Topic: taxes being spent to help support drug users | |
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit.
In order to get that paycheck I am required to pass a random drug test, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass the urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check? Because I have to pass one to earn it for them. Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt using my taxes to get high. Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Repost if you agree... |
why don't they make everyone on welfare take a drug test for then they can use the money for making the school system safer for our kids
I actually agree with you. There are a lot of people who are on the system because they have no choice. However, there are a lot that abuse the system. You have to go in every 6 months to explain why you are still on the system, they should be made to have a drug test, especially the ones that have all the new clothes, driving the fancy cars, etc.
They barely give you enough to live on and that money is designed to help you pay bills and rent, so that your CHILDREN are taken care of. You can not be on the system without kids or are elderly and have no income. |
cheers mate.!!!
Idk.....there seems to be a lot of drug testing in the usa. Why, for walmart, I don't know. My ex in cali had to be drug tested because he worked for the courts. I can see people in the police force or medical to be drug tested but I don't see that here at least.
It's easy enough to fool a drug can buy the stuff at any head shop of course. It would be a good idea for the people on welfare to be tested but that would cost the country even it is a catch-22 isnt' it? |
well you know they can aslo make these ppl hold a job part time if goig to shool and full time if not in school ,and if they get fired or quite then they have 30 days to get a nother job or they loose they loose it .
I don't know about welfare, but there are other assistance programs - I personally know people who were perfectly sane but qualified for the "crazy check" due to excessive use of acid or speed! In other words, the government is paying them -because- they abused drugs.
I think all the US assistance programs should require higher levels of accountability/resposibility - drug testing is one. And why not random drug testing? This would put the money where it is needed, and might save a lot of money, as I know from personal conversations that many people simply use the programs to support their habit. And why give them cash to begin with? Why not non-transferable, limited use vouchers for necessities only (like they do with food stamps)? I am not against recreational drug use - for people who can support themselves. I'm against people wasting the money I give them. |
they can also limit the number of kids they have like if they have 2 kids already let them know that intill they become fianacially independent they can not have any more kids or they will loose their benifits .
for the one that thinks you csn foola drug test, let them do a mouth swab test on you, nothing hides from that, which is why we use it at my work, I build powerlines and have already been burned by a fellow on drugs, spent 3 wks in a burn center and seven months trying to grow my left arm and both hands back, so I see reasons for drugtesting
also wolf I agree with you 100%
While we're at it, let's insist on CONGRESS submitting to drug tests - and your taxes hardly go to social services - Have you ever seen the breakdowns? Your govt. goes to great pains to sustain the drug problem they create, so they can make money enslaving you on drugs AND locking you up (The prison system's privatised here). The "War On Drugs" is a vulgar lie. |
NC already does the 2 kid limit and will only pay for the first 2 years. They also offer career training to the mothers, payed for by the state. The program works, and they have even started selling public housing back to the former residents.
Your state should try it. At first it met with a lot of resistance. I saw a woman on the news complaining that she didn't see anything wrong with the old way! She proudly proclaimed that she had raised all her children on welfare while living in public housing. Then let everyone know that she was currently raising her grandchildren the same way.. ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess she didn't realize she was a perfect example for the new program!! Still you would be surprised at the things people will do to maintain the free paycheck, and how many will not take advantage of the free education it entitles single mothers. Some women will hold off on the second child till right before the 2 year limit of benefits runs out. then get pregnant again to draw another two years. I think this is the exception though. The system is obviously working if they are selling the public housing units back to the old residents. Many single mothers are taking advantage of the education benefits, going to school and acquiring CNA's and other career paths. I dont think NC is the only ones who have implemented a program of this type. If yours hasn't you should push for your State government to look into it! This is a State responsiblity, not a Federal one!! |
it doesn't really matter all i'm saying is that they goverment needs to figure out how to control their spending for its only putting us in more dept.ppl who work and try and make that can't that needs help them out but the ones that does drugs and the ones that sit on their asses needs not to get welfare and stuff you can do something to make money legally ,you who are lazy and just want to lay down and have kids get a life a job or just disappear for we the ppl of the us have no use for you this might be the land of the free but it's not lets take advantage of it.we have ppl over sea fighting for my freedom and the freedom of others and are dieing at least the goverment can put a stop to the ones abusing the system.for how r they going to stop dictatorship in another counrty if they can't stop ppl from abusing the welfare system it's for ppl who need it not for those who wants not to work for a living ,i lived on the street for 3 yrs and i brought my self out of it myself ,i picked up cans work for temp and did all kinds of stuff and i did it with pride and not once did i ask anyone for money food or a place to stay .i can say i did this all on my own with a 7th grade education .why can you bums and system abusers get off you ass and be real GET A JOB .
Did you know that you can collect welfare for being an alcoholic?
I agree, welfare recipients should be subject to random drug testing. Just like Whitewolf. And me. Out of a corporation that employs over 50,000 employees worldwide, my name was randomly drawn twice within a one-year period. No problem, I don't mind. I also agree that ALL elected(and appointed)officials should be drug-tested. Local, state, and federal levels. Listen. Is that the sound of Congress running in fear? |
my ex father in law is on Disablity due to alcoholism. I find it ludacrise ! But, since alcoholism is considered a "disease"..well..he qualifies.
