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Topic: US Embassy In Yemen Under Attack!
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Sun 09/16/12 02:47 PM

Yemen, Egypt, Libya...


the sudan

what kind of God would sanction that kind of terrorism and retribution and violence

certainly not one I would ever worship

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/16/12 10:47 PM
When I think of Obama's foreign policies I think of the phrase "If you always do what you've always dont you'll always get what you always got"

Obama's policies of trying to be friend's with the terrorists and being sensative feelings do not work. Carter tried that and it backfired with Iran, Reagan had to save his a$$. Clinton tried it and the Taliban took control of a country and AQ because a serious threat when they were nothing before his Presidency. They hit us how many times? WTC, EMbassies, Cole and he still made excuses and didn't do what he had to do so he left it in President Bush's lap.

The Democrats head in the sand policy DOES not work.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/16/12 10:53 PM
Hell, I remember (granted I was just a kid but I still remember it) the Iran Contra affiar, when they found our Reagan was coming into office they did EVERYTHING they could to give us our people back because they knew what would happen. Also when Iran got into a di#$ measuring contest with the Reagan Administration and they unleashed Operation Praying Mantis. We put them down in less then 24 hours and had them running scared.

We were a force to be feared if we were messed with. Now Obama's making us a force to be laughed at and it makes me SICK.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 09/16/12 10:54 PM
Saddam wanted to go nuts and get into a diC$ easuring contest with the Bush Administration and we unleashed the Gulf War and put him in check again. He wanted to get froggy with George Bush Jr. again we showed him who was boss and took him out of power within days. That is saying something right there.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/17/12 03:07 AM
Also under Barry's I don't want to say leadership because he doesn't lead or deserve hat respect, so under is guidance we also lost a valuable ally in the Middle Ease with Eqypt. They were a good partner but nope he let the Muslim Brotherhood take control and we have seen the drastic things that has happened so far.

This is almost exactly like Carter and his cowardace to stand up to the nut job Iranians who revolted. They both cost US allys and made serious blunders that hurt the US and her interested world wide.

Change you can't believe in!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/17/12 12:56 PM
Now the Libyan President is basically saying Obama doesn't know what he is talking about! rofl

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