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Topic: Who would have thought......
Goofball73's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:11 PM
That texting would be so mainstream now? I deal with job recruiters, managers...professional types whom would rather text over making a phone call. And these aren't just random chat calls. They are business calls that go to texting. Now we have video conference calls via Skype. It's like the phone call itself is finding its' way out of existence. Lol. Who would've thought that possible?

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 10/20/12 01:24 PM
I wouldn't have thought it was possible years ago. I remember when we had to answer the phone, before answering machines!

Goofball73's photo
Sat 10/20/12 03:40 PM
And you could prank call and not worry about *69. Lol.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Sat 10/20/12 03:42 PM
Yep. Noone could tell who you were. You could even disguise your voicelaugh

Goofball73's photo
Sat 10/20/12 03:49 PM
Then three way calling came around and two people could prank someone. Lol. We thought we were living large! laugh

no photo
Sat 10/20/12 03:55 PM

Then three way calling came around and two people could prank someone. Lol. We thought we were living large! laugh

*calling Goof.... "This is the POWER Company calling...Is your refrigerator running"?? huh


RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 10/20/12 04:00 PM
I'm still holding out!! No cell phones here!! I got one phone, it's attached to the wall, and that's all I need. I don't like the idea of people being able to "get a hold of me" 24/7.

Goofball73's photo
Sat 10/20/12 06:13 PM

Then three way calling came around and two people could prank someone. Lol. We thought we were living large! laugh

*calling Goof.... "This is the POWER Company calling...Is your refrigerator running"?? huh


When I was a kid, I used to answer the phone with this....

(Ring, ring)

Me: "Joe's eat and get gas. May I help you"?

Person who called: "Ummmmmm......who"?

RoamingOrator's photo
Sat 10/20/12 06:40 PM
When I was a kid and had rotary phones, we could call downstairs from upstairs by dialing "7722" and then slamming the phone down real quick.

Mom hated it when we did that.

seamac's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:02 PM

I'm still holding out!! No cell phones here!! I got one phone, it's attached to the wall, and that's all I need. I don't like the idea of people being able to "get a hold of me" 24/7.

I'm some what of a hold out too, I have a cell but don't know the number or how to use any of the features except to make a call, only charge it if I am traveling. I have two phones, one portable that I can't imagine being without, one by bed tethered to the wall, the ringer is blessedly broken so it can't wake me up with pesky calls from work on my days off.

When I was a kid we could dial 411 for the EXACT time and ??? for the weather...anyone remember that one?

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:06 PM

That texting would be so mainstream now? I deal with job recruiters, managers...professional types whom would rather text over making a phone call. And these aren't just random chat calls. They are business calls that go to texting. Now we have video conference calls via Skype. It's like the phone call itself is finding its' way out of existence. Lol. Who would've thought that possible?

it rids alot of the awkward silences when speaking is not expected,,lol

just saying

seamac's photo
Sun 10/21/12 03:28 PM
Like so many other things texting has it down sides too. I find it very disconcerting when friends/family are together but texting instead of talking. I have heard stories though when texting seems to break through the barrier between teens and parents, siblings who are fighting...I have also heard it said that if texting had come before phones we would all be calling like crazy.

Can we all just stop texting while driving!!!!

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:06 PM

Like so many other things texting has it down sides too. I find it very disconcerting when friends/family are together but texting instead of talking. I have heard stories though when texting seems to break through the barrier between teens and parents, siblings who are fighting...I have also heard it said that if texting had come before phones we would all be calling like crazy.

Can we all just stop texting while driving!!!!

I text to my son because I dont want him tyring to answer a phone while driving. He doesnt pick up texts so quickly. I talk to my mom and other adults.

I text at home because its a bi level and I dont always want to scream and screaming often makes people think something is urgent when it isnt

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:14 PM
It's not just texting. My android has become my link to the world. I'm using the wyfi hotspot now. Smart phones and the internet will change everything. In five years both radio and TV will not be around as we know it. Everything will be available online, on demand.

It's an exciting time.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:16 PM
I'm a texting whore. I love it. However, one draw back to texting is the "text speak". I have read reseacrh papers that use "text speak". Instead or writing out the word "are", people would just use "R' in place of it. Lol. I swear....our society is so lazy that we don't want to write out words anymore. laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:20 PM
it would not bother me if cell phones and texting disappeared for one on one communication to make a come back

but its part of the culture that now surrounds me,,

no photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:29 PM
I despise texting.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:36 PM
Texting is awesome. You can have a really sexy conversation in a room full of people.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 10/21/12 04:38 PM

Texting is awesome. You can have a really sexy conversation in a room full of people.

Just gotta hide that erection and sadly, smartphones just don't do well as covers over your penis. :tongue: laugh

navygirl's photo
Sun 10/21/12 05:11 PM

Like so many other things texting has it down sides too. I find it very disconcerting when friends/family are together but texting instead of talking. I have heard stories though when texting seems to break through the barrier between teens and parents, siblings who are fighting...I have also heard it said that if texting had come before phones we would all be calling like crazy.

Can we all just stop texting while driving!!!!

I have a cell but only use for emergency. I might send one text every 6 months but never while driving. Its against the law here to even use a cell phone while driving; never mind texting. Will get you a $250.00 fine. We just recently had a girl drive into a cop car while texting; needless to say she will pay for that dearly. LOL

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