Topic: So we focus on guns... | |
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Wed 01/30/13 09:12 AM
Dude, you so refuse to get it. When people are involved with their communities especially with an organization that does more than war time BS it brings people together. But I guess that is just too much for you to understand. BTW, CD had access to National Guard Armories. it was a branch of the national Guard and Coast Guard. Mostly they were people who were just a second pair of hands so to speak but CD did more than yell "Lights Out" at people! I remember seeing pictures of people manning Anti Aircraft batteries during WWII wearing CD helmets! They also manned Spotlights, got people out of the way to shelters, were responsible for disaster relief! You just don't get it! If you are military I am stunned you would even trivialize something like Civil Defense so readily!!! and finally you get it...The National Guard is Civil Defense, everything below that is called "Neighborhood Watch" The National Guard is the National Guard! Civil Defense IS NOT THE NATIONAL GUARD! We had National Guard back in WWII and Vietnam. But guess what, we keep deploying them as REAL SOLDIERS IN FOREIGN WARS! They are likewise called "RESERVE UNITS!" How many men joined the National Guard during Vietnam hoping to avoid going and wound up there anyways? Why did they? When you join up with the National Guard YO *** DONE JOINED THE ARMY BOY! So now... Your response? Oh and the Coast Guard? Think they patrol just OUR coastline? Think that got people to not go to Vietnam or anywhere else for that matter? Civil Defense WAS normal every day people who were part of disaster assistance and many other things. They were like Volunteer Firefighters! Not dedicated service personnel. ![]() Yep, thems looks like National Guard to me! ![]() Oh those boys in Uniform TURN ME ON! Wait a minuet, what uniforms? National Guard Wear Uniforms! Shall we discuss deployment time for national guard vs. Civil defense? ![]() WOW, AUXILIARY POLICE! WHOODA THUNK IT? I can't find a single person here in uniform! Looks like CIVILIANS TO ME! So now your argument is sunk! Only the bow of your argument is above water and it is going down my brother! You are American are you not? |
Dude, you so refuse to get it. When people are involved with their communities especially with an organization that does more than war time BS it brings people together. But I guess that is just too much for you to understand. BTW, CD had access to National Guard Armories. it was a branch of the national Guard and Coast Guard. Mostly they were people who were just a second pair of hands so to speak but CD did more than yell "Lights Out" at people! I remember seeing pictures of people manning Anti Aircraft batteries during WWII wearing CD helmets! They also manned Spotlights, got people out of the way to shelters, were responsible for disaster relief! You just don't get it! If you are military I am stunned you would even trivialize something like Civil Defense so readily!!! and finally you get it...The National Guard is Civil Defense, everything below that is called "Neighborhood Watch" The National Guard is the National Guard! Civil Defense IS NOT THE NATIONAL GUARD! We had National Guard back in WWII and Vietnam. But guess what, we keep deploying them as REAL SOLDIERS IN FOREIGN WARS! They are likewise called "RESERVE UNITS!" How many men joined the National Guard during Vietnam hoping to avoid going and wound up there anyways? Why did they? When you join up with the National Guard YO *** DONE JOINED THE ARMY BOY! So now... Your response? Oh and the Coast Guard? Think they patrol just OUR coastline? Think that got people to not go to Vietnam or anywhere else for that matter? Civil Defense WAS normal every day people who were part of disaster assistance and many other things. They were like Volunteer Firefighters! Not dedicated service personnel. ![]() Yep, thems looks like National Guard to me! ![]() Oh those boys in Uniform TURN ME ON! Wait a minuet, what uniforms? National Guard Wear Uniforms! Shall we discuss deployment time for national guard vs. Civil defense? ![]() WOW, AUXILIARY POLICE! WHOODA THUNK IT? I can't find a single person here in uniform! Looks like CIVILIANS TO ME! So now your argument is sunk! Only the bow of your argument is above water and it is going down my brother! You are American are you not? are their guns? |
Dude, you so refuse to get it. When people are involved with their communities especially with an organization that does more than war time BS it brings people together. But I guess that is just too much for you to understand. BTW, CD had access to National Guard Armories. it was a branch of the national Guard and Coast Guard. Mostly they were people who were just a second pair of hands so to speak but CD did more than yell "Lights Out" at people! I remember seeing pictures of people manning Anti Aircraft batteries during WWII wearing CD helmets! They also manned Spotlights, got people out of the way to shelters, were responsible for disaster relief! You just don't get it! If you are military I am stunned you would even trivialize something like Civil Defense so readily!!! and finally you get it...The National Guard is Civil Defense, everything below that is called "Neighborhood Watch" The National Guard is the National Guard! Civil Defense IS NOT THE NATIONAL GUARD! We had National Guard back in WWII and Vietnam. But guess what, we keep deploying them as REAL SOLDIERS IN FOREIGN WARS! They are likewise called "RESERVE UNITS!" How many men joined the National Guard during Vietnam hoping to avoid going and wound up there anyways? Why did they? When you join up with the National Guard YO *** DONE JOINED THE ARMY BOY! So now... Your response? Oh and the Coast Guard? Think they patrol just OUR coastline? Think that got people to not go to Vietnam or anywhere else for that matter? Civil Defense WAS normal every day people who were part of disaster assistance and many other things. They were like Volunteer Firefighters! Not dedicated service personnel. ![]() Yep, thems looks like National Guard to me! ![]() Oh those boys in Uniform TURN ME ON! Wait a minuet, what uniforms? National Guard Wear Uniforms! Shall we discuss deployment time for national guard vs. Civil defense? ![]() WOW, AUXILIARY POLICE! WHOODA THUNK IT? I can't find a single person here in uniform! Looks like CIVILIANS TO ME! So now your argument is sunk! Only the bow of your argument is above water and it is going down my brother! You are American are you not? are their guns? In their vehicles! ![]() INTRODUCING THE CIVIL DEFENSE AUXILIARY POLICE! ![]() Gee, two of these men look armed to me! What is that strap across their chest for? Those are not radiomen! Please read below. 1/3 of Portland was expected to participate in the event of an attack on them in a variety of functions! So your point being??? |
It turns out some functions personnel did wear a uniform to identify them as police or Utility repair while in London they had marked helmets to designate their function. But not all places used Uniformed personnel to identify who was police or Not. People registered with the Civil Defense board of their community, received training, and were issued their helmet and arm band. in some cases they even were given a uniform in the event they had to WORK. ALL Civil Defense personnel were expected to integrate with local defense forces an the military! During WWII people along the Pacific coast were so spooked by the idea of Japan invading they actually formed auxiliary patrols who were armed and had radios and patrolled a lot around harbors beaches, and anywhere a landing force could have beached where our military was not!
