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Topic: When you ask a question here
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Sun 12/09/12 04:10 PM
I try to never ask questions that I don't want answers to. I don't always succeed in that effort. And I'm interested in the responses. 42 made me chuckle, but I'm a huge Douglas Adams fan.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 12/09/12 04:29 PM
Actually when I post questions they are never about me. Just a general subject in order to see how others would take care of that type of situation...whoa

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Sun 12/09/12 04:43 PM

do you already know what your answer would be?

Yes, however, it is very interesting to read others opinions. I have been amazed at some of the opinions on here on certain topics.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 12/09/12 09:27 PM
First I take my questions through a rigorous stress test, of sorts...I run it through Google initially to see if it has already been answered.

Well, I don't usually go further...But if I must I run it through word no less than 5 times to make sure it is grammatically sound and nothing is spelled wrong, then I show it to my dog, after that I might write it down in my journal if it is an unusually compelling question, my dog tells me what she thinks.

And then I post it...And decide based on the answers whether I agree or disagree, not much point in asking a question you already answered.

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Sun 12/09/12 09:33 PM

do you already know what your answer would be?

Yes, however, it is very interesting to read others opinions. I have been amazed at some of the opinions on here on certain topics.

an understatement, but yes, I also share that sentiment

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