Topic: uuuuh... hell yeah | |
Finally stood on the scale. In a year, I have went from 300lbs to 190lbs. Uhhh hell yeah! Lol. Feels good to be me again. :)
congratulations Rutez
Thank you bro. Feels so good to be healthy and fit. DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION. You can do ANYTHING, just have hope and believe in yourselves.
Absolutely and I totally agree with you.
I'm 6"4 and well when I was in a terrible car wrech, my time in the hosptital I dropped down to bout 120ish. After close to 6 years, I've finally gotten back to 180ish and hoping to continue with that a little bit further. So I truly congratulate you cause it is an extremely hard thing to accomplish especially on the scale difference you mentioned. |
I mean my weight difference in it all is extremely smaller then yours, so I can only imagine how much work it was to accomplish. So one more time rofl, congratulations.
I never thought I could do it. Never thought that one day, I would look good to myself. The hard part is starting and sticking, then it just becomes a part of you and your lifestyle. Happy New Year!!
Congrats to you as well buddy. We are MEN, bum badum bum bum bum bum.
Congratulations on your weight loss!
Thank you very much. :)
congradulations thats awesome progress. :) changing your life style is never easy . . . but its worth it. im on my own journey to become a healthier happier person. :)