Topic: The Games Men Play
navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 11:43 AM

And another thing....
I get the sex thing, men love it... want to have all of the time.. yeah, yeah yeah ( I get it) whoa Why not be upfront with this girl who is really looking for a relationship!

Why waste her time " or play these games" it gets tiresome and makes me want to kick a guy in the nuts!explode

You rock. I love how you tell it like it is. :thumbsup:

Gotta let the guys know how we roll Navygirl! lol

You got that right. I have never been one to mince words and tell a man straight up about what I do and don't want.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 11:46 AM

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:07 PM


What?? shocked No strip poker? rofl

josie68's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:30 PM
Both sides play games, it's part of life. Some play harder than others, some are nice some arn't.

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:45 PM
Ha! better be a damn good chess player. Knights are deceiving and can sneak up on you if you don't have your wits about you. :-)

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:45 PM

Both sides play games, it's part of life. Some play harder than others, some are nice some arn't.

there ya go..and some play for keeps and some just for the winnings (lol yes, winning not whining)

TawtStrat's photo
Tue 01/15/13 12:57 PM

If I ask women on here for advice (not that I ever do but they seem to want to give me it anyway) they tell me to act confident and not be negative and that's okay but if a man puts it in a book it's suddenly a cynical underhanded ploy and part of a head game?

Really?? did you just underhandedly, all out in the open Dis the ladies??
We high jack you and tell you what to do Tawt?
Confidence is a turn on for women, but you have to have something to back it up.
Those women should have told you that! be confident but have a great personality too!
Confidence attracts us... but Personality makes us sit down and stay awhile!

Well, I do think that women tend to do this thing where they try to change a guy when they get into a relationship. That can be about training them not to be a slob or it can be any number of other things and it can develop into nagging, demanding and even obsessive behaviour. And I go along with it for sex because all I want from a woman is that and for her to make me sandwiches obviously.

But seriously, I can't really change my personality to suit anybody. I maybe need a boot up the backside sometimes and for sure I would rather a woman just told me what she wants and what she thinks that I'm doing wrong in a relationship instead of expecting me to be able to read her mind but I think it's just the case that once you get to know somebody properly there are just going to be things about them that annoy you that didn't bother you when you first met them and it was all romantic and new and exciting.

teebee79's photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:13 PM

If I ask women on here for advice (not that I ever do but they seem to want to give me it anyway) they tell me to act confident and not be negative and that's okay but if a man puts it in a book it's suddenly a cynical underhanded ploy and part of a head game?

Really?? did you just underhandedly, all out in the open Dis the ladies??
We high jack you and tell you what to do Tawt?
Confidence is a turn on for women, but you have to have something to back it up.
Those women should have told you that! be confident but have a great personality too!
Confidence attracts us... but Personality makes us sit down and stay awhile!

Well, I do think that women tend to do this thing where they try to change a guy when they get into a relationship. That can be about training them not to be a slob or it can be any number of other things and it can develop into nagging, demanding and even obsessive behaviour. And I go along with it for sex because all I want from a woman is that and for her to make me sandwiches obviously.

But seriously, I can't really change my personality to suit anybody. I maybe need a boot up the backside sometimes and for sure I would rather a woman just told me what she wants and what she thinks that I'm doing wrong in a relationship instead of expecting me to be able to read her mind but I think it's just the case that once you get to know somebody properly there are just going to be things about them that annoy you that didn't bother you when you first met them and it was all romantic and new and exciting.

True.. some of us ladies are guilty of trying to change a guy. However, SOME guys are equally as guilty as showing us the " good, nice guy " we can take home to Mom and Dad... to the raging hormone that has nothing else to say after the first sleep over. sad2

I'm talking to you Jeff Whiskey!!!

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:23 PM

But seriously, I can't really change my personality to suit anybody. I maybe need a boot up the backside sometimes and for sure I would rather a woman just told me what she wants and what she thinks that I'm doing wrong in a relationship instead of expecting me to be able to read her mind but I think it's just the case that once you get to know somebody properly there are just going to be things about them that annoy you that didn't bother you when you first met them and it was all romantic and new and exciting. there's the thing. When i do speak my mind and tell a man that the underwear he leaves lying around, or the bad habit he has of tagging the porcelain goddess with his signature whenever he visits is most unattractive....suddenly i'm nagging??!!?? So...the dilemma i say something and sound like a nag? Or do i put up with it until i can't stand it any longer? There is no head's a simple case of say something or forever suffer in silence. I expect men have the same conundrum with the annoying little idiosyncracies that women come with. But those annoying little idionsyncracies can turn into an all out battle betwixt the sexes if they are not identified as being petty and detrimental to the relationship.

"Petty and detrimental" are the key words here.

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:25 PM

If I ask women on here for advice (not that I ever do but they seem to want to give me it anyway) they tell me to act confident and not be negative and that's okay but if a man puts it in a book it's suddenly a cynical underhanded ploy and part of a head game?

