Topic: Men in Black 3
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Fri 12/21/12 09:54 PM
I just watched men in Black three, it was awesome!

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 12/21/12 10:50 PM
But now that leaves strange plot devices for the future if they (if... Ha ha) a MIB 4. Time travel... Tricky stuff there...

It had its charm for a MIB flick. The bad buy was good and creepy. Boris the Animal had a pretty tight hog though! The hoop bikes, a little Liberace for me. And agent K realizing who his daddy was, I am pretty sure he would be neutralizer bait.

But I can attest to the fact that Pie does help in some pretty bad situations!

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Sat 12/22/12 07:33 AM
Josh Brolin did a truly remarkable job as a young Agent J/Tommy Lee Jones. It was uncanny.

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Sat 12/22/12 09:51 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 12/22/12 09:53 AM
Josh Brolin did a truly remarkable job as a young Agent J/Tommy Lee Jones. It was uncanny.

Yes I thought he did fantastic, especially his voice. It sounded just like Tommy Lee Jones.

I have always loved Tommy Lee Jones.

I bought the DVD. It was $20.00 but I didn't want to wait for it to go on the sale rack.

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Sat 12/22/12 09:54 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 12/22/12 09:55 AM
I love any movie that involves time travel.

Will Smith is looking a lot older now. I hope they make more men in black movies.

devilsangel0806's photo
Fri 05/03/13 02:07 AM
I've seen the mocie like 10 times already. Its badass and I hope they make more.