Topic: A Boy calling God’s helpline... | |
(Disclaimer: This drama is completely based on my own imagination and I am writing it with the sole purpose of entertainment)
(boy dials the God’s helpline no. ) Reply: All the lines in this route are busy. Please try again after some time. (after couple of tries, call connects.. and bell rings.. tring tring, tring tring) Recorded Message: Welcome to the God’s helpline. For family related problems please press 1, for office problems press 2, for health related problems press 3, for socio-political problems press 4 and if you are a Broken Heart (love problems) please press 5 (boy presses 5) Recorded Message: Dear caller, your call is being transferred to our ‘Human being care officer’ (HBCO) and please note that this call can be recorded for internal training purposes. (HBCO is online) HBCO: Good evening sir, how may I help you?? Boy: Hey hi, actually my heart is broken up and it is hurting a lot... so I am looking for some quick remedy. HBCO: Ok sir, but can you please brief me how and when it happened? Boy: Ya, so it just happened a day before... my heart was deeply involved with one of my friends and when I expressed my feelings to her, she said it is not going to work... this is when it just got broken up and behaving insane, making me suffer from severe emotional pain. Please suggest me some quick solution.. HBCO: Sure sir, I will definitely help you with that... Please kindly be online while I check the details... (Comes back after 3 mins, by then Boy is already pissed off) HBCO: Thank you for being online sir, as a quick remedy you will have to restart your heart... Boy: Oh..oh... hold on... what the heck are you telling me??? HBCO: Yes sir, it will solve your problem sir... I am telling you the detailed steps to do that, please note- 1. First sit on the ground with your legs folded 2. Then close your eyes sir 3. Now you will have to stop your breathing for exactly 3mins and 14.3 seconds 4. Then restart your breathing exactly after above duration and that’s all sir... Boy: Hey what is this nonsense haa... and what happens if I miscalculate the time duration and restart my breathing after 0.1 or 0.2 seconds later?? HBCO: In that case you may die sir. Boy: You are freaking me out now... are you a technical person dammit?? HBCO: No sir, I am not. Boy: Then why the hell are you giving me such nonsense solutions?? HBCO: Sorry sir, but this is what we ask everyone to do for any kind of problems and it works most of the time sir... Boy: Hey this is not a bloody computer or a cell phone… I am talking about my Heart dammit.. I am already pissed of enough ok... I just no more want to talk to you, please connect me directly to God... it is very urgent... HBCO: Sorry sir, but all the Gods are currently busy in handling other critical cases sir. Boy: Don’t tell me this ok... and what do you mean by all the Gods?? HBCO: Means all the Gods sir... like, Allah, Jesus, all 33 crores of Hindu Gods and all sir. Boy: So there are so many Gods working for Human Beings and you are telling me no one is free... haa... how is that possible?? HBCO: Yes sir, actually these days ‘the heart breaking’ rate has increased a lot... as per the latest statistics around more than 10 crore 'heart breaks' are happening on earth per minute sir and everybody complains to God, so it has increased the work load for all the Gods sir. Boy: hey, hey... I am not at all interested in these statistics ok... and I don’t care about the world. I just want my problem solved... and for that I have to talk to God... is that clear?? HBCO: Ok sir... I will mark your case as critical and will transfer the call as soon as any of the Gods is free. Till then please listen to this melodious song sir... (song starts... “And i feel so loooonely yea.. There’s a better place than this emptiness.. yei yei yei ya…. And i’m so loooonely yea.. There’s a better place than this emptiness.. yei yei yei ya…” and the guy becomes more sentimental by listening to this song but he has no choice but to listen to. Finally after 2.45 mins of wait The God is online... ) God: what is your concern my child? Boy: Hey, hi God... actually I am very much upset about the way you have designed me. God: Why what is wrong my son? Boy: God, why have you fit in such a part in my body which is actually not in my own control?? God: what is it son? Boy: I am talking about this my bloody heart God. This bastard did not listen to me and fell in love with that girl... and then I expressed my feelings to her... did I do anything wrong by doing so God?? God: No my child, you didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, expressing your feelings without hearting the other person is always a good thing to do. Boy: Then now when she said it is not going to work, why all these damn feelings hurting me a lot God, though I didn’t do anything wrong?? God: See my son, these things happen with everyone and you are not alone. Just the thing is that, someone