Topic: A slight rant
no photo
Tue 10/17/06 02:54 PM
At fisrt today I wasn't going to post any of my work, I wasn't going to
post it ever again.In my time of writing I have never ever gotten
negative,nasty comments. Constructive comments yes but those are always
welcomed. When you leaves nasty negative comments in this forum it just
shows the lack of respect you have for human kind and for your self. It
shows that you are simply nothing more than a juvenile with no other
means of expressing yourself. Spay..your time here is becoming limited,
very rarely if at all can you ever post in any forum anyhing nice,
everything i have ever seen by you is negative and nasty, grow up. I
will continue to post my poetry and if you don't like i b ecause I am
"fat" then fuck seriously have a lot of growing up to do and as
long as you continue to have the attitude you do you will never find a
self respecting woman to put up with you. When you see my posts, kindly
please move on.

hosstin18's photo
Tue 10/17/06 02:57 PM
i agree with all of it poets poetry is very good we need to appercite it
and also i would hate to see people hav eno respect for her i am with
you all the way poet

Jimi366's photo
Tue 10/17/06 05:14 PM
You know you've arrived when you get hate mail.
I'm gonna email you and share my story.