the lottery, then they let it go to their head.

PrintsCharming's photo
Sun 04/07/13 11:13 AM
Create wealth in all areas of your life.

PrintsCharming's photo
Fri 04/12/13 06:15 PM
Some people are so poor all they have is money.

no photo
Fri 04/12/13 07:07 PM
You gotta work hard to provide for your kids, hopefully you can manage your schedule and not take time away from them, but time is limited here on earth. You can't buy time, and when it's up that's it! I would work the harder job if it provided more for my family. As long as it didn't sacrifice time spent with them or loved ones. When you are on your death bed you'll never say "I wish i spent more time at work".

no photo
Fri 04/12/13 07:36 PM
You have to work hard (most of the time) to provide or succeed in life.

But you don't truly earn anything until you learn to let it go.

I am just recently really starting to figure that out.

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