JOY! |
their guns are all in their vehicles? you mean they were all walking around unarmed protecting the country?
that's why Civil Defense was nothing more than Neigborhood watch forget it just proved that you haven't a clue as to what Civil defense was |
![]() INTRODUCING THE CIVIL DEFENSE AUXILIARY POLICE! ![]() Gee, two of these men look armed to me! What is that strap across their chest for? Those are not radiomen! Please read below. 1/3 of Portland was expected to participate in the event of an attack on them in a variety of functions! So your point being??? those people with the guns are in said that Civil defense wasn't in uniforms geez AndyBgood....why do you keep posting pictures that prove what you say as being wrong ... |
![]() INTRODUCING THE CIVIL DEFENSE AUXILIARY POLICE! ![]() Gee, two of these men look armed to me! What is that strap across their chest for? Those are not radiomen! Please read below. 1/3 of Portland was expected to participate in the event of an attack on them in a variety of functions! So your point being??? those people with the guns are in said that Civil defense wasn't in uniforms geez AndyBgood....why do you keep posting pictures that prove what you say as being wrong ... IN a lot of locations CD personnel DID NOT HAVE UNIFORMS! MUCH LIKE SOME VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS HAVE A KIND OF UNIFORM FOR THEIR PERSONNEL TO WEAR ESPECIALLY THE TURN OUTS! Like the VOLUNTEER POLICE OFFICERS here in LA, what we call service officers wear uniforms! But here you are just trying to find ANY excuse to try and twist my words upon themselves. Not... Gee, and do I see suits WITH the uniforms??? I most certainly do! The reason is not everyone was "on duty" all the time. Being a volunteer means you spend time and if scheduled you have the luxury to respond in uniform. If you are home eating dinner and the shyte hits the fan? grab the hat, armband, and pack next to the door and run! That is how it was. You are grasping straws to support your argument. Scandalous! |
![]() INTRODUCING THE CIVIL DEFENSE AUXILIARY POLICE! ![]() Gee, two of these men look armed to me! What is that strap across their chest for? Those are not radiomen! Please read below. 1/3 of Portland was expected to participate in the event of an attack on them in a variety of functions! So your point being??? those people with the guns are in said that Civil defense wasn't in uniforms geez AndyBgood....why do you keep posting pictures that prove what you say as being wrong ... IN a lot of locations CD personnel DID NOT HAVE UNIFORMS! MUCH LIKE SOME VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS HAVE A KIND OF UNIFORM FOR THEIR PERSONNEL TO WEAR ESPECIALLY THE TURN OUTS! Like the VOLUNTEER POLICE OFFICERS here in LA, what we call service officers wear uniforms! But here you are just trying to find ANY excuse to try and twist my words upon themselves. Not... Gee, and do I see suits WITH the uniforms??? I most certainly do! The reason is not everyone was "on duty" all the time. Being a volunteer means you spend time and if scheduled you have the luxury to respond in uniform. If you are home eating dinner and the shyte hits the fan? grab the hat, armband, and pack next to the door and run! That is how it was. You are grasping straws to support your argument. Scandalous! those with the uniforms had the additional title of "Auxiliary Police" ....which means they had authority over the citizens ...oops I mean they had authority over the civil defense neigborhood watch group that didn't carry guns... so AndyBgood, is that what you trying to do...become an auxiliary policeman? probably look pretty cool in one of those uniforms and that round hat |
![]() INTRODUCING THE CIVIL DEFENSE AUXILIARY POLICE! ![]() Gee, two of these men look armed to me! What is that strap across their chest for? Those are not radiomen! Please read below. 1/3 of Portland was expected to participate in the event of an attack on them in a variety of functions! So your point being??? those people with the guns are in said that Civil defense wasn't in uniforms geez AndyBgood....why do you keep posting pictures that prove what you say as being wrong ... IN a lot of locations CD personnel DID NOT HAVE UNIFORMS! MUCH LIKE SOME VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS HAVE A KIND OF UNIFORM FOR THEIR PERSONNEL TO WEAR ESPECIALLY THE TURN OUTS! Like the VOLUNTEER POLICE OFFICERS here in LA, what we call service officers wear uniforms! But here you are just trying to find ANY excuse to try and twist my words upon themselves. Not... Gee, and do I see suits WITH the uniforms??? I most certainly do! The reason is not everyone was "on duty" all the time. Being a volunteer means you spend time and if scheduled you have the luxury to respond in uniform. If you are home eating dinner and the shyte hits the fan? grab the hat, armband, and pack next to the door and run! That is how it was. You are grasping straws to support your argument. Scandalous! those with the uniforms had the additional title of "Auxiliary Police" ....which means they had authority over the citizens ...oops I mean they had authority over the civil defense neigborhood watch group that didn't carry guns... so AndyBgood, is that what you trying to do...become an auxiliary policeman? probably look pretty cool in one of those uniforms and that round hat You assume too much my brother! If all I could do was carry a stretcher around or look for missing people I would. If my job was to help people escape an impending disaster on their way, EG. banging on doors yelling at people to get out or a bulldozer with a crazy man is about to kill them all then that is what I would do. We are NOT talking about war time or MARTIAL LAW where you CAN INDEED OPEN CARRY! I actually told cops during the LA RIOTS on two occasions to go fucq themselves when they told me to go back indoor when I was out in front of my home with my neighbors with my fully loaded shotgun. Only once did I have to "brandish" at a passing car (NOT THE POLICE) but no rounds were fired. I guess the other armed people intimidated the not local flavor driving through our hood. THEN we had people running around burning, looting, and hurting and killing people and the police were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL AFTER THE FACT! You see the point I make is I want to be involved with the community on a casual basis like many volunteers are. I want my function to fit the need when needed. What the hell do I need a gun for trying to search for people in a fallen building or missing in canyon country? They need my mechanical expertise more! But if a pair of hands is all they need or another pair of eyes I am good for that! You are attempting to make a generalized false equation of the situation. I am not about the authority. I am about people coming together to soften the impact of disaster. People coming together to watch each others backs. LEAD