Topic: Simply speaking | |
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Fri 03/22/13 07:48 PM
Simply Speaking
By Yours Truly Local Talent I am but a simple writer... ...A servant to the Pen And a Puppet to the Quill... Blessed be my hands For adventures they seek... Blessed be my heart For true love does it speak Blessed be the blood As it bleeds from my soul Blessed be my hands As the stories unfold..... Blessed be my mind As the words do they scream To put down on paper My hopes and my dreams.... {Low sweeping Bow} ![]() KiK I would invite anyone who likes my writing to have a glance at my other threads And i post my new stuff on a rotating basis in my profile Hope YOU find something to enjoy ! {Many great writing talents here in Mingle2 !} Part 1 "Cap'n Who" Part 2 "She Who Was" |
PArdon the bump but i meant to have this one on top
Thanks for indulging me folks ! KiK ![]() |
Spirituality and humility. A fine reminder.
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Sat 03/23/13 11:43 AM
Thanks Sinner
You're a great guy A good and encouraging friend And it is my honor and pleasure to know you ! ![]() KiK |
Hi Cowboy
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Hello Lovely Lady Leigh !
Thank you so much And Hello to you Man O as well You are always sweet and encouraging And you have such a great personality You are truly an awesome lady And Man O is a great guy I'm honored to be here because of friends like you folks Hope you are enjoying your weekend ! ![]() KiK |
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Tue 03/26/13 09:32 PM
By Yours Truly Local Talent Eyes that can pierce gently The deepest of defenses She sees into my soul And i than have become But An open book Judge gently fair heart As you seek my soul Speak kindly Of the stories within That be told Cast not such doubt Into the darkest of my nights Let fair be the touch Of she who brings me light I reach for thine heart Across fate and time And miss deeply she Who is ever..on my mind A whisper to the wind... I LOVE YOU ! ![]() /....\ KiK |
Simply Speaking By Yours Truly Local Talent I am but a simple writer... ...A servant to the Pen And a Puppet to the Quill... Blessed be my hands For adventures they seek... Blessed be my heart For true love does it speak Blessed be the blood As it bleeds from my soul Blessed be my hands As the stories unfold..... Blessed be my mind As the words do they scream To put down on paper My hopes and my dreams.... {Low sweeping Bow} ![]() KiK I would invite anyone who likes my writing to have a glance at my other threads And i post my new stuff on a rotating basis in my profile Hope YOU find something to enjoy ! {Many great writing talents here in Mingle2 !} Part 1 "Cap'n Who" Part 2 "She Who Was" Let me say this, I love your writings!!!! Love this one too |
I'm loving your writings too...
Edited by
Wed 03/27/13 01:03 AM
Thank you Mig and Ainjel !
hehehe i should be asleep by now But when you are compelled to write... Mere words dare not say By Yours Truly Local Talent What then be said From a heart that beats true To penterate darkness In reaching for you To reach past the numbness Though evil has lied To find true your heart What i'm feeling inside Your warmth like the heat Of a of a cool summer day The taste of your lips Mere words could not say As chemistry linger The smell of your hair Words dare not profess As my soul do i swear The feel of your softness Your skin upon mine And Kingdoms befallen This love you inspire And Kingdoms befallen Regret cast not shout As the heart of such men For their love leave no doubt A letter of truth May it reach you this day "I love thee fair maiden" What more can words say... Dawn be the breaking Let love breath new life I care so for you... ..# "/" Sir KiK ![]() |
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Wed 03/27/13 01:52 PM
By Yours Truly Local Talent Slowly like the clock.. {tic..toc..tic..toc} Well he was 6 foot somthin' With his head in the sky And you'd wonder by his smell How they'd stacked it that high Yeah he..smelled like an azz He had a patch on his eye And by his Pistoleros Many men had stood but died {tic toc tic toc} .... He had gnarly hair And a scar on his face All eyes were upon him As he walked into the place ...CERVESA AMIGO ? Was all that he said Some Cowboy at the bar snorted "Smells like somethin' Dead" ! {tic toc tic toc} ... But he paid him no mind As he sipped on his drink He was lookin' for refreshment A little time to think "ANOTHER" ? He asked As he poured his drink down Well that's when the "REAL" bad boys Rode in to town {tic toc tic toc} ..... They started shootin' up the place And burnin' things down They had people a scatterin' All over the town ....Except for him... He just sat there........ Drinkin' his beer And kickin' back in his chair......... "CERVESA" .... He asked for the third time......... Bar tender crawled over and handed him a pitcher "GRACIAS AMIGO" ! .....