expresses it someone does not... someone gives importance and takes it seriously and someone does not. God: Let me explain, I have attached these 5 senses with your body so that your mind can control it using these senses. Sometimes certain sensations generated by these senses leads to some kind of feelings. Now these feelings are nothing but kind of a 6th sense. So its purpose is also the same... for your mind to use it to control yourself... ok... is it making sense to you..?? Boy: hummm... ya ya... I mean yes. But I am finding it too much complicated God... ![]() God: Let me make it simple... For your mind to rule and use all these senses in order to control your body, it has to be strong and sturdy enough... and if it is not, then you become mentally weak and then all these senses starts ruling and controlling your mind instead. Now this is when a person becomes addicted to different things. We call something as addiction when your mind knows that it is not good for you but still you do it... because your mind is now in control of those senses. In your case my son, those certain feelings are ruling your mind though you know, it is not good for yourself and as a result you are suffering... you got it now my child? Boy: Ohh... yes God, now it is making lots of sense to me... though I have one more question... God: Ohh Man (in a hurry)... ok go ahead... Boy: see I mean why don’t you change the feelings of other person so that she will say ‘Yes’ to me and all my problems will just vanish... simple... right? God: Ha hahaha... see first of all it is not even in my control to change someone’s feelings, you know. My job is to fit in all these parts like- heart, brain, senses and all in the person’s body, then to brief the functioning, purpose of each of these parts and also to incorporate your body with self learning mechanism. Now after this, how a person uses these parts, correctly or incorrectly... it is completely in his hands... so I can’t change someone’s feelings and all... ok?? Boy: (after a big pause...) hummmm ![]() God: (with more convincing tone...) And see, even if I do this, just imagine... even then only for time being you will feel like your problem is solved. But then again over the period you will start suffering from some other addictions... and you will once again start cursing me... and this is what is happening with many people these days. You people just don’t follow the guidelines while using different body-parts, specially heart... and when it starts hurting you... you start screwing me up asking ‘why have you fitted a part which is not in my control’ and all... come on guys, give me a break... everything is in your control man...!! (in a frustrating tone) Boy: Ohh... ok ok... I mean, now I got it God... (with little determined tone) So now I will have to make my mind strong and sturdy enough to rule and use these damn senses to control myself. These bloody feelings have ruled me enough now... ya right... (after little pause) but then I have one more question God... God: Ohhh come on... you are driving me nuts now... Boy: God please, this one is last one please... God: (with helpless tone) ok be quick.. Boy: but what should I do by achieving this self-control by ruling my senses and all... I mean where to go and why... God: Set some goal for your life... goal which is big enough and keep striving with all your might until you achieve it, so that in future whenever that person crosses way with you, then she should feel very privileged for deserving your love... and this is how you win in the game of love...!! Boy: Ohh this is awesome... I mean I just loved it God... wow... why I couldn’t think about it... this is just superb..!! God: So now since you got it... will you please do me a favour? Boy: Anything for you God... just tell me... God: (smiles) See, today thousands and crores of people out there are suffering from exactly same things and all of them sooner or later are going to bother me and I have so many other more important and critical things to do. Now since you have understood this philosophy, why don’t you make people around you as well understand it? This way they will get quick solution there itself and it will also allow me enough time to focus on more important and critical things, you know...!! Boy: Ohh sure God... don’t worry, I will definitely help you in this the best way I can... so just chill, ok... And by the way God, who was that lady dealing with me before you coming on the call?? God: Oh that one... (with little hesitation) see son we had a big resource crunch here. So I consulted YAMA (god of death) about this and he told me that he has many ATMAS (souls) from Earth who were working in 'Call Centres’ when they were alive. So he suggested me to employ those ATMAS for this job as they were already trained... and we recruited them... so it was one of such ATMA who was dealing with you. Boy: Oohhh.. ok... (with sarcastic smile) now I understood why the hell she was