FOLLOW OR GET THE FUCQ OUT OF MY WAY is my philosophy. Its actually nice when someone who has trained for disaster relief and coordination of said actions can handle people like me who have the skills but they need to know how to apply them. There is a lot a person can do for community involvement that doesn't have to involve carrying a gun or shooting at people all "Sheriff Dodge" style. But when you are on community watch it isn't safe being just a JAFO with a radio. You had better be prepared to protect yourself! But it helps when the Police don't fear citizens taking the law into their own hands becasue they TAUGHT THEM what they need to know in how to act, respond, and when they can and cannot use deadly force! Hell, if some lunatic killer was loose in my neighborhood and the police wanted me to just watch out for that person and I spotted them MY JOB IS JUST TO KEEP MY EYES ON THAT PERSON AND FEED INFORMATION TO DISPATCH! THEY WILL AIM THE POLICE AT THEM! If someone's life were in jeopardy at the hands of that man I would pop his melon. I know how to aim. I just don't get to practice much but I usually hit the spot within 4 inches. Shotguns are lousy for hostage situations save with one kind of ammo, SLUGS! They are just freaking messy. If that person turned on me while I was following? RUN THE OTHER WAY but never let them completely out of my sight and likewise maintain radio contact! IF CORNERED, Tap, Tap, Tap!It helps to know how to approach a situation like that to avoid a Trevon Martin incident. That means being able to describe that person in the language THEY use on a radio. It means understanding what they are saying. It also means conduct training. But the idea following someone is to not be obvious about it! Now for the small words... Not becasue we need regulation. Training is about safety. And knowing who among the community is and has received the training helps. In times of war Civil Defense also involved guns in the event the Population themselves had to fight for their lives! But we never had a real invasion occur MILITARILY on American soil Proper since the War of 1812 and the Mexican American war. TECHNICALLY the Japanese invasion of the Aleutian Islands was nothing more than a diversionary tactic! Its not like Africa where they were just overwhelmed by brute force and factions war against each other in Tribal Feuds. Its not like Afghanistan where murder by religious fanatics is a reality. It isn't like Israel where they face invasion from all sides! We have gotten soft to the idea that one day we may have to fight for our lives to the last one of us! Well, if that time comes woe be to the Anti Gun crowd! I will not waste bullets trying to save you! I will do what I have to to save my home which is America! I may hate the idiots leadership we have but it its still my home! I won't fight for the Federal Government. I will fight for my home! But there is a lot to be said when a system REJECTS you just becasue all you want to do is help. And there is a lot of rejection of ideas that make sense. Community watches have degenerated badly! We have become so CLIQUE` oriented that we have become dependent upon some ideal we are not in ourselves responsible. So here is a though. I break the law unknowingly for something rather trivial and honestly was not aware of some quirky local ordinance ignorance is no excuse. But the government knowingly breaks the law and they are above the law. Where is the accountability? People want gun control when the real hotbed issue is with all the things the government is doing wrong who is to blame? Voters for one. But the media is misinforming people. So they are likewise another issue. Lying career politicians who sold out are another problem. Corruption within our military! A partisan political party system has failed us utterly. But making people become more and more detached from community involvement like what happens in big cities is part of what leads to this erosion. We are and have been a police state for some time now. The American Voters are too busy playing PS3 and Nintendo to get off of their FAT LAZY AZZES and smell the coffee. There is a world around us and it is falling apart. But do Voters care? Some too much for the wrong things and other don't seem to care at all unless it benefits them some how. And here we are fixated on guns and gun control... Sad. Little hint... Promethean Complex... I want things to be better than they are. Look around... Do you see a golden age of man around us? I don't. All I see is a species that is evolving into a disease, not a "higher" species! Guns is not an issue. It is what we are becoming. And all the laws, and all the government and all the regulation in the universe, all the fear and manipulation will not change us into something better. We are being molded into something far more apathetic. Likewise I see a lot of ignorant blind idealism going on with the issue of guns. Nope, what we see is a lie wrapped in some half truths by people who think they know best for us while living off of our excess. Plato's cave my brother. Step outside and once your eyes get used to the light the whole world reveals itself to you! Yeah, I want to carry a gun around and puff up my chest and pretend I am important... That ain't what team or community is about and you of all people should know that! Please, who do YOU have me confused with? We have "volunteer" programs with the police and other groups but nothing like Civil Defense was. People feel more vested in community when they know they have to fight to protect it sometimes. hell, how smart is it to go around starting wars and expect your armies to defend the people when they are elsewhere fighting more wars? Rome failed to let that harsh lesson sink into their elitist heads! The people need to get it in their heads when the crap hits the fan back at home get ready to shovel crap or all you will be living in is a shyte pile tomorrow!!! Got my shovel... Do you? |
