Topic: Untitled | |
I sit at the edge of the boat
and look into the distant sky i see nothing but darkness everywhere suddenly i see a ray of hope a beautiful angel in a white gown from the heavens she comes down all i do is to look at her and she shimmered like a million rubies and her hair glittered like a million stars i fell in love with her and so did she with me and at that moment i become enlightened my life at once becomes brightened but as i see her she fades away and in my arms she lay i watched her die in my arms and i couldnt do anything to bring her back i cried all day and night as why i let her die without a fight she was all i had and i let her slip away all her fault was that she loved me she was the biggest blessing god ever gave me Alas she is dead and so am i and just living enough to tell my tale now i rest in peace with my beloved just alive to tell my tale the earth watches us meet and the sky bows down before us to greet hope everyone likes it this is my heart carved out in the form of a poem please help me name it too |
looks like its not good :(
my heart carved out in a poem.... harsh...noone is saying that but you. i'm here and its a lovely read. teasingbrunette |
Things take time, look up not down,
Your writes are deep, well done. |
its a poem of us all not mine alone its by all us who write and share their poems here so can we make it a joint poem by all of us and make changes as all think best and also name which we all agree upon
Sweet Harsh. I speak for only myself. I am too busy to critique your work. There are websites you can go to, post & have your poetry seen. Poets may critique or not, depending on their workload They also teach form etc Message me if you want to know more.
i dnt know if i can match up with them or will they even agree to teach me but im happy if you all liked what i wrote