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Topic: Is it a sin?
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Thu 09/27/12 09:09 AM

hmmm, not sure exactly how to respond to this. Can't say as if I ever heard of anyone that has had a wet dream that God was part of... :/

Cowboy..the question doesn't require you to have information about the wet dreams of others, if anything it questions your God's magnificence,if any

so again "for the fifth time" why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" spill their seed

aye, a better question is. Why would they? People have "wet dreams" because in their dream they are dreaming about something sexual eg., wet "dreams".

nope, I like the question that I've asked because I's a Perry Mason moment and shows how you are willing to sacrifice your God's magnificence and throw him under the bus to keep from admitting that you are wrong

so again Cowboy "for the sixth time"...why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" spill their seed

Again, why would they? Why would someone have anything sexual on their mind when thinking/dreaming about God?

did you forget that you posted that a believer has no control over their dreams...

now that I've answered your question perhaps you will "finally" stop deflecting and answer the question I'm about to posed to you again "for the seventh time"

why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" blow their load to the ground

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/27/12 10:21 AM

hmmm, not sure exactly how to respond to this. Can't say as if I ever heard of anyone that has had a wet dream that God was part of... :/

Cowboy..the question doesn't require you to have information about the wet dreams of others, if anything it questions your God's magnificence,if any

so again "for the fifth time" why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" spill their seed

aye, a better question is. Why would they? People have "wet dreams" because in their dream they are dreaming about something sexual eg., wet "dreams".

nope, I like the question that I've asked because I's a Perry Mason moment and shows how you are willing to sacrifice your God's magnificence and throw him under the bus to keep from admitting that you are wrong

so again Cowboy "for the sixth time"...why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" spill their seed

Again, why would they? Why would someone have anything sexual on their mind when thinking/dreaming about God?

did you forget that you posted that a believer has no control over their dreams...

now that I've answered your question perhaps you will "finally" stop deflecting and answer the question I'm about to posed to you again "for the seventh time"

why wouldn't a believer experiencing God in their dream "not" blow their load to the ground

I did answer. I never said someone could control their dreams. But again, if someone is dreaming of God, why would they be sexually stimulated in their sleep to ejaculate while sleeping?

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Thu 09/27/12 04:14 PM

I did answer. I never said someone could control their dreams. But again, if someone is dreaming of God, why would they be sexually stimulated in their sleep to ejaculate while sleeping?

Cowboy,I knew that if I kept God in the equation that sooner or later you would get around to admitting that wet dreams are a result of being "sexually stimulated".....

sexually simulation is due to "lust" ...and lust is a sin ..and therefore so are wet dreams

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/27/12 06:22 PM

I did answer. I never said someone could control their dreams. But again, if someone is dreaming of God, why would they be sexually stimulated in their sleep to ejaculate while sleeping?

Cowboy,I knew that if I kept God in the equation that sooner or later you would get around to admitting that wet dreams are a result of being "sexually stimulated".....

sexually simulation is due to "lust" ...and lust is a sin ..and therefore so are wet dreams

Aye, very good. But you do not have control over what dreams you have. So regardless if they are brought on by lust or not, them happening and what happens in them are not consciously brought on by you and therefore you could not be held accountable for them.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/27/12 06:32 PM

I did answer. I never said someone could control their dreams. But again, if someone is dreaming of God, why would they be sexually stimulated in their sleep to ejaculate while sleeping?

Cowboy,I knew that if I kept God in the equation that sooner or later you would get around to admitting that wet dreams are a result of being "sexually stimulated".....

sexually simulation is due to "lust" ...and lust is a sin ..and therefore so are wet dreams

Aye, very good. But you do not have control over what dreams you have. So regardless if they are brought on by lust or not, them happening and what happens in them are not consciously brought on by you and therefore you could not be held accountable for them.

You have as much control over what you dream about as you do if your neighbor kills someone or not. So therefor, with the logic of wet dreams being sinful, your neighbor killing someone would be your sin as well.

Now how is that righteous?

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Thu 09/27/12 08:01 PM

Aye, very good. But you do not have control over what dreams you have. So regardless if they are brought on by lust or not, them happening and what happens in them are not consciously brought on by you and therefore you could not be held accountable for them.

"Lust" doesn't stop being a sin because a believer falls asleep ..or fake sleep

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 09/27/12 08:02 PM

Aye, very good. But you do not have control over what dreams you have. So regardless if they are brought on by lust or not, them happening and what happens in them are not consciously brought on by you and therefore you could not be held accountable for them.