You assume too much my brother! If all I could do was carry a stretcher around or look for missing people I would. If my job was to help people escape an impending disaster on their way, EG. banging on doors yelling at people to get out or a bulldozer with a crazy man is about to kill them all then that is what I would do. We are NOT talking about war time or MARTIAL LAW where you CAN INDEED OPEN CARRY! I actually told cops during the LA RIOTS on two occasions to go fucq themselves when they told me to go back indoor when I was out in front of my home with my neighbors with my fully loaded shotgun. Only once did I have to "brandish" at a passing car (NOT THE POLICE) but no rounds were fired. I guess the other armed people intimidated the not local flavor driving through our hood. THEN we had people running around burning, looting, and hurting and killing people and the police were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL AFTER THE FACT! You see the point I make is I want to be involved with the community on a casual basis like many volunteers are. I want my function to fit the need when needed. What the hell do I need a gun for trying to search for people in a fallen building or missing in canyon country? They need my mechanical expertise more! But if a pair of hands is all they need or another pair of eyes I am good for that! You are attempting to make a generalized false equation of the situation. I am not about the authority. I am about people coming together to soften the impact of disaster. People coming together to watch each others backs. LEAD FOLLOW OR GET THE FUCQ OUT OF MY WAY is my philosophy. Its actually nice when someone who has trained for disaster relief and coordination of said actions can handle people like me who have the skills but they need to know how to apply them. There is a lot a person can do for community involvement that doesn't have to involve carrying a gun or shooting at people all "Sheriff Dodge" style. But when you are on community watch it isn't safe being just a JAFO with a radio. You had better be prepared to protect yourself! But it helps when the Police don't fear citizens taking the law into their own hands becasue they TAUGHT THEM what they need to know in how to act, respond, and when they can and cannot use deadly force! Hell, if some lunatic killer was loose in my neighborhood and the police wanted me to just watch out for that person and I spotted them MY JOB IS JUST TO KEEP MY EYES ON THAT PERSON AND FEED INFORMATION TO DISPATCH! THEY WILL AIM THE POLICE AT THEM! If someone's life were in jeopardy at the hands of that man I would pop his melon. I know how to aim. I just don't get to practice much but I usually hit the spot within 4 inches. Shotguns are lousy for hostage situations save with one kind of ammo, SLUGS! They are just freaking messy. If that person turned on me while I was following? RUN THE OTHER WAY but never let them completely out of my sight and likewise maintain radio contact! IF CORNERED, Tap, Tap, Tap!It helps to know how to approach a situation like that to avoid a Trevon Martin incident. That means being able to describe that person in the language THEY use on a radio. It means understanding what they are saying. It also means conduct training. But the idea following someone is to not be obvious about it! Now for the small words... Not becasue we need regulation. Training is about safety. And knowing who among the community is and has received the training helps. In times of war Civil Defense also involved guns in the event the Population themselves had to fight for their lives! But we never had a real invasion occur MILITARILY on American soil Proper since the War of 1812 and the Mexican American war. TECHNICALLY the Japanese invasion of the Aleutian Islands was nothing more than a diversionary tactic! Its not like Africa where they were just overwhelmed by brute force and factions war against each other in Tribal Feuds. Its not like Afghanistan where murder by religious fanatics is a reality. It isn't like Israel where they face invasion from all sides! We have gotten soft to the idea that one day we may have to fight for our lives to the last one of us! Well, if that time comes woe be to the Anti Gun crowd! I will not waste bullets trying to save you! I will do what I have to to save my home which is America! I may hate the idiots leadership we have but it its still my home! I won't fight for the Federal Government. I will fight for my home! But there is a lot to be said when a system REJECTS you just becasue all you want to do is help. And there is a lot of rejection of ideas that make sense. Community watches have degenerated badly! We have become so CLIQUE` oriented that we have become dependent upon some ideal we are not in ourselves responsible. So here is a though. I break the law unknowingly for something rather trivial and honestly was not aware of some quirky local ordinance ignorance is no excuse. But the government knowingly breaks the law and they are above the law. Where is the accountability? People want gun control when the real hotbed issue is with all the things the government is doing wrong who is to blame? Voters for one. But the media is misinforming people. So they are likewise another issue. Lying career politicians who sold out are another problem. Corruption within our military! A partisan political party system has failed us utterly. But making people become more and more detached from community involvement like what happens in big cities is part of what leads to this erosion. We are and have been a police state for some time now. The American Voters are too busy playing PS3 and Nintendo to get off of their FAT LAZY AZZES and smell the coffee. There is a world around us and it is falling apart. But do Voters care? Some too much for the wrong things and other don't seem to care at all unless it benefits them some how. And here we are fixated on guns and gun control... Sad. Little hint... Promethean Complex... I want things to be better than they are. Look around... Do you see a golden age of man around us? I don't. All I see is a species that is evolving into a disease, not a "higher" species! Guns is not an issue. It is what we are becoming. And all the laws, and all the government and all the regulation in the universe, all the fear and manipulation will not change us into something better. We are being molded into something far more apathetic. Likewise I see a lot of ignorant blind idealism going on with the issue of guns. Nope, what we see is a lie wrapped in some half truths by people who think they know best for us while living off of our excess. Plato's cave my brother. Step outside and once your eyes get used to the light the whole world reveals itself to you! Yeah, I want to carry a gun around and puff up my chest and pretend I am important... That ain't what team or community is about and you of all people should know that! Please, who do YOU have me confused with? We have "volunteer" programs with the police and other groups but nothing like Civil Defense was. People feel more vested in community when they know they have to fight to protect it sometimes. hell, how smart is it to go around starting wars and expect your armies to defend the people when they are elsewhere fighting more wars? Rome failed to let that harsh lesson sink into their elitist heads! The people need to get it in their heads when the crap hits the fan back at home get ready to shovel crap or all you will be living in is a shyte pile tomorrow!!! Got my shovel... Do you? so the moral of the story is that you have become enlighten that Civil defense people was nothing more than Neighorhood Watch...and that the National Guard is the well regulated milita spoken about in the 2nd amendemnt and not some yahoos with guns that wannabe a Captain America action figure |
Arguing with funches is like argument with Bacon about why it tastes so good.
