Topic: I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Mon 12/17/12 11:37 AM

They would have you believe guns are at fault, the cause. Getting rid of guns will never solve the problem. In some cases it is armed citizens who end the conflict, preventing further loss of life, before police can arrive.

Police ALWAYS arrive too late or after the fact due to response times, and having to be called to respond.

As you will read in this womans account of her own tragic situation, any weapon will do, and anyone can be the victim, including the person themselves.

Blaming guns is a political misdirect, preventing a cure for the real cause of the problem!

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/17/12 11:50 AM
there isnt any one cause

there are several

1. american 'cowboy' menatlity
2. american dismissal of the value of some peoples lives vs others
3. the availability of weapons which do maximum damage with minimum effort
4. the lack of appropriate medical intervention and care for the mentally imbalanced
5. the lack of compassion and sensitivity with which we treat each other,,,

lilott's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:10 PM
Years ago my oldest brother lived in Pinedale Wyoming a town of 1100 then. I went to visit him and when we went to the store everybody I saw had a side arm on them. My brother told me that everybody in town wore one and they had no murders, gun fights or anything.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/17/12 12:10 PM

Why Israel has no Newtowns

“An armed society,” Nedivi wrote, quoting the science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein, “is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” It may be a bit odd to think of Israeli society as polite, but when it comes to guns it is, and for just the reason articulated by Heinlein: When everyone has a gun, guns are no longer seen as talismans by weak, frightened, and unstable men seeking a sense of self-validation, but as killing machines that are to be handled with the utmost caution and care.