asking me to restart my heart... And hey God, you sound very tired and exhausted you know... so why don’t you go for vacation... come down to Goa, it’s a very nice place in India. Do let me know if you plan so... will chill together... :) :) God: Ha hahaha... ohh thanks my son, I will definitely think about it... ![]() Boy: Bye the way, hey God... thank you very much for guiding me through this crap. You are my best friend ever... love you God..!! God: My pleasure... love you too son, have fun... bye..!! Boy: bye bye God.. (call ends... and the boy looks a bit relaxed... but only to get more confused and helpless the next day... and this is what he utters to himself...) Boy: (to himself) Dear God, I have understood what you told me. But then I am not a superman to be able to change myself immediately... and also you see, these feelings is the only gift I have got from her, so what if it hurts... it is the only company I have got in this loneliness... I want to cherish these at least until I completely understand what this so called damn LOVE is all about...!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rush with your feedback... ![]() |
Well, MaMingle, I must admit when I first opened your story yesterday I immediately closed it due to its length... this morning however, I have more time so I took these few quiet moments to read you... and now I'm glad I did. You have quite the imagination, and a complex understanding of the human condition. How you incorporated HBCO, and restarting our hearts as the cure all, really cool, original thought. And all the Gods, and their work on our behalf, if we can get thru to them that is... :) is so clever... even in how you describe our various body parts and senses, and how we use or abuse them... radical ideas..
but when it comes to love... that is most telling... Boy: Hey hi, actually my heart is broken up and it is hurting a lot... so I am looking for some quick remedy. Boy: Ya, so it just happened a day before... my heart was deeply involved with one of my friends and when I expressed my feelings to her, she said it is not going to work... this is when it just got broken up and behaving insane, making me suffer from severe emotional pain. Please suggest me some quick solution.. Boy: I am talking about this my bloody heart God. This bastard did not listen to me and fell in love with that girl... and then I expressed my feelings to her... did I do anything wrong by doing so God?? Boy: (to himself) Dear God, I have understood what you told me. But then I am not a superman to be able to change myself immediately... and also you see, these feelings is the only gift I have got from her, so what if it hurts... it is the only company I have got in this loneliness... I want to cherish these at least until I completely understand what this so called damn LOVE is all about...!! I really like your concepts... MM... to be able to accept defeat while hanging onto the painful feelings of rejection, and continuing to love her still... wow.. your feelings must have went very deep... and hopefully it won't take you a lifetime to figure out what love is really all about, like it does some of us... excellent write.. thank you for sharing... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hahaha.. ya I thought a bit abt the size before posting it.. bt then said let's do it.. AthenaRose2, I must thank ur patience for reading through it..
![]() And I really appreciate your reply.. actually this is more of a product of my observations, imaginations and one of my lighter experiences.. So I am all fine.. ![]() Thank you.. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 01/22/13 02:14 AM
Hahaha.. ya I thought a bit abt the size before posting it.. bt then said let's do it.. AthenaRose2, I must thank ur patience for reading through it.. ![]() And I really appreciate your reply.. actually this is more of a product of my observations, imaginations and one of my lighter experiences.. So I am all fine.. ![]() Thank you.. ![]() ![]() It was my pleasure, and didn't require effort on my part, as your skill as a writer kept my attention focused from the start, and when it came to an end, I only wanted more... good for you... I'm glad you're heart is fine... ![]() |
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Hahaha.. ya I thought a bit abt the size before posting it.. bt then said let's do it.. AthenaRose2, I must thank ur patience for reading through it.. ![]() And I really appreciate your reply.. actually this is more of a product of my observations, imaginations and one of my lighter experiences.. So I am all fine.. ![]() Thank you.. ![]() ![]() It was my pleasure, and didn't require effort on my part, as your skill as a writer kept my attention focused from the start, and when it came to an end, I only wanted more... good for you... I'm glad you're heart is fine... ![]() I appreciate ur motivating words.. ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Thank u.. ![]() |