Topic: uuuuh... hell yeah
3Rutez's photo
Thu 01/03/13 06:50 AM
Finally stood on the scale. In a year, I have went from 300lbs to 190lbs. Uhhh hell yeah! Lol. Feels good to be me again. :)

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 06:54 AM
congratulations Rutez

3Rutez's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:39 AM
Thank you bro. Feels so good to be healthy and fit. DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION. You can do ANYTHING, just have hope and believe in yourselves.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:43 AM
Absolutely and I totally agree with you.

I'm 6"4 and well when I was in a terrible car wrech, my time in the hosptital I dropped down to bout 120ish. After close to 6 years, I've finally gotten back to 180ish and hoping to continue with that a little bit further.

So I truly congratulate you cause it is an extremely hard thing to accomplish especially on the scale difference you mentioned.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 01/03/13 07:45 AM
I mean my weight difference in it all is extremely smaller then yours, so I can only imagine how much work it was to accomplish. So one more time rofl, congratulations.

3Rutez's photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:04 AM
I never thought I could do it. Never thought that one day, I would look good to myself. The hard part is starting and sticking, then it just becomes a part of you and your lifestyle. Happy New Year!!

3Rutez's photo
Thu 01/03/13 08:05 AM
Congrats to you as well buddy. We are MEN, bum badum bum bum bum bum.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 01/03/13 09:38 AM
Congratulations on your weight loss!

3Rutez's photo
Thu 01/03/13 10:52 AM
Thank you very much. :)

pennyg281's photo
Fri 01/04/13 09:45 AM
congradulations thats awesome progress. :) changing your life style is never easy . . . but its worth it. im on my own journey to become a healthier happier person. :)