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Topic: How We Will Live Forever Beginning In Twenty Years
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Sun 03/03/13 01:42 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/03/13 01:43 PM

So who will get to decide who lives forever or at least twice as long as we do now?

We already read these conspiracy theories regarding the illuminati and how they plan to reduce the population

Something to think about anyways

Who do you think?

Probably the people with money (or good insurance) have the advantage when getting medical attention is concerned.

Unless they are needing someone to experiment on... :wink:

Kahurangi's photo
Sun 03/03/13 03:15 PM
Whilst y'all are waffling on about immortality, sustainable eco systems, climate change and **** knows what else your neurons can come up with....this living, breathing planet that we inhabit has her own plans for culling where she deems it necessary.

Should never have repressed or conformed those cultures that understand this.

I do wonder when and where the next "natural disaster" is going to occur.

Kahurangi's photo
Sun 03/03/13 03:20 PM
Immortality...will it help unfark the world?

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Sun 03/03/13 04:54 PM

Whilst y'all are waffling on about immortality, sustainable eco systems, climate change and **** knows what else your neurons can come up with....this living, breathing planet that we inhabit has her own plans for culling where she deems it necessary.

Should never have repressed or conformed those cultures that understand this.

I do wonder when and where the next "natural disaster" is going to occur.

This is so true.

You may think we have problems now... just wait.

The web bot was right about an increase in sink holes all over the place, I wonder how right it is about the "global coastal event" that may happen before June.

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Tue 03/05/13 09:05 AM
Edited by massagetrade on Tue 03/05/13 09:05 AM
Before people suicide, they might spend a few centuries or millennia doing things like this:

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Tue 03/05/13 10:01 AM
Edited by Rawrr_Girl on Tue 03/05/13 10:02 AM
Sorry, butI just don't see how we can really put a stop to natural physical decline.
Well then you should take some time and learn about the science involved.

Wow. Sorry I spoke. shocked. I will just not say anything in that case. Geeeeeeeeeeeez.

LzardE's photo
Mon 03/11/13 09:44 PM
Nothing is forever. If you had to tech sooner or later you would run into a statistic and be shot in the head of run over by a bus. But one of the problems right now isn't the age part. It is the getting frail and being unable to do anything. You start to consume more energy when you produce. There would be some great things like think if some of the smartest people doing research lived and kept discovering things. Of course there is the other side. Think of all the stupid racist people who would not die. Sadly we have a lot more stupid people than smart people. If I know i was going to live until something killed me and not age. I would be a researcher or an activist because I would be living in that distant future. I would want to improve it for myself. I won't have kids so when I do die I don't care about the future atm.

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