Really?? did you just underhandedly, all out in the open Dis the ladies??
We high jack you and tell you what to do Tawt?
Confidence is a turn on for women, but you have to have something to back it up.
Those women should have told you that! be confident but have a great personality too!
Confidence attracts us... but Personality makes us sit down and stay awhile!

Well, I do think that women tend to do this thing where they try to change a guy when they get into a relationship. That can be about training them not to be a slob or it can be any number of other things and it can develop into nagging, demanding and even obsessive behaviour. And I go along with it for sex because all I want from a woman is that and for her to make me sandwiches obviously.

But seriously, I can't really change my personality to suit anybody. I maybe need a boot up the backside sometimes and for sure I would rather a woman just told me what she wants and what she thinks that I'm doing wrong in a relationship instead of expecting me to be able to read her mind but I think it's just the case that once you get to know somebody properly there are just going to be things about them that annoy you that didn't bother you when you first met them and it was all romantic and new and exciting.

Newsflash; you men also try to change women but you don't control us with sex; its usually by being bossy or the bully. You also won't communicate with a woman as its easier to tune her out especially when you have a beer in one hand and a remote in the other. Of course people will find something annoying about the other person once the honeymoon stage wears off; the trick is trying to work it out with the other person rather than yelling like the guys or nagging like the women.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:30 PM

Not only that, I have a whole set of books written by well known Pick up artists for poor saps who don't know how to get laid.

It comes with advice to "show a lot of confidence" (even if you don't have any.) ---> therefore most of it is fake confidence of a pretender.

There are fakers and there are the real alpha males and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference at first glance but pay attention and the fakers will slip up eventually.

There are signs.bigsmile

Right, you decided to buy a lot of books written for losers and that's how you learned about men and what makes them tick?

If I ask women on here for advice (not that I ever do but they seem to want to give me it anyway) they tell me to act confident and not be negative and that's okay but if a man puts it in a book it's suddenly a cynical underhanded ploy and part of a head game?

TawtStrat, No that is not how I learned about men and what makes them tick. I learned about head games being married to a head game player for 16 years. He didn't learn it from any books either.

I bought the books for education. They are not a bad idea. They can really help a man learn how to talk to women. What they do with the knowledge is up to them. Some use it just to get laid, others are looking for a real relationship. In any case, I read the books to learn how to recognize the fakers and for education purposes.

I highly recommend that men who are shy spend some time reading some of those books on how to approach women because some of them are really good. Women have been playing the game for hundreds of years are are better at it. Men could benefit putting a little effort into the game instead of being clueless.

If you get your life together and know who you are you will have natural confidence. That will attract women. Or you can fake it for a while, until you do develop it.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:38 PM

Not only that, I have a whole set of books written by well known Pick up artists for poor saps who don't know how to get laid.

It comes with advice to "show a lot of confidence" (even if you don't have any.) ---> therefore most of it is fake confidence of a pretender.

There are fakers and there are the real alpha males and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference at first glance but pay attention and the fakers will slip up eventually.

There are signs.bigsmile

I read one of those books. The Game (penetrating the secret society of pick up artists) by Neil Strous. I see like most women you didn't understand it. It's not about head games and lies. It's about building confidence and self esteem. It's about sending the right singles and making a good first impression. It's about learning the social skills needed to attract a sexual partner and START a relationship.

I do "get" the books. As I said, some of them are good at helping men learn how to approach a woman. The first book that really made its author millions was "How to pick up girls." That guy is now very wealthy and teaches Internet marketing courses for very high dollar.

I've read Neil Strous's books too but it has been a while since I have read any of those.

In learning the game, you can use it to find a mate, or just to get laid. I think eventually a man who just uses it to get laid, will get tired of that and decide to pick one, but maybe not.

no photo
Tue 01/15/13 01:59 PM
I have not dated any men that play head games.

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:17 PM
Edited by Kahurangi on Tue 01/15/13 02:19 PM
hmmm..petty and detrimental can cause a few problems, but then there are also some very serious mind games that some men play.

Some men just cannot or will not tolerate being told what to do by a woman...maybe because they've had some archaic upbringing where the mans word was 'final' in the house or for whatever other reason that makes him believe that his word is law. Thus follows the head games of keeping her in her place of servitude.

"What are you cooking for dinner"? (even though she's put in just as much hours as he has at work)

His idea of relaxing after a hard days work is to have his dinner cooked for him and then retire to his usual place of toes up on the sofa....perhaps a little messing about in the boudoir when the missus has finished doing the dinner dishes, ironing, laundry and any other household chores that need to be done before she has to get up and put in an average 8 hour day at work the next day. If she refuses his advances because she's just too tired, she is made to feel guilty and inadequate because she doesn't care about him enough.

And that's BC! (before children)

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:21 PM

hmmm..petty and detrimental can cause a few problems, but then there are also some very serious mind games that some men play.