Bacon is like . . . dude, I taste terrible . . . . TRUST ME! |
Arguing with funches is like argument with Bacon about why it tastes so good. Bacon is like . . . dude, I taste terrible . . . . TRUST ME! "Bushidobillyclub"....I guess this is an indication that you also believe that those that have conversations with Bacon...should own guns |
You assume too much my brother! If all I could do was carry a stretcher around or look for missing people I would. If my job was to help people escape an impending disaster on their way, EG. banging on doors yelling at people to get out or a bulldozer with a crazy man is about to kill them all then that is what I would do. We are NOT talking about war time or MARTIAL LAW where you CAN INDEED OPEN CARRY! I actually told cops during the LA RIOTS on two occasions to go fucq themselves when they told me to go back indoor when I was out in front of my home with my neighbors with my fully loaded shotgun. Only once did I have to "brandish" at a passing car (NOT THE POLICE) but no rounds were fired. I guess the other armed people intimidated the not local flavor driving through our hood. THEN we had people running around burning, looting, and hurting and killing people and the police were NOWHERE TO BE SEEN UNTIL AFTER THE FACT! You see the point I make is I want to be involved with the community on a casual basis like many volunteers are. I want my function to fit the need when needed. What the hell do I need a gun for trying to search for people in a fallen building or missing in canyon country? They need my mechanical expertise more! But if a pair of hands is all they need or another pair of eyes I am good for that! You are attempting to make a generalized false equation of the situation. I am not about the authority. I am about people coming together to soften the impact of disaster. People coming together to watch each others backs. LEAD FOLLOW OR GET THE FUCQ OUT OF MY WAY is my philosophy. Its actually nice when someone who has trained for disaster relief and coordination of said actions can handle people like me who have the skills but they need to know how to apply them. There is a lot a person can do for community involvement that doesn't have to involve carrying a gun or shooting at people all "Sheriff Dodge" style. But when you are on community watch it isn't safe being just a JAFO with a radio. You had better be prepared to protect yourself! But it helps when the Police don't fear citizens taking the law into their own hands becasue they TAUGHT THEM what they need to know in how to act, respond, and when they can and cannot use deadly force! Hell, if some lunatic killer was loose in my neighborhood and the police wanted me to just watch out for that person and I spotted them MY JOB IS JUST TO KEEP MY EYES ON THAT PERSON AND FEED INFORMATION TO DISPATCH! THEY WILL AIM THE POLICE AT THEM! If someone's life were in jeopardy at the hands of that man I would pop his melon. I know how to aim. I just don't get to practice much but I usually hit the spot within 4 inches. Shotguns are lousy for hostage situations save with one kind of ammo, SLUGS! They are just freaking messy. If that person turned on me while I was following? RUN THE OTHER WAY but never let them completely out of my sight and likewise maintain radio contact! IF CORNERED, Tap, Tap, Tap!It helps to know how to approach a situation like that to avoid a Trevon Martin incident. That means being able to describe that person in the language THEY use on a radio. It means understanding what they are saying. It also means conduct training. But the idea following someone is to not be obvious about it! Now for the small words... Not becasue we need regulation. Training is about safety. And knowing who among the community is and has received the training helps. In times of war Civil Defense also involved guns in the event the Population themselves had to fight for their lives! But we never had a real invasion occur MILITARILY on American soil Proper since the War of 1812 and the Mexican American war. TECHNICALLY the Japanese invasion of the Aleutian Islands was nothing more than a diversionary tactic! Its not like Africa where they were just overwhelmed by brute force and factions war against each other in Tribal Feuds. Its not like Afghanistan where murder by religious fanatics is a reality. It isn't like Israel where they face invasion from all sides! We have gotten soft to the idea that one day we may have to fight for our lives to the last one of us! Well, if that time comes woe be to the Anti Gun crowd! I will not waste bullets trying to save you! I will do what I have to to save my home which is America! I may hate the idiots leadership we have but it its still my home! I won't fight for the Federal Government. I will fight for my home! But there is a lot to be said when a system REJECTS you just becasue all you want to do is help. And there is a lot of rejection of ideas that make sense. Community watches have degenerated badly! We have become so CLIQUE` oriented that we have become dependent upon some ideal we are not in ourselves responsible. So here is a though. I break the law unknowingly for something rather trivial and honestly was not aware of some quirky local ordinance ignorance is no excuse. But the government knowingly breaks the law and they are above the law. Where is the accountability? People want gun control when the real hotbed issue is with all the things the government is doing wrong who is to blame? Voters for one. But the media is misinforming people. So they are likewise another issue. Lying career politicians who sold out are another problem. Corruption within our military! A partisan political party system has failed us utterly. But making people become more and more detached from community involvement like what happens in big cities is part of what leads to this erosion. We are and have been a police state for some time now. The American Voters are too busy playing PS3 and Nintendo to get off of their FAT LAZY AZZES and smell the coffee. There is a world around us and it is falling apart. But do Voters care? Some too much for the wrong things and other don't seem to care at all unless it benefits them some how. And here we are fixated on guns and gun control... Sad. Little hint... Promethean Complex... I want things to be better than they are. Look around... Do you see a golden age of man around us? I don't. All I see is a species that is evolving into a disease, not a "higher" species! Guns is not an issue. It is what we are becoming. And all the laws, and all the government and all the regulation in the universe, all the fear and manipulation will not change us into something better. We are being molded into something far more apathetic. Likewise I see a lot of ignorant blind idealism going on with the issue of guns. Nope, what we see is a lie wrapped in some half truths by people who think they know best for us while living off of our excess. Plato's cave my brother. Step outside and once your eyes get used to the light the whole world reveals itself to you! Yeah, I want to carry a gun around and puff up my chest and pretend I am important... That ain't what team or community is about and you of all people should know that! Please, who do YOU have me confused with? We have "volunteer" programs with the police and other groups