Topic: Why in the hell am I in I.T.? | |
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Thu 12/13/12 09:21 PM
---So, this is pretty cool. My professor actually wants to work on this with me in order to try and get me published again, which is pretty awesome. Bobo is my pet dragon for those of you who do not know.
I actually do not have any desire to do I.T. It is just a field I have experience in and it will pay suitable amounts of money so that I can do what I really want to do, which is, write. I actually don't care for computers personally; I, much like Mr. Fitch think them to be devil machines. However, they seem to be a necessary evil at this moment in time and there is an awful lot of money to be made in them. Personally though, as soon as I get a job in I.T. then I can begin to write comfortably without worry; because unfortunately, we live in a society that values the pen a lot less than it should and even less than what it once was. I actually wrote a poem about it recent, I know, I know, this is no time for prose but I think it is important enough that I should share it here: Think if you were capable of supersonic, In an age without the ability of movement, Or if you could imagine a bird's flight, During a time that didn't have an upwind. This, my friends, this is my pen, My useless gift in an age it isn't desired in. Ever wonder what it would be like, If every ounce of talent was shelved for life. Think if you were capable of separating atoms, In an age without microscopic sight, Or if you could imagine a radio frequency, During a time that didn't have cables. This, my friends, this is my pen, My useless gift in an age it isn't desired in. Ever wonder what it would be like, If every ounce of talent was shelved for life. This, my friends, this is my pen. That poem is called “My Useless Gift” and it was written last night no less, it conveys my feelings towards what I call a “Useless gift”, it is also coincidentally the last one I will write for quite possibly years. I know that what I do is appreciated by a few but the true beauty of what I do isn't who it is appreciated by or even if it is appreciated at all; the true beauty of it is that it will outlast the buildings we have built and the society we have created. In a way it is my door to immortality, my small pen will keep me alive for centuries after computers have died off due to electric pulses or magnetic changes in the atmosphere. However, that said, it is a beauty that is seen by less and less people as the days wear on. Enough about me and my poetry though, this is about what I want to do and how my major plays into it. As I said, my major plays a minimal role in what I want to do, I could just as easily write to my heart's content now without this silly degree...But I would end up poor just like every other inconspicuous author in the world, and I don't want to end up poor and struggling because that will bear a heavy burden in my writing, none to wise I don't think. So I pursue this degree in an area I really could care less about simply because I've done the work before and am rather good at it, however being rather good at something accounts for just about **** today and we need a piece of paper that tells everyone else we are good at it otherwise we won't even be given the chance to show our skills in that specific area. Unfortunately this essay will lack my usual finesse of writing due in large part to the season and the length might just barely push into having enough pages to be credible, but I will try my best. I originally intended to go into journalism or maybe some type of classical literature education, I actually wanted to go into journalism for the longest time, but that isn't practical anymore since the pen is less valued today than say...A grain of sand. So I chose the I.T. field due in large part to the ample supply of jobs and that I am relatively good at these finicky machines of hell, but that won't last long because eventually everything ends and this to will pass. When these machines either fall or turn on us the necessity of writers will be in high demand, how else will you be able to read the news without your dark magic machines to type on? That's right, you will have to rely on me once again. I actually think computers are a branch of black magic, these little things destroy more social culture than pop music could ever even imagine destroying. I often read of times that we didn't have these luxuries, I'm quite well-versed in ancient civilizations and that sort of thing, history pretty much...Yet another seemingly useless intellect. The Mayan's built a calendar with engravings, the Roman Empire wrote books and books cataloging their day to day activities, and the Ancient Greeks had engravings as well, some even on a wall. These were all well-preserved for us to find thousands of years later, paper probably won't last that long, but I have big plans to fill an entire wall with engravings of how in this age we were taken over by a dark source in the form of computerized people with a social agenda that was completely held on a hard drive. That should surely outlast paper, computers, even your T.V. I apologize if this is really just coming off as a rant, but it is hard not to rant when everything you enjoy is being chastised before you. On to more positive news, shall we? Bobo is doing as well as could be expected, I believe he went off to see family, or he is possibly hanging out with those juvenile delinquents again...But he is good, and still very much alive. Harder than hell to feed though, he is just too damn picky about what he eats anymore, I'm trying to turn him onto a vegetarian diet for obvious reasons (I surely can't have my pet dragon running amok killing innocent people, can I?) but he isn't taking to carrots too well and seems to absolutely hate cabbage. It has been a pleasure ranting and raving, and again, I apologize if this essay lacks my usual finesse in writing but I don't do well during these winter months. |
"dark magic machines" Love it.
