Topic: Most dangerous cities in America | |
Our research reveals the 100 most dangerous cities in America with 25,000 or more people, based on the number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Violent crimes include murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Data used for this research are 1) the number of violent crimes reported to the FBI to have occurred in each city, and 2) the population of each city.
rank city 100 Sarasota, FL 99 Muskegon, MI 98 Melbourne, FL 97 Richmond, CA 96 Rocky Mount, NC 95 Lawrence, MA 94 Bridgeport, CT 93 Miami Beach, FL 92 Milwaukee, WI 91 Worcester, MA 90 Tulsa, OK 89 Toledo, OH 88 Jeffersonville, IN 87 North Miami, FL 86 Danville, IL 85 Holyoke, MA 84 Paterson, NJ 83 Charleston, WV 82 Poughkeepsie, NY 81 Pontiac, MI 80 Lansing, MI 79 Chicago, IL 78 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 77 Springfield, MA 76 Jackson, TN 75 San Bernardino, CA 74 St. Petersburg, FL 73 Cincinnati, OH 72 Lima, OH 71 Elizabeth, NJ 70 Cleveland, TN 69 Council Bluffs, IA 68 Norristown, PA 67 Orlando, FL 66 Baton Rouge, LA 65 Springfield, IL 64 Carbondale, IL 63 Compton, CA 62 Canton, OH 61 Battle Creek, MI 60 Indianapolis, IN 59 Farmington, NM 58 Lake Worth, FL 57 New Bedford, MA 56 Fort Pierce, FL 55 New London, CT 54 East Point, GA 53 Niagara Falls, NY 52 Providence, RI 51 Newark, NJ 50 Philadelphia, PA 49 Nashville, TN 48 Kansas City, MO 47 Miami, FL 46 Washington, DC 45 Desert Hot Springs, CA 44 Bridgeton, NJ 43 Fort Myers, FL 42 Fall River, MA 41 Brockton, MA 40 Buffalo, NY 39 Salisbury, MD 38 Texarkana, TX 37 Hartford, CT 36 Alexandria, LA 35 New Haven, CT 34 Daytona Beach, FL 33 Cleveland, OH 32 Rockford, IL 31 Pine Bluff, AR 30 Harrisburg, PA 29 Trenton, NJ 28 Stockton, CA 27 Baltimore, MD 26 Atlanta, GA 25 Birmingham, AL 24 Little Rock, AR 23 Homestead, FL 22 Memphis, TN 21 Myrtle Beach, SC 20 Riviera Beach, FL 19 Chester, PA 18 York, PA 17 Wilmington, DE 16 Bessemer, AL 15 Harvey, IL 14 Monroe, LA 13 Oakland, CA 12 Spartanburg, SC 11 Chelsea, MA 10 Inkster, MI 9 Newburgh, NY 8 St. Louis, MO 7 Atlantic City, NJ 6 Detroit, MI 5 Saginaw, MI 4 West Memphis, AR 3 Flint, MI 2 Camden, NJ 1 East St. Louis, IL |
Wow looks like I live in the right State out of all of those Texas only hits that list one time....
Hummm see ya should live in Texas where the guns are plenty and crime is down.... |
Yep! Texas is the place to be.
That Texas community on the list is ranked as being more dangerous than the one Oklahoma community on the list. So, Oklahoma is the place to be .
Illinois peppered everywhere, haha!
Seeing Chester & Camden so far up on the list does not surprise me, but seeing Phila after them does
not seeing las vegas, NV on the list makes me think I need my eyes checked,,,lol
well,you look nice,I'm going to assume your nice and my comments arn't leveled at you. That said,I think your full of it!(Kidding) Some years back,I read that 1 out of every 200 people are either on probation or parole in the state of Texas(most of any state). Now,maybe they've caught all the crooks and now its pleasantville,or maybe the danger is of a different sort. Be careful,nice lady
well,you look nice,I'm going to assume your nice and my comments arn't leveled at you. That said,I think your full of it!(Kidding) Some years back,I read that 1 out of every 200 people are either on probation or parole in the state of Texas(most of any state). Now,maybe they've caught all the crooks and now its pleasantville,or maybe the danger is of a different sort. Be careful,nice lady You can be on probation or parole for non-violent crimes. |
well,you look nice,I'm going to assume your nice and my comments arn't leveled at you. That said,I think your full of it!(Kidding) Some years back,I read that 1 out of every 200 people are either on probation or parole in the state of Texas(most of any state). Now,maybe they've caught all the crooks and now its pleasantville,or maybe the danger is of a different sort. Be careful,nice lady Humm lets see when you consider the size of the state and that it leads in the prison systems guess you would find more there... Since there are many states that have very few and must send them to .....ohhh yeah Texas... But yet we are do not have the highest crime rate.... |
well,you look nice,I'm going to assume your nice and my comments arn't leveled at you. That said,I think your full of it!(Kidding) Some years back,I read that 1 out of every 200 people are either on probation or parole in the state of Texas(most of any state). Now,maybe they've caught all the crooks and now its pleasantville,or maybe the danger is of a different sort. Be careful,nice lady Humm lets see when you consider the size of the state and that it leads in the prison systems guess you would find more there... Since there are many states that have very few and must send them to .....ohhh yeah Texas... But yet we are do not have the highest crime rate.... Still, according to the statistics cited in the OP, Oklahoma has less violent crime than Texas has. |
Edited by
Sun 12/30/12 08:54 AM
I wonder how northern China's Hebei Province would rate in this? China's Hebei Province has been compared to promote automobile transmission control in other post.