"Lust" doesn't stop being a sin because a believer falls asleep ..or fake sleep

aye, but it is not specifically that person lusting over such and such. They are not having control over the thoughts/dreams that are going on. So therefore again could not be held accountable.

no photo
Fri 09/28/12 05:29 AM

aye, but it is not specifically that person lusting over such and such. They are not having control over the thoughts/dreams that are going on. So therefore again could not be held accountable.

believers are required to surrender their mind body and soul to Jesus so he can use it for his glory ...this is why Jesus would be accountable for the wet dreams of believers

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 06:16 AM

aye, but it is not specifically that person lusting over such and such. They are not having control over the thoughts/dreams that are going on. So therefore again could not be held accountable.

believers are required to surrender their mind body and soul to Jesus so he can use it for his glory ...this is why Jesus would be accountable for the wet dreams of believers

It is true that we are to surrender everything to Jesus. But again, the dreams are not controlled by the person, it is not a choice. Doesn't matter if they are a person that completely lives for God and does nothing for themselves nor do they think of anything just for themselves, only gives all their time and attention to God.

Answer me this, and it will settle this completely.

How could one righteously be judged as turning away from God because of some dream they had that they had absolutely and completely no choice in having?

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 06:21 AM

aye, but it is not specifically that person lusting over such and such. They are not having control over the thoughts/dreams that are going on. So therefore again could not be held accountable.

believers are required to surrender their mind body and soul to Jesus so he can use it for his glory ...this is why Jesus would be accountable for the wet dreams of believers

It is true that we are to surrender everything to Jesus. But again, the dreams are not controlled by the person, it is not a choice. Doesn't matter if they are a person that completely lives for God and does nothing for themselves nor do they think of anything just for themselves, only gives all their time and attention to God.

Answer me this, and it will settle this completely.

How could one righteously be judged as turning away from God because of some dream they had that they had absolutely and completely no choice in having?

believers are required to surrender their mind body and soul to Jesus so he can use it for his glory

And also, why do you speak as if we are under whips and chains and forced? We obey because we choose to, because we want to. Not because we have been threatened into doing as such. We don't obey/worship out of fear or anything of such. One can not "worship" under fear.

Worship - reverence offered a divine being or supernatural power; also : an act of expressing such reverence

and just to make sure there's no misunderstanding.

Reverence - honor or respect felt or shown

We worship to uplift God and to please him because we choose to show that respect.

no photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:23 AM

It is true that we are to surrender everything to Jesus. But again, the dreams are not controlled by the person,

but since you have surrendered your mind body and soul, all dreams including the wet ones are now in the hands (no pun intended) of Jesus...Jesus is accountable for the wet Dreams of believers

Answer me this, and it will settle this completely.

ok, I know you are a believer, but clearly even you don't believe that

How could one righteously be judged as turning away from God because of some dream they had that they had absolutely and completely no choice in having?

did God not hand down knowledge written in the bible in the Dreams of those that had "no choice" but to have them..and if they turn away from that dream or ignore that Dream by claiming that they should not be held accountable....how should they be judge

this is why when a believer has a wet dream they have sinned and should ask God for forgiveness instead of making excuses that they are not accountable

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 08:45 AM
Edited by CowboyGH on Fri 09/28/12 08:46 AM

It is true that we are to surrender everything to Jesus. But again, the dreams are not controlled by the person,

but since you have surrendered your mind body and soul, all dreams including the wet ones are now in the hands (no pun intended) of Jesus...Jesus is accountable for the wet Dreams of believers

Answer me this, and it will settle this completely.

ok, I know you are a believer, but clearly even you don't believe that

How could one righteously be judged as turning away from God because of some dream they had that they had absolutely and completely no choice in having?

did God not hand down knowledge written in the bible in the Dreams of those that had "no choice" but to have them..and if they turn away from that dream or ignore that Dream by claiming that they should not be held accountable....how should they be judge

this is why when a believer has a wet dream they have sinned and should ask God for forgiveness instead of making excuses that they are not accountable

but since you have surrendered your mind body and soul, all dreams including the wet ones are now in the hands (no pun intended) of Jesus...Jesus is accountable for the wet Dreams of believers

Just once again you take what words meaning out of context. Giving the lord your mind, soul, and body does not mean he now literally controls them. That means you have given the time and effort out of those to praise and worship him. Which again, you have no control over what you dream about, therefore are not accountable for what might happen in your dreams.

did God not hand down knowledge written in the bible in the Dreams of those that had "no choice" but to have them..and if they turn away from that dream or ignore that Dream by claiming that they should not be held accountable....how should they be judge

this is why when a believer has a wet dream they have sinned and should ask God for forgiveness instead of making excuses that they are not accountable

Ask God for forgiveness of what? It is not something they did, so why would one ask for forgiveness of it? That makes again about as much sense as asking for forgiveness for you for something someone else did. Unless you're going to say person A should go to prison for something person B did without any influence from you. Keep in mind person A does not even know person B.