You know when everyone's stoned at a party and you're that guy that says something 'that's totally deep'? Well, I was stoned at a party and I said, "A pen is more powerful than a gun. You can kill a man with a gun, but with a pen... you can kill an idea." This is a very strange time for writing as an art... Some people, younger folks especially (from what I understand) have really benefited from the whole e-reader self-publishing thing. I just... don't want to even mess with them. I like paper. I am beginning to feel irrelevant. Up until a couple months ago I used to live across the street from the newspaper that I've wanted to write for since I was a little kid delivering newspapers (Detroit News/Free Press). And... I actually kinda didn't do my job as a paperboy very well anyway. But whatever. It's an important sentiment and I'm glad you addressed it. Also, dig the poem. For real. |
Your finesse in your writing is very much alive and apparent..Give me pen and paper anyday...
"dark magic machines" Love it. You know when everyone's stoned at a party and you're that guy that says something 'that's totally deep'? Well, I was stoned at a party and I said, "A pen is more powerful than a gun. You can kill a man with a gun, but with a pen... you can kill an idea." This is a very strange time for writing as an art... Some people, younger folks especially (from what I understand) have really benefited from the whole e-reader self-publishing thing. I just... don't want to even mess with them. I like paper. I am beginning to feel irrelevant. Up until a couple months ago I used to live across the street from the newspaper that I've wanted to write for since I was a little kid delivering newspapers (Detroit News/Free Press). And... I actually kinda didn't do my job as a paperboy very well anyway. But whatever. It's an important sentiment and I'm glad you addressed it. Also, dig the poem. For real. I tried the self-publishing things online, even had my own blog for the longest time...But it absolutely lacks passion, you don't feel the ink, or the way the lines curve. It just...Doesn't feel personal. I've pulled the same line stoned once or twice, heh. Cheers for the compliments, as always...I'm glad you enjoyed the read. |
FaL, I actually enjoyed the ease by which I can comprehend your work here.. And while I still see the progressive visionary whose creative energy was blocked momentarily in "My Useless Gift"... the direction you are taking your life and energy you are investing to fulfill your calling since childhood is inspiring... I especially appreciate your take on the advent of computers and the new age changing life as we know it. As for bobo, my not having any prior knowledge about your connection with this rascally magical creature, peaks my curiosity into following any latest gossip pertaining to his whereabouts and shenanigans...
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As always Honoured and Proud to read your work.
One smart Professor. Continue to write. My pet Dragon is named of course is Merlin. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thank you, much appreciated. Though this is only one part of a finished product, the finished product is far more...Eh, sporadic and confounding.
The dragon was actually created out of social curiosity, I originally wondered how to fit in with those around me and finally decided on creating a mythical creature and giving it a life. My reasons are far more cynical than all that, but it is essentially a ploy to gauge the people around me...My own personal sociological nonsense verbatim. I'm essentially making fun of social classes without outwardly making fun of them, most people react positively to Bobo but you catch a few snarks from people when you stand in front of a classroom reading this kind of thing word for word. The trick is that Bobo is inherently evil by his nature, being a dragon and all, I've only ever explained this once to my professor and I won't go into detail...But I'm mocking society. |
Edited by
Sat 12/15/12 10:21 AM
Thank you for your post FearandLoathing. I identify with what you write.
In my line of work i often wonder what price is paid when trading the English language for a programming language, Writing line upon line of code for MacHine to read. The effort is never toward conveying ideas and feelings but, instead, to follow rules and fulfill expectations, to make the job easier for the next programmer. Am i disconnecting from humanity? Is their a trend toward losing the ability to express? a beautiful language cut to pieces by texting and short commands. "welcome my son, welcome to the machine" - pink floyd |
Thank you for your post FearandLoathing. I identify with what you write. In my line of work i often wonder what price is paid when trading the English language for a programming language, Writing line upon line of code for MacHine to read. The effort is never toward conveying ideas and feelings but, instead, to follow rules and fulfill expectations, to make the job easier for the next programmer. Am i disconnecting from humanity? Is their a trend toward losing the ability to express? a beautiful language cut to pieces by texting and short commands. "welcome my son, welcome to the machine" - pink floyd Programming language will inevitably become obsolete...English, or in this case, writing, will never become obsolete. That is the beauty of what writers have, we hold this expression and carry it throughout our lives, we carry it like a mighty war club handed down by some First Civilization God. Programs expire while writing inspires, Sun Tzu's Art of War is a fantastic example of how still writing inspires us...The Bible a more ironic one. |