Topic: Help my daughter just informed me. | |
Alright, I am 37 my oldest daughter is 17. She just informed me late this evening that she is 3 weeks late and not feeling well. I wanted to crawl right out of my skin. She was just accepted into Cal State and OMG! I don't even know what to say. I tried to reply my first words were I love you then How did this happen?????>? I thought she was so responsible... I just recently about 3 months ago put her on birth control. her and the boyfriend have been dating for a little over a year. She was smart and told me they were thinking about having sex so I sat down with her had a long conversation then took her directly to the doctor without passing go. I am in shock! To make matters worse they broke up shortly after I moved. I am taking her to the doctor first thing in the morning. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions?????
Cali, I am so sorry you're going through this but you are handling it right. My only advice is not to panic, there are lots of reasons young girls (and old ones) are late, only one of which is pregnancy. Could be the pill is messing up her cycle, stress, even fear of getting pregnant could make her late. I don't know your beliefs on anything but even if she is, there are options out there, unfortunately, none of them are easy for us women. But with the right help and support, she and you will make it through this, I promise!
If you need to talk, feel free to write me. |
As A Man and Father of a Little Girl First Reaction Grab my Gun and my Bat and go Hunting(for the Ex-Boydriend).
![]() Second Reaction. Dam...Tell her you love her And Hope for the best, at 17 she as near adulthood as she can get.HOPFULLY if she is Pregnant she is ready to be A Mother.....If not there is the Adoption Option.But the Best thing you can do is Support her and Lay the Screws to the Boyfriend. |
Oh ****e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well i remember being 17.....................I also remember the girl who I went to school with who gave up her baby to adoption....mmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm which is better???? Idk...........damn.....I have a15 yr old boy who I am hmmmmmmmmm not allowing to have sex but what evvvvvvvvvvva gaaaaaaaaaaawd I dunnnnnnnnnnn wanna think aboooouut it.........
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Love her, accept it, help her raise it, and be the best nana you can sweetie.
After all it is a part of you. Good luck to you. |
Sounds like a trip to the doc & go from there.
Our task as parents, help them over the rocks of life. You will BOTH handle this, it will bring you closer. Bottom line is your love for eachother. Stuff happens. |
hmmm I have to agree with porcelin........geeeeeeeeeeez gaaaaaaaaaaaaawddddddddddddddd we want so much better for our kids but then they **** up like we did when we were kids.............
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Thanks everyone,
I am not able to sleep this evening as you can. I will be knocking down the Dr.s office door here in just a couple hours. Will keep you all updated. Thanks again for the replys. |
everything will be alright even if she is pregant,
But dont be to hard on her, because you have to think of how hard just telling you she might be was. Then doctor's vist, if she is.......she will be as stressed as you. and aleast she waited till she was almost and adult. my sister was 15 when she had her frist! but good luck! |
Cali Why Wait Hours and Suffer go get a Home test.......
Her life doesn't have to change. She can still go to school and still have a baby. Its going to be hard but trust me it has been done before.
I myself don't believe in abortion, I believe if someone doesn't want to keep a baby, there are so many people out there that can not have babies that would make wonderful parents. There are options out there if she decides not to keep the baby, but it is not impossible to give up her dreams...she can keep the baby and still keep her dreams!! My sister-in-law had a child her senior year, she still graduated. Her dreams still came true and she kept her son, life does go on and trust me, after she sees that baby....she won't think its a mistake!!! I wish you luck and I hope the choices you make are good ones ![]() |
have a conversation with the spirit of the child and apologize. Explain that you will have them later and why. do you think that if a spirit of a child chooses you to come to, you can abort that spirit?? NOOOOOOO.
so abort the embryo, and feel that . and be more careful with the child you carry .... these children come to us no matter thru whom..... some of them have always been with us...always will. this is just something i am sure of. you don't have to be. |
All I can say is do not ever talk about this as a mistake, as it will onyl cause more damage that way.
Also, for those that stated first reaction would be to go for the father? grow up. That reaction right there is one reason why young ladies have such a hard time coming to their parents. ALSO KEEP IN MIND UNLESS IT IS THE RESULT OF A RAPE THEN THE FATHER IS NO MORE TO BLAME THAN THE MOTHER. I'm sorry for the rant, but this usbject is one of my biggest peeves and I really hope to see someday, a young man who is slandered and "assaulted" by the girls family because the girl got pregnant, take the matter into court and file charges. I'm sorry but I am sick and tired of everyone always blaming the young man and not stepping back and agreeing the young lady had as much responsibility. Back to the subject however, again sorry for the rant. What do you do? Go out and get a home pregnancy test for the immedaite concern. No matter what it states set up an appointment with your doctor and follow through. If she is pregnant, do NOT under any cirumstances tell her that she can not both have her child AND finish school and keep her dreams. As it has been said this is very possible, albeit a bit harder. Do not pressure her towards any one decision, in fact do not give your opinion at all on this as it is her choice and her choice alone. And no matter what she chooses, you need to support her every step of the way. Times will be hard, yes but with everyone acting responsibly and respectfully then everything will be all right no matter what happens. |
Cali, we are here to support you both. Need to scream, callme & scream, selective hearing anyway
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We did a home preg test and it came out negative!
my home preggers test was negative and i was preggers. Gee was i surprised when i went for that yearly physical at my job 2 weeks later and was delived that wonderful news of being PREGNANT. Get her to the doctors and really this would be her choice. Ya think?! Either way BIG BIG HUGS!!!!
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good news! - but yes check again just to be sure...
sometimes the worrying can make her feel pretty awful ![]() |
jan 2005 my just turned 16 yr old daughter came to me and said she was pregnant. i was in shock. i cried. i talked to my pastor. i worried. i cried some more. today i have the cutest 2 yr old granddaughter that i love with all my heart and would not take anything ....anything for'll get through this believe me but stand by your daughter. she needs you.
i paid for day care for my daughter to finish high school
at her age, a missed period could be many things. her cycle might not be regular as of yet; she could be over-exercising or under-eating; she may have taken her pills wrong, and messed up her cycle; she might be over-stressed.
find out quickly, and then give her a BIG hug. at three weeks late, a home-test should have picked up on a pregnancy, but occasionally (very small chance) they don't. hey, there are worse things than being a grandmother. |