Some men just cannot or will not tolerate being told what to do by a woman...maybe because they've had some archaic upbringing where the mans word was 'final' in the house or for whatever other reason that makes him believe that his word is law. Thus follows the head games of keeping her in her place of servitude.

"What are you cooking for dinner"? (even though she's put in just as much hours as he has at work)

His idea of relaxing after a hard days work is to have his dinner cooked for him and then retire to his usual place of toes up on the sofa....perhaps a little messing about in the boudoir when the missus has finished doing the dinner dishes, ironing, laundry and any other household chores that need to be done before she has to get up and put in an average 8 hour day at work the next day. If she refuses his advances because she's just too tired, she is made to feel guilty and inadequate because she doesn't care about him enough.

Yep; that is so true. These days; the women are out working outside of the house and she is still expected to have dinner on the table; keep the house clean, and do all the household chores. The guy I lived with expected that of me; plus I did the yard work and any renos that needed to be done. I honestly was too tired for any play in the bedroom as he simply would not pull his weight with his half of the chores yet he still was mad at me. slaphead

Kahurangi's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:33 PM
I think they see it as a 'threat to their manhood' when women grow horns and start spitting chips about sharing the workload. I've seen both men and women become disillusioned over time because one or the other is not pulling their weight to help maintain the balance in the house or the relationship.

teebee79's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:36 PM

hmmm..petty and detrimental can cause a few problems, but then there are also some very serious mind games that some men play.

Some men just cannot or will not tolerate being told what to do by a woman...maybe because they've had some archaic upbringing where the mans word was 'final' in the house or for whatever other reason that makes him believe that his word is law. Thus follows the head games of keeping her in her place of servitude.

"What are you cooking for dinner"? (even though she's put in just as much hours as he has at work)

His idea of relaxing after a hard days work is to have his dinner cooked for him and then retire to his usual place of toes up on the sofa....perhaps a little messing about in the boudoir when the missus has finished doing the dinner dishes, ironing, laundry and any other household chores that need to be done before she has to get up and put in an average 8 hour day at work the next day. If she refuses his advances because she's just too tired, she is made to feel guilty and inadequate because she doesn't care about him enough.

Yep; that is so true. These days; the women are out working outside of the house and she is still expected to have dinner on the table; keep the house clean, and do all the household chores. The guy I lived with expected that of me; plus I did the yard work and any renos that needed to be done. I honestly was too tired for any play in the bedroom as he simply would not pull his weight with his half of the chores yet he still was mad at me. slaphead

Same here! My ex is somewhat forward thinking... which means he'll wash dishes..vacuum the floor..take out the garbage...I just have to TELL him to do it! The days I didn't he thought that meant I wanted to do it myselffrustrated

Yet without he comes with the sleazy smile and the silk boxers for love wondering why Im not in the mood!!huh

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:39 PM

I think they see it as a 'threat to their manhood' when women grow horns and start spitting chips about sharing the workload. I've seen both men and women become disillusioned over time because one or the other is not pulling their weight to help maintain the balance in the house or the relationship.

Yep; call me disillusioned. I am a tough old broad with lots of energy but even I have my breaking point. Personally; I am better off alone rather than living with a leech like that.

navygirl's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:40 PM

hmmm..petty and detrimental can cause a few problems, but then there are also some very serious mind games that some men play.

Some men just cannot or will not tolerate being told what to do by a woman...maybe because they've had some archaic upbringing where the mans word was 'final' in the house or for whatever other reason that makes him believe that his word is law. Thus follows the head games of keeping her in her place of servitude.

"What are you cooking for dinner"? (even though she's put in just as much hours as he has at work)

His idea of relaxing after a hard days work is to have his dinner cooked for him and then retire to his usual place of toes up on the sofa....perhaps a little messing about in the boudoir when the missus has finished doing the dinner dishes, ironing, laundry and any other household chores that need to be done before she has to get up and put in an average 8 hour day at work the next day. If she refuses his advances because she's just too tired, she is made to feel guilty and inadequate because she doesn't care about him enough.

Yep; that is so true. These days; the women are out working outside of the house and she is still expected to have dinner on the table; keep the house clean, and do all the household chores. The guy I lived with expected that of me; plus I did the yard work and any renos that needed to be done. I honestly was too tired for any play in the bedroom as he simply would not pull his weight with his half of the chores yet he still was mad at me. slaphead

Same here! My ex is somewhat forward thinking... which means he'll wash dishes..vacuum the floor..take out the garbage...I just have to TELL him to do it! The days I didn't he thought that meant I wanted to do it myselffrustrated

Yet without he comes with the sleazy smile and the silk boxers for love wondering why Im not in the mood!!huh

No one ever said these men in particular were very bright. laugh

burgundybry's photo
Tue 01/15/13 02:42 PM
Ok. Who's up for a round of "spin the pickle"?:tongue: laugh laugh