Topic: survive on dubstep
JustANormalPerson's photo
Sat 01/26/13 09:46 PM
Hold on weak one mild one ur a saint not meant to faint hold on see the light survive dance above the ground walk away. Don't hold your chin just raise it up survive the fight and make it out. Hold on hold on ill walk right by your side make no mistake ill fight with you till the ends of time. Hold on hold on u and me we will survive.

no photo
Sat 01/26/13 11:54 PM
Hi, NormalPerson, welcome to the writers forum... tho you'll soon see there's not too much normal about me.. lol... I like how you give moral support throughout this piece, then promise to "hang tough" fight to the end... everybody can use a friend like that... nice work...

JustANormalPerson's photo
Sun 01/27/13 01:47 AM
Everyone is normal. I'm a normal guy but in my eyes. We are only weird since that is what we choose to see. Different is normal new is weird. So I highly doubt you are not normal since so far you seem normal to me. And thank you for the welcoming. @)-