but nothing like Civil Defense was. People feel more vested in community when they know they have to fight to protect it sometimes. hell, how smart is it to go around starting wars and expect your armies to defend the people when they are elsewhere fighting more wars? Rome failed to let that harsh lesson sink into their elitist heads! The people need to get it in their heads when the crap hits the fan back at home get ready to shovel crap or all you will be living in is a shyte pile tomorrow!!! Got my shovel... Do you? so the moral of the story is that you have become enlighten that Civil defense people was nothing more than Neighorhood Watch...and that the National Guard is the well regulated milita spoken about in the 2nd amendemnt and not some yahoos with guns that wannabe a Captain America action figure Boy you take things to such grandiose extremes! The MORAL if you need one is that people who are involved with community are invested in their community! The more people you get involved the more people come together. Likewise it cuts down n stupidity a lot! While the Army is away fighting who protects us? BARELY ANYONE! Again Roman history! No military at home means your back door is wide open. So who protects us while our soldiers are gone? The police? They can barely keep a grip on us. But then with more community police even acting just as eyes means the police cannot insulate themselves from being one of us like they do in Big Cities! What we have now is becoming more and more like a Feudal state than a nation of free people! But like I said, people who are more involved with their community and the realities of community and make their communities better. The other opposite of this is what makes a Ghetto or a slum. Apathy both from land lords and tenants! So do we get a plan back that makes more civilians more involved or do we just keep going the path we are going until all our homes fall apart? At least Rich people can afford to flee when things go to crap while the rest of us have to sleep in the mess we and others make for us. So now how do you wish to twist my words? Back to the angry place again? |
Boy you take things to such grandiose extremes! The MORAL if you need one is that people who are involved with community are invested in their community! The more people you get involved the more people come together. Likewise it cuts down n stupidity a lot! can join the church While the Army is away fighting who protects us? BARELY ANYONE! that's what the National guard is stated in the 2nd amendement pertaining to a well regulated militia Again Roman history! No military at home means your back door is wide open. So who protects us while our soldiers are gone? The police? They can barely keep a grip on us. But then with more community police even acting just as eyes means the police cannot insulate themselves from being one of us like they do in Big Cities! What we have now is becoming more and more like a Feudal state than a nation of free people! the Romans turned religious and the other cheek But like I said, people who are more involved with their community and the realities of community and make their communities better. The other opposite of this is what makes a Ghetto or a slum. Apathy both from land lords and tenants! or perhaps everyone having automatic guns with no gun control turns the community into a Ghetto So do we get a plan back that makes more civilians more involved or do we just keep going the path we are going until all our homes fall apart? get the neighbors together and organize to fix up the homes that need it...that do not require a gun to do, but using a gun would get them to do it faster At least Rich people can afford to flee when things go to crap while the rest of us have to sleep in the mess we and others make for us. then become rich...this is America So now how do you wish to twist my words? Back to the angry place again?
all you have to do is stop saying words that can be twisted, then you will begin to realize your thinking will follow that same Path |
Edited by
Fri 02/01/13 01:57 PM
Boy you take things to such grandiose extremes! The MORAL if you need one is that people who are involved with community are invested in their community! The more people you get involved the more people come together. Likewise it cuts down n stupidity a lot! can join the church and where did this come from? I suppose you assume this is Utah? While the Army is away fighting who protects us? BARELY ANYONE! that's what the National guard is stated in the 2nd amendement pertaining to a well regulated militia Wrong again and fallacious as ever. Civil Defense is about everyday people. Not weekend warriors! Again Roman history! No military at home means your back door is wide open. So who protects us while our soldiers are gone? The police? They can barely keep a grip on us. But then with more community police even acting just as eyes means the police cannot insulate themselves from being one of us like they do in Big Cities! What we have now is becoming more and more like a Feudal state than a nation of free people! the Romans turned religious and the other cheek Turned religious yes but the other cheek? Who the hell are you kidding here? Crusades, Inquisitions, Selling Salvation through Indulgences... Come now, I though you were more learned than that... But like I said, people who are more involved with their community and the realities of community and make their communities better. The other opposite of this is what makes a Ghetto or a slum. Apathy both from land lords and tenants! or perhaps everyone having automatic guns with no gun control turns the community into a Ghetto Again where the hell did the whole 'everyone and automatic weapons,' argument come from. A tactic I would expect from a teenager. Fallacious comparison as usual again! So do we get a plan back that makes more civilians more involved or do we just keep going the path we are going until all our homes fall apart? get the neighbors together and organize to fix up the homes that need it...that do not require a gun to do, but using a gun would get them to do it faster Now that was just as stupid and asinine remark! Note the use of stupid and asinine in the same sentence... If you see someone stalking around your neighbor's house you cannot identify it is nice to hold them to answer many questions of the police rather than let them sneak off and victimize someone else nearby or let them do your neighbor waiting for the police to arrive! But then again look at how you argue... At least Rich people can afford to flee when things go to crap while the rest of us have to sleep in the mess we and others make for us. then become rich...this is America Affirmative Action BOYEEEEE! REMEMBER THAT? I do work for myself and things are getting a lot worst in the REAL WORLD THANK YOU! We are too busy trying to give rights and driver's licensees to illegal immigrants. So what this is America, we take prosperity away from our own and give it to someone else and give a free ride to all these "poor" people out there who don't want to do shyte with their lives other than play PS3 and drink 40z all day! BLACK, WHITE, BROWN, AND YELLOW thank you very much! But according to the media being white makes you bad. So now how do you wish to twist my words? Back to the angry place again?