{tic toc tic toc} Well he was feelin' better now He whistled a tune Asked about a bath And gettin' a room It was bout that time.. The "BAD BOYS" entered the Saloon {tic toc tic toc} ... "I SMELL A MEXICAN"... WHAT ARE YOU DOIN' HERE ? The bad boy walked straight up And slapped away his beer... "I DO MY TALKING WITH PISTOLAS SEñOR" {very accented} ...Is THAT SO ? {Tic Toc tic toc} .... You think you can take us all MEXICAN.. Well is that RIGHT ?{chuckle} I bet you've never even been in a REAL gun fight {HA HA HA HA.. bad boys laughing at the bar} "TAKE IT OUTSIDE BOYS" The bar tender begged.. PLEASE ? As he hid 'hind the bar In a corner on his knees {prayin i suppose?} {tic toc tic toc} ....... He got up from the table And walked out side With those pistols of his By which many had died "SMELLY MEXICAN" ! And they laughed til they cried Swigged down their drinks And than mosied out side... ALL SIX OF THEM ! {tic toc Tic Toc} ........ He was fanning himself With that big old hat One asked him..."READY TO DIE MEX" ? ..HE said "IMAGINE THAT" And with the clock loudly tickin' They all drew their guns.... TIC TOC TIC TOC... They had barely cleared leather I watched them all die ! And as he put away his guns He had tears in his eyes {eye} "Got dirt in my face" He wiped his eyes and said "IT'S ALWAYS this way" He turned to me and said ..... "SEE YA LATER COWBOY"! Got to get off to bed And he placed his Sombrero Back up on his head Mumblin something 'bout "some food an' a bath and some drinks" ? ........ {Sheriff}WHO WAS THAT MAN ? I uttered ........"A MEXICAN I THINK" ? .....And a bad AZZ i winked {Sheriff}.........Shoot i wanted to Deputize him? {tic toc tic toc} If YOU ever see him And i think you could tell By the way that he walks and the way that he smells Or those pistoleros ! That he wears so proud ....Just say..."BUENOS DIOS AMIGO" But be sure an' say it LOUD ! "THE MEXICAN" Y'all come back now....ya hear ? ![]() Cowboy KiK Warren Miner |
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Fri 03/29/13 01:45 AM
Without the smile
By Yours Truly Local Talent Shame be the tears Of the clown can not see His heart deeply broken His love lost fantasy And true be the taking As blade within hand He hurls himself Into sleeps Promise land On high be the tear drops As Angels thus cry For WOE be such loss As the joy he brings dies SILENCE the laughter Respect for the SMILES Let us lay the clown low now And send him in style AWAKEN then clown For the Judgement is near Will you face than with courage Or quiver in fear HELL be damnation It's fire ever bright As you've stolen the LAUGHTER Must you dance in the night HEAVEN forgive you The LORD in his grace And bring back the smiles Let naught but one waste Rise than dead clown As has this never been Rise than dead clown And SMILE once again... ![]() Let the story begin.....! KiK |
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Fri 03/29/13 03:23 AM
And I Will Sail
By Yours Truly Local Talent ![]() /....\ I am but a vessel As my hands but put to words The whispers of the Angels As they struggle to be heard All these voices softly pleading As i try to get it right And as time thus growing shorter Do i write both day and night ![]() With these words do they beseech thee In your heart love to be true And do unto your fellow man As you'd have him do to you ![]() Speak of heart with fondness LEt the world know that you care Swear to peace allegiance As one world do we share ![]() ![]() What than for the children If a future not so bright We are given life to hope and dream Do they not have that right ![]() Woe than war and hatred Will this fighting never end If only man could lay down arms And learn to all be friends........ AMEN PEACE ON EARTH ! And PROSPERITY ...To ALL mankind Be Blessed ! ![]() KiK Good night my friends ! ...KiK tired now ![]() |
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Fri 03/29/13 02:48 PM
Hell's Cave
By Yours Truly Local Talent The Sea now be risin' As here in Hell's cave Me lust for this booty Has made it me grave Ah die than a Cap'n Me treasure stacked high Ar a fool and his money More likely than Nigh Yet it be than with courage ME boots on me feet An ' with sword in mine hand Be the end i shall meet Yet the water still risin' Sword quivers in hand Hold fast mate I tell meself Dignities end Yet a ray of light shine down Somewhere o'er me head If i can swim long enough I shant be dead And a lesson be learned True a fact i can't hide To return with some HELP ! While at lull be the tide ! ARGGGHH ! Did ye TRULY think i would be leavin' me BOOTY behind now ? HAR HAR HAR ! Sail On ! "Cap'n" KiK |
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Fri 03/29/13 04:46 PM
I'm Warren folks
I seek friends and conversation If any are so inclined I am open to other possibilities as well And i welcome you to drop me a message in my inbox I think i have shared all the writing i am Indulged to post here in the writers forum But i will continue to post my new stuff on my profile If anyone may have an interest Have fun Mingling ! ![]() "KiK" Warren Miner Grand Junction Co. |