My neighbor has 4 children, 4 and under, lives with her boyfriend who makes unbelievable money as a manager for a major shipping company, and she gets full blown welfare. Insurance, Money and Food Stamps. Plus, she takes in kids to babysit for cash under the table. The way she explained it to me was, she refused to put him on the birth certificates so she could draw welfare. She told her case worker that all of her children were conceived during one night stands, and she has no clue what the full name of the alleged faters are or even where to begin to look for them. So she gets 405 a month from welfare, 500 something in food stamps, and full medical benefits for herself and the 4 kids. Plus his income and her income from babysitting. She claims that she has told the system that the man she lives with is just a room mate, and he gives her letters every month to corroborate her story. Indiana is in the process of privatizing the welfare system, and it's not going to be so easy to just sit back and get money. If i'm not mistaken, i believe drug testing is going to be manditory. I own my own business and I pay outrageous taxes. My self employment tax alone, for a seasonal company, is 3000 a year ![]() ~*IndyB*~ |
so...all these drug tests are just going to pay for themselves?'re saying that a child, by virtue of its parents being users...should starve? |
![]() Aren't you sick of the welfare system? A system that rewards women for churning out babies like an assembly line? The number of drug addicts, alcoholics, and just plain LAZY people getting welfare checks? You know, that our taxes are paying for? Damn straight they shouls have rules & regulations they've gotta go by to get them. Drug testing will pay for itself, here's how. Think about how many people will be knocked off the welfare rolls when they fail drug tests. Think od the money saved THERE, that can go toward testing. Oh, and the tests should be ONE strike and you're out. Any bleeding heart wants to argue with me on that point, yer gonna lose, because that's the rule where I work. If working people who earn their money have to live by a "one-strike" rule, then I don't wanna hear these lazy people who sit around all day smoking crack or Lord knows what whining about"One strike? That's not fair". Tough S***! We have rules we have to live by. Welcome to the real world, where, at times, you're expected to take responsibility for yourself. I'm damn sick and tired of seeing men in their 20s who are a hell of a lot healthier than me collecting Welfare and not working. Yes, this post was full of venom. And yes, I am a Democrat. But some issues really get my blood boiling. This post isn't meant to attack anyone who is on Welfare for legitimate reasons. It's meant to attack anyone who collects welfare thru questionable means. |
WELL lulu what ever your name is ,i 'm not saying let the children starve ....if the parents can get wellfair and food stamps do to drugs ,take the children from their homes and put them in foster care or with other relatives intill the parents get their act straight .if they can then they deserve what they get .life is not easy or hard but you got to want it in order to make it if i can go from being homeless to having everything i need and want legally,and without using the system when i had the chance or bumming from other ppl or stealing.ppl need to just sit back and look at what is going on in this goverment and not vote for any office official ,ppl need to start voting none of the above ,or they need to put hillary clinton in the white house maybe she will change it becouse bush is **** up royally,sorry but ANY BUSH FANS WELL ,HE NEEDS TO TAKE ALL THAT MONEY HE,S MAKING OFF THE OIL AND BEING PRESIDENT AND ALL THE MONEY HE'S WASTING AND AND USE IT TO PAY FOR THE WAR SINCE HE DID IT OUT OF RETALIATION FOR IS FATHER AND BROTHER AND WHAT EVER ELSE HE DID IT FOR ,BECOUSE I KNOW HE DID NOT DO IT DO TO TERRORISM ,BECOUSE IF HE DID THIS WAR THING COULD HAVE BEEN OVER A LONG TIME AGO AND ALL THOSE TERRIST OVER SEAS WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD .I WAS THERE ON 9/11 AND I WAS NOT A SIGHT YOU WANT TO HAVE POP IN YOUR HEAD EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AND DAY .TO THIS DAY IT DOES AND WHATS WORSE IS THE PRESEDANT SAY THE WAR IS FOR THOSE WHO DIED IN 9/11 HE LIED .HE JUST WANTED TO **** THOSE PPL UP BECOUSE HE COULDN'T FIND THOSE WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION THAT BUSH CLIAMED THEY HAD .WICH SO FAR STILL TO THIS DAY DO NOT HAVE.THIS WORLD MAKES ME SAD AND THE PPL IN THE US NEEDS TO STOP AND THINK AND ASK QUESTION FOR THE GOVERMENT TO ANSWER ,AND I F YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR DON'T VOTE FOR THEM AND IF YOUR NOT A VOTER THEN SHUT THE **** UP ,FOR YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO TALK OR SAY WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES .
and so...when we snatch all these children from their parents...where are the foster homes going to come from? there's already a terrible shortage of quality foster parents, and the system is TERRIBLY expensive.
so let's take all these kids, destroy ANY sense of stability they might have... and how many parents won't even apply because of the drug-tests? how many children will suffer then? drug addiction should be treated as a medical and social problem...not a criminal one. we should treat the disease, not penalize our children. believe me...i'm probably the MOST anti-drug person you'll EVER meet...but even addicts need to eat. and their babies need as much help as they can get. |
maybe some should check the dhs assistance laws
there is a time limit and a work/education program not a free handout like it used to be and for food stamps you must put in time to earn them unless disabled |