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Topic: Have you ever - part 4
topherj37's photo
Sat 03/30/13 10:49 PM
No, but I've watched footage of stars taking a fall from time to time.

Have you ever interviewed the person who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip for a school project?

ViaMusica's photo
Sat 03/30/13 10:53 PM
Edited by ViaMusica on Sat 03/30/13 10:54 PM
For all I know, there wasn't any dip in it that long ago! ohwell

Have you ever wondered why the special effects in an old movie look so cheesy?

topherj37's photo
Sat 03/30/13 11:03 PM
Ah yes, the old classics, so cheesy, only a mouse could really appreciate their charm.

Have you ever sang a song of six pence, a pocket full of rye?

no photo
Sun 03/31/13 12:06 PM
Yes! I sing a lot!laugh

Have you ever had 4 and 20
black birds baked in a pie?


ViaMusica's photo
Sun 03/31/13 12:15 PM

Have you ever swung your partner?

no photo
Mon 04/01/13 09:11 PM

have you ever licked whip cream out of your partners navel?

no photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:40 PM

Have you ever put a heart-shaped paper in ur mouth and "sang ur heart out"?

ViaMusica's photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:46 PM
Edited by ViaMusica on Fri 04/05/13 06:47 PM
Can't say that I have.

Have you ever seen a grown man naked? laugh

topherj37's photo
Fri 04/05/13 09:18 PM

Have you ever had to move your desk to storage room b?

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 04/07/13 07:40 AM
Only once.

Have you ever seen stars on the water?

amaria90's photo
Wed 04/10/13 11:54 PM
Yeah at Sea World
Have you ever got so hot in herre (so hot) and took off all your clothes?

Kaleijoscope's photo
Thu 04/11/13 03:22 AM
Have you ever thought of the mornings without coffee?

amaria90's photo
Thu 04/11/13 04:04 AM
I'm a tea drinker myself and I've fasted so I'm cool with going without.

Have you ever switched cell phone companies before?

no photo
Thu 04/11/13 11:39 AM

have you ever mixed up your work and personal cell phone numbers?

no photo
Thu 04/11/13 12:26 PM

Have you ever forgotten someone's birthday?

ViaMusica's photo
Thu 04/11/13 12:57 PM
Yes. Once I got so busy with stuff that I nearly forgot to celebrate my own! laugh

Have you ever looked up at the ceiling just to see what your cat was staring at, and seen nothing up there?

no photo
Thu 04/11/13 01:13 PM

Have you ever played a popular melody using your car's horn?

no photo
Thu 04/11/13 01:45 PM
Yes, I managed to play a version of twinkle twinkle little star, and got fined.

Have you ever got mistaken for a famous person?

topherj37's photo
Thu 04/11/13 05:45 PM

Have you ever wondered who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?

no photo
Thu 04/11/13 06:52 PM
All the time.

Have you ever had to spend a night in hospital?

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