Topic: Maniac remake with Elijah Wood.
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Wed 11/07/12 12:12 PM
Looks promising. I'm a huge fan of the original- sleazy, gritty, and gory. The remake seems to be in the same vein. Elijah might just turn in a performance that's as creepy as the late Joe Spinell's in the original film.

WARNING: Trailer is graphic.

Trailer for the original:

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Wed 11/07/12 09:56 PM
Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:53 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:55 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

I prefer the hobbit :tongue:

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 01:58 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

I prefer the hobbit :tongue:

Of course, that's the only way you can find men shorter than youbigsmile

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:02 PM

Wow...Elijah used to be such a cute kid.

It's amazing what a 'maniac' he's turned into pitchfork

With this role, and the character he played in Sin City, I think he's showing he can play more than just a hobbit.

I prefer the hobbit :tongue:

Of course, that's the only way you can find men shorter than youbigsmile

Hobbits are SEXXY! drool

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:05 PM
You like the hairy feet.

SimplicityAtItsBest's photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:16 PM

You like the hairy feet.

Yes, hairy webbed feet! :tongue:

no photo
Thu 11/08/12 02:17 PM

You like the hairy feet.

Yes, hairy webbed feet! :tongue:

Hey, whatever floats your boat:tongue:

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 07:12 AM
The first 6 minutes....

no photo
Sun 12/30/12 07:59 AM
He does psychotic well giving his excellent performance in Sin City, I think he'll be good in the Maniac remake.