Topic: Have you ever - part 3
ViaMusica's photo
Mon 03/11/13 10:50 PM
Not lately.

Have you ever felt the earth move under your feet?

topherj37's photo
Mon 03/11/13 10:51 PM
Yep. Especially when we have earthquakes.

Have you ever felt the sky tumbling down?

4evababy's photo
Tue 03/12/13 03:32 AM
dont think so lol did you ever wish for anything outrageous?

topherj37's photo
Tue 03/12/13 07:17 AM
Probably, although nothing comes to mind at the moment.

Have you ever played one, played knick knack on a drum?

ViaMusica's photo
Tue 03/12/13 09:23 AM
No, but I do play the doumbek. Does that count?

Have you ever started telling a joke, and by the time you got to the punchline you were laughing so hard you could barely finish it?

topherj37's photo
Tue 03/12/13 12:05 PM

Have you ever played two, played knick knack on a shoe?

no photo
Wed 03/13/13 11:08 AM

have you ever eaen afull day's worth of calories at one meal?

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:21 PM

Have you ever had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow?

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:23 PM
No, but my mother did, for one Halloween. She dressed me up as Mary's Little Lamb for a costume party when I was perhaps five.

Have you ever been mellow?

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:28 PM
Oh, maybe a couple of times or two.

Have you ever had Pease Porridge Hot?

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:30 PM
Yes, actually, and it was quite tasty.

Have you ever tripped the light fantastic?

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:36 PM
Alas, when it comes to dancing, I have all the grace of a drunken hamster.

Have you ever blamed it on the Bossa Nova?

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:40 PM
No, but I have blamed it on the rain.

Have you ever come close to the end of a book you're reading and been so engrossed in the story that you can't stand to see it end, so you read r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w-l-y to make it last?

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:46 PM
There's so many books I've been sorry to see end.

Have you ever felt so guilty after stealing someone's trophy on "Last to Post Wins", that you gave it back and apologized?

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 03:52 PM
No, I'm moral, but not that moral. :angel:

Have you ever just said, "Meh, it's only a trophy"? tongue2

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 04:03 PM
Heavens to Betsy no.

Have you ever been absolutely amazed at Superdupergoodguyman TopherJ's winning streak on "Last to Post Wins"?

ViaMusica's photo
Wed 03/13/13 04:12 PM
Not really, though palindrome production is an interesting hobby.

Have you ever stomped in a mud puddle just for the sake of doing it?

topherj37's photo
Wed 03/13/13 04:28 PM
Yep. Still do. I love walking in the rain and jumping both feet into a puddle.

Have you ever ran around in the rain singing, "It's raining, it's pouring..."?

no photo
Thu 03/14/13 05:27 PM
no, but i bet you have tohp.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

have you ever taken anything serious in life?:laughing:

no photo
Fri 03/15/13 11:33 AM
yeah i have.

have you ever gone skinny dipping?