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Fri 09/28/12 09:23 AM
Just once again you take what words meaning out of context. Giving the lord your mind, soul, and body does not mean he now literally controls them.

since it's a biblical fact that God enters the dreams of believers that have surrendered upon him...then he literally have control

simply use your "Free Will" to stop him

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 09:38 AM

Just once again you take what words meaning out of context. Giving the lord your mind, soul, and body does not mean he now literally controls them.

since it's a biblical fact that God enters the dreams of believers that have surrendered upon him...then he literally have control

simply use your "Free Will" to stop him

How does that mean he literally has control? He's not making the person? He has not possessed that person. He came to them in a form of a dream, that is not forcing the person to do something or restricting the person from doing something, therefore no free will is taken away. Your dreams do not lay in the category of "free will". You do not choose what to dream of or what not to dream of, or again to dream at all.

And has God came to someone in a dream that refused him and or just didn't believe in him? If so, please let us know and where you got your information.

no photo
Fri 09/28/12 09:52 AM

And has God came to someone in a dream that refused him and or just didn't believe in him? If so, please let us know and where you got your information.

if you notice my posts,they refer to "believers only" as host to God's and Satan's influences pertaining to Dreams

God's magnificence and Satan's temptuous ways during a believer's dream state cause them to spill their seed to the ground

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 09:56 AM

And has God came to someone in a dream that refused him and or just didn't believe in him? If so, please let us know and where you got your information.

if you notice my posts,they refer to "believers only" as host to God's and Satan's influences pertaining to Dreams

God's magnificence and Satan's temptuous ways during a believer's dream state cause them to spill their seed to the ground

And how many times have you woke up after dreaming about God and notice that you spilt your seed in your sleep? Or how many people do you know this has happened to? And possibly some detail on the dream would be interesting.

no photo
Fri 09/28/12 10:21 AM
Edited by funches on Fri 09/28/12 10:22 AM

And has God came to someone in a dream that refused him and or just didn't believe in him? If so, please let us know and where you got your information.

if you notice my posts,they refer to "believers only" as host to God's and Satan's influences pertaining to Dreams

God's magnificence and Satan's temptuous ways during a believer's dream state cause them to spill their seed to the ground

And how many times have you woke up after dreaming about God and notice that you spilt your seed in your sleep? Or how many people do you know this has happened to? And possibly some detail on the dream would be interesting.

stay focus Cowboy... my posts make references to "believers only"

Jesus only use the surrendered mind body and soul of his believers for his glory...it sort of places a new spin on what glory is

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 10:32 AM

And has God came to someone in a dream that refused him and or just didn't believe in him? If so, please let us know and where you got your information.

if you notice my posts,they refer to "believers only" as host to God's and Satan's influences pertaining to Dreams

God's magnificence and Satan's temptuous ways during a believer's dream state cause them to spill their seed to the ground

And how many times have you woke up after dreaming about God and notice that you spilt your seed in your sleep? Or how many people do you know this has happened to? And possibly some detail on the dream would be interesting.

stay focus Cowboy... my posts make references to "believers only"

Jesus only use the surrendered mind body and soul of his believers for his glory...it sort of places a new spin on what glory is

No funches lol. When Jesus spoke, he didn't just speak to believers. Just believers are the ones that put merit to what he said. Being a believer doesn't make us a new species, or seclude us from the rest of the population lol. Just again, we are the ones that put merit to what was said and believe it to be true.

no photo
Fri 09/28/12 11:01 AM

No funches lol. When Jesus spoke, he didn't just speak to believers. Just believers are the ones that put merit to what he said. Being a believer doesn't make us a new species, or seclude us from the rest of the population lol. Just again, we are the ones that put merit to what was said and believe it to be true.

the same can be said about Hitler when he spoke to his Nazis, but since the topic pertains to sin, it can only refer to "believers" since they are the ones that give merit to sin

CowboyGH's photo
Fri 09/28/12 11:08 AM

No funches lol. When Jesus spoke, he didn't just speak to believers. Just believers are the ones that put merit to what he said. Being a believer doesn't make us a new species, or seclude us from the rest of the population lol. Just again, we are the ones that put merit to what was said and believe it to be true.

the same can be said about Hitler when he spoke to his Nazis, but since the topic pertains to sin, it can only refer to "believers" since they are the ones that give merit to sin

No, what is a sin for me is a sin for you or anyone else in the world. Just because people choose not to believe in this "law", does not make them immune to the consequence.

The word sin means - sin, transgression, trespass, offense

So even just breaking man's law is a "sin". "Sin" does not only pertain to God, as in that word isn't just denoted to explaining about God specifically.

Just in our society in this day and age, that word is not generally used but when speaking about God.

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