all you have to do is stop saying words that can be twisted, then you will begin to realize your thinking will follow that same Path And defense lawyers try to make the victim look like a criminal too. NICE TRY! So far all you do is respond with fallacy and ad hominum. Lots of false equivocation. And plenty of straw man to boot. |
and where did this come from? I suppose you assume this is Utah? don't they have a church where you live or fo you live in the backwoods with Little Red Ridinghood's Grandmother if you do have a church where you live then you join it especially if you are seeking ways to unify your community, but to claim that you needs guns to do that is sort of what the Nazis tried to do with the Jews Wrong again and fallacious as ever. Civil Defense is about everyday people. Not weekend warriors! that's exactly why none of them had guns in those pictures that you yourself posted...except the "SS auxiliary Police" in the uniforms with those round hats Turned religious yes but the other cheek? Who the hell are you kidding here? Crusades, Inquisitions, Selling Salvation through Indulgences... Come now, I though you were more learned than that... jeez...that wasn't Rome...the Crusades was Roman Catholics from all over Europe....the Inquisitions took place in France not Rome ...AndyBgood...stop spreading false gospel about Rome before I tell Jesus on you Again where the hell did the whole 'everyone and automatic weapons,' argument come from. A tactic I would expect from a teenager. Fallacious comparison as usual again! so the 2nd amendment is a teenage tactic? ...aren't you trying to argue that everyone have the right to have an automatic weapon without make up your they or don't they Now that was just as stupid and asinine remark! Note the use of stupid and asinine in the same sentence... If you see someone stalking around your neighbor's house you cannot identify it is nice to hold them to answer many questions of the police rather than let them sneak off and victimize someone else nearby or let them do your neighbor waiting for the police to arrive! But then again look at how you argue... hummm..sure sounds like Neigborhood Watch Affirmative Action BOYEEEEE! REMEMBER THAT? I do work for myself and things are getting a lot worst in the REAL WORLD THANK YOU! We are too busy trying to give rights and driver's licensees to illegal immigrants. so the rich people became rich because of the illegal aliens...and you're crying that you're poor because of the illegal aliens ...those illegal aliens just can't get a break So what this is America, we take prosperity away from our own and give it to someone else and give a free ride to all these "poor" people out there who don't want to do shyte with their lives other than play PS3 and drink 40z all day! BLACK, WHITE, BROWN, AND YELLOW thank you very much! so what beer do you drink all day?...Pabst blue ribbon? But according to the media being white makes you bad. perhaps you should stop listening to those Klan stations And defense lawyers try to make the victim look like a criminal too. well that tend to happen when their client such as yourself threaten to shoot government officials's called a "Plea Deal" NICE TRY! So far all you do is respond with fallacy and ad hominum. Lots of false equivocation. And plenty of straw man to boot. or perhaps you're delusional |
and where did this come from? I suppose you assume this is Utah? don't they have a church where you live or fo you live in the backwoods with Little Red Ridinghood's Grandmother if you do have a church where you live then you join it especially if you are seeking ways to unify your community, but to claim that you needs guns to do that is sort of what the Nazis tried to do with the Jews So fall back on religion aye? So I got to join a church to be part of the community? A statement made of Ignorance and ignorance in its deployment. And now a comparison to Nazis. Getting creative? Wrong again and fallacious as ever. Civil Defense is about everyday people. Not weekend warriors! that's exactly why none of them had guns in those pictures that you yourself posted...except the "SS auxiliary Police" in the uniforms with those round hats Turned religious yes but the other cheek? Who the hell are you kidding here? Crusades, Inquisitions, Selling Salvation through Indulgences... Come now, I though you were more learned than that... jeez...that wasn't Rome...the Crusades was Roman Catholics from all over Europe....the Inquisitions took place in France not Rome ...AndyBgood...stop spreading false gospel about Rome before I tell Jesus on you You forgot The FRENCH AND SPANISH INQUISITIONS MY GOOD MAN! NOBODY and I mean NOBODY expects the Spanish inquisition! Better brush up on your history there! Again where the hell did the whole 'everyone and automatic weapons,' argument come from. A tactic I would expect from a teenager. Fallacious comparison as usual again! so the 2nd amendment is a teenage tactic? ...aren't you trying to argue that everyone have the right to have an automatic weapon without make up your they or don't they Frankly YES I DO! Shall I spell it out more clearly? If the cops and criminals have them we should too! Quid Pro Quorum! So now what? Gonna tell Jesus on me now? Now that was just as stupid and asinine remark! Note the use of stupid and asinine in the same sentence... If you see someone stalking around your neighbor's house you cannot identify it is nice to hold them to answer many questions of the police rather than let them sneak off and victimize someone else nearby or let them do your neighbor waiting for the police to arrive! But then again look at how you argue... hummm..sure sounds like Neigborhood Watch Neighborhood watch is different from community to community! But Neighborhood watch is very watered down compared to CD! NW is far less participatory in disasters. And more often than not most of them are told only to watch from their homes where it is safe. Few teach how to act as effective eyes and NONE OF THEM HAVE RADIOS TO POLICE DISPATCH. So now what, depend on a handful of service officers who only work during the day? Affirmative Action BOYEEEEE! REMEMBER THAT? I do work for myself and things are getting a lot worst in the REAL WORLD THANK YOU! We are too busy trying to give rights and driver's licensees to illegal immigrants. so the rich people became rich because of the illegal aliens...and you're crying that you're poor because of the illegal aliens ...those illegal aliens just can't get a break So what this is America, we take prosperity away from our own and give it to someone else and give a free ride to all these "poor" people out there who don't want to do shyte with their lives other than play PS3 and drink 40z all day! BLACK, WHITE, BROWN, AND YELLOW thank you very much! so what beer do you drink all day?...Pabst blue ribbon? GROLSH MY BOYEEEEEEEE! I drink QUALITY beer when I decide to drink. I don't drink American CRAP beer! I prefer 4:20 all day so I don't go out of my mind putting up with stuff like this. So am I a bad person cause I don't drink Redneck beer? I ain't a red neck. So where does that leave us? But according to the media being white makes you bad. perhaps you should stop listening to those Klan stations That anti-White rhetoric is delivered here by some of our more enlightened liberals here no Mingle2 as well thank you! And how about that MSNBC? Hmmmmm, CNN sure lets it slip now and then with some of the commentary that comes from them. So why is it a BLACK JUDGE seen Affirmative Action for what it was while others claimed it was necessary? My oh my if I don't see a touch of Myopia going on here and it isn't me... And defense lawyers try to make the victim look like a criminal too. well that tend to happen when their client such as yourself threaten to shoot government officials's called a "Plea Deal" MAKING THINGS UP AYE? I have not threatened ANYBODY! Now you are committing slander! So are you a Christian? What ever happened to "Thou shall not bear false witness?" OH NO! You Ain't Christian are you? Personally I am proudly PAGAN! Now I do the goat dance for you! NICE TRY! So far all you do is respond with fallacy and ad hominum. Lots of false equivocation. And plenty of straw man to boot. or perhaps you're delusional HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! This is the one line remarks I come to associate with Liberals! So I see you are fancying yourself a Liberal maybe? Resorting to nothing but antagonistic comments and making crap up? hey, I can be sarcastic as well as Sardonic! So you resort to enlightened attacks? Attempting to find ignorance where there is questioning of authority and questioning our social values? Let me guess, you were the debate captain on your High School Civics class? Flex a little bicep and the opposition falls over in fear? Well, I smelllllllllllll, llllllllllllll, llllllll, l, l, l, what the Rock is Cooking! ![]() I just gave you the People's Eyebrow! ![]() |
You forgot The FRENCH AND SPANISH INQUISITIONS MY GOOD MAN! NOBODY and I mean NOBODY expects the Spanish inquisition! Better brush up on your history there! you tried to indicate that the Crusades and The Inquistion took place in Rome by the Roman army....France and Spain are not in Rome and it's people are not Romans or the Roman Army ..perhaps you should brush on Geography ...and quit making up stuff |
You forgot The FRENCH AND SPANISH INQUISITIONS MY GOOD MAN! NOBODY and I mean NOBODY expects the Spanish inquisition! Better brush up on your history there! you tried to indicate that the Crusades and The Inquistion took place in Rome by the Roman army....France and Spain are not in Rome and it's people are not Romans or the Roman Army ..perhaps you should brush on Geography ...and quit making up stuff I'm making stuff up? Look in a mirror some time. Technically the Roman Empire never quite went away! The REAL Romanesque way of life survived until about 900 AD with Constantinople as its capital hence the EASTERN Roman Empire and actually had a chance at a resurgence but a number of factors, economics being one of them and the failings of an EMPIRE MODEL of a civilization made them fizzle in the Legionary form of Rome. But the Holy Roman Empire lives on until this very day and its influence is now beginning to sputter. Now for some history, SPAIN CONTROLLED THE VATICAN AS WELL AS FRANCE HISTORICALLY! And there was a last gasp Crusade in the 1200s! But by then attention was going to the New World! And I indicated what? YOU MADE THAT ASSUMPTION! SO YOU QUIT MAKING STUFF UP! Are you some Government plant or something? |
I'm making stuff up? Look in a mirror some time. Technically the Roman Empire never quite went away! The REAL Romanesque way of life survived until about 900 AD with Constantinople as its capital hence the EASTERN Roman Empire and actually had a chance at a resurgence but a number of factors, economics being one of them and the failings of an EMPIRE MODEL of a civilization made them fizzle in the Legionary form of Rome. But the Holy Roman Empire lives on until this very day and its influence is now beginning to sputter. Now for some history, SPAIN CONTROLLED THE VATICAN AS WELL AS FRANCE HISTORICALLY! And there was a last gasp Crusade in the 1200s! But by then attention was going to the New World! And I indicated what? YOU MADE THAT ASSUMPTION! SO YOU QUIT MAKING STUFF UP! Are you some Government plant or something? Spain didn't control the Vatican, they simply got caught up into the religion and started torturing and killing people you first claimed that the Crusades and The Inquistion was the Roman Army...I simply pointed out how you were wrong ..... you